Chapter 948

On the second day, a large number of people were already standing outside the north gate.

They stood on the left and right, and there was a road in the middle.

At the end of the road there were fifty people kneeling, the leader was Shang Nang, and the other fifty people were his generals. They knelt with despair on their faces.They will be judged today.And behead them for public display.For these captives, Li Chengqian has his own way of making decisions.Li Shimin's consent is not required.

The common people started discussing below.

"These Tubo people dared to invade my Tang Dynasty, and now they are going to die! What a retribution!"

"Yes, these people should die! Only then can I comfort the people of Tang Dynasty."

"His Royal Highness will use them as sacrifices, and the next battle will surely win!"

"His Royal Highness has not come out yet."

"Of course, the sky has just dawned, and it's not time yet. If the time comes, they will come out naturally."


The people discussed everything about Tubo and Li Chengqian.

After these people waited for a while, someone shouted.

"It's His Royal Highness, they have come out!"

Facing the direction the man pointed, he saw Li Chengqian coming out with [-] Tang cavalry.

These soldiers are full of energy and high spirits.

It makes people feel a sense of fighting spirit.

Someone recognized the people behind Li Chengqian.

"That's Su Lie, the legendary hero who resisted the Turks! Such a great hero is as famous as Xue Rengui. I didn't expect His Royal Highness to recruit these two at the same time. To fight to assist the Great Tang. This is the great fortune of the Great Tang."

Su Lie and Xue Rengui are very famous.Even surpassed Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde in a short period of time.At the same time, Qin Qiong's reputation reached its peak during this period of time.Li Chengqian did not bring Qin Qiong out.As a hero of the older generation.On the issue of resisting Turks, Qin Qiong's reputation is also extremely high.

"Beside him seems to be an existence named Wang Xuance."

"There is also the rear, the son of General Cheng, who is indeed heroic!"


Everything people could say, they added to the discussion.Regardless of whether it is true or not, it can be used as something for people to talk about after dinner.It's all fun, and they love hearing all about the heroes.Li Chengqian also allowed it, after all, this would increase the prestige of his army among the people.So as to make the hearts of the people you get more pure.

Yesterday, we were still under the control of Tubo, we had no freedom, but now it is different.Can talk about everything calmly.

People yelled frantically, His Royal Highness, hard work!If necessary, we will fight for you!

Passion for these people.Li Chengqian nodded in response.

His behavior therefore caused the crowd to shout wildly.The treatment he received was not less than that of today's current traffic stars, and even reached the level of tens of thousands of people.

Li Chengqian and others continued to move forward.

By the time he reached Shang Nang, an executioner had already prepared a big knife.

These knives were sharpened yesterday and are very sharp.

Make sure you don't cause them any pain.

Li Chengqian walked up to Shang Nang.

At this time, Shang Nang had already lost his temper.

Now he also lost any vitality.

Because he couldn't survive.

"Shang Nang, your death will boost the morale of this king's expedition, you should feel proud!"

If you are still silent, there is nothing to say when you are about to die.

"Tell me, what last wish do you have, maybe, I can fulfill it for you, for example, tell your friends, or Songtsan Gampo?"

"Can you spare my life?"

Shang Nang said so.

"Hahaha, what do you think?"

Knowing it was impossible, he still asked.

This bag is really depressing.


"I have nothing to say, right? Well, come here! Execution!"

Li Chengqian stepped aside.

Then the executioner brandished a sharp knife.

Seeing that Shang Nang was about to die, the people around felt excited.

These people are heinous and it is right to let them die.

Then, the executioner swung his big knife and chopped off Shang Nang and the others' heads. When the knife fell, fifty or so corpses fell to the ground.

After that, someone hung their heads on the city wall.

At the same time, it attracted bursts of applause from the people.

"Good! Good!"

And the cheers from the people continued for a long time, until Li Chengqian ordered everyone to be quiet.

At this time, he said: "All the people in Hezhou City, this king will go to Shancheng to drive the Tubo people out of our land of Tang Dynasty! At this time, Hezhou City will be in a deficit."

As soon as his words came out, everyone was a little shocked.

then what should we do?

If there is another Tubo army coming, then there is no force in Hezhou that can resist.

Li Chengqian had already thought about this point.

So he said again: "Everyone be quiet, this king also has a solution. At this time, this king has already notified Chang'an to let Lu Guogong bring an army to come. Within five days, there will definitely be an army to help. Don't worry!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent.

Then, he said again: "Du Gou, Bao Lin, you two come here!"


The two followed Li Chengqian.

"These two, one is the son of Yuchi Jingde, and the other is the son of the Duke of Lai. They are young heroes who will govern Hezhou City within five days. I hope you can listen to their words, and I will also Leave [-] troops to protect Hezhou, and all you have to do is support, if you don't support, they will be instructed to expel those who don't support!"

Li Chengqian's words left no room for negotiation.

People didn't seem to feel anything wrong when they heard it.

"We listen to His Royal Highness!"

"Yes, we will do whatever His Royal Highness asks us to do!"

Everyone shouted wildly.

Li Chengqian nodded, and said to the two of them: "You two must guard Hezhou well. If there are enemies coming, don't love to fight, and use defense as an attack. If the enemy is pressing, just bombard them to death with cannons, and this king will kill you." A hundred cannons stay here!"

When Li Chengqian said this, Du Gou said, "Then what should you do?"

Without cannons, it is equivalent to having no offensive weapons, so what should Li Chengqian and the others do?
But Cheng Chumo came out and said: "You are stupid, His Royal Highness dared to do this, there must be his reasons, if you don't understand, don't ask, understand?"

Du Gou was speechless and could only answer yes.

"Okay, let's go now!"

After he was done, he waved his hand, and everyone followed him to the location of Shancheng.

This time, he only took away 4 people. As for 1 people, he may have arrangements in the future, but not now.

And the people also followed them, and they followed them ten miles away before gradually receding.

This feeling of being supported by all people made Li Chengqian feel very gratified.

(End of this chapter)

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