God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 949? A Little Difficult

Chapter 949 A Little Difficult

Forty thousand Tang cavalry headed for Shancheng.

This time I went to many highlands and mountains, so what Su Lie said was correct, because this time I went there, the people were fine, and the altitude sickness was only slight, because Li Chengqian had a plan and prepared in advance, but some horses were affected. No, they cannot adapt to this environment.

Therefore, the speed of this trip is not fast.

Li Chengqian thought about using the magic hand to rejuvenate, but he only used it once before, and the cooling time has not yet expired.And anxious, there is no use at all, but the current situation is too urgent, so the only thing to do is wait.

If I knew it earlier, I would have obtained the war horse from Hezhou City, but I didn't know so much about this trip.

At this time, Su Lie caught up with Li Chengqian.

Said: "His Royal Highness, this trip to Shancheng may take a day and a half. If we hurry and rest, we will arrive at least around noon tomorrow."

This is a relatively conservative view.

"Oh? How is the horse now?"

Li Chengqian also knew that these war horses were not suitable for fighting on the plateau, because they had never been out of Chang'an since they were born, and this time they were really sad.

The previous trip to Hezhou did not have any impact on them, because Hezhou is located in a relatively low-lying location, but the trip to Shancheng became more and more obvious.

Therefore, people are concerned about when to arrive in Shancheng.

"They have adapted a bit, but their speed is still not fast. They have to take a rest after walking a few miles. It will take a while before they can continue walking, so it will take more time to reach Shancheng."

It turned out to be the case.

If this is the case, it can't be fast.It would be great if there was a train, it would be faster, if you want to control this place, there will be one in the future!It must also be there, otherwise the subjugation is only temporary, and if it cannot be effectively controlled, it will cause rebellion.

"If this is the case, it is indeed a major event, but there is no way to do it. If we cannot arrive at Shancheng by this afternoon, we would rather arrive tomorrow morning, so that the soldiers can take a good rest."


Li Chengqian looked into the distance, and at this moment, the spirit of spring gradually appeared.

The weather is also getting warmer.

Su Lie went down to convey the order.

They traveled all the way to the northwest, and there was no shortcut between Shancheng and Hezhou. The terrain they had to pass was almost dominated by high mountains, with very few plains, and the places they went were basically uninhabited.

From time to time, you will encounter ferocious wild animals such as wolves.

But these ferocious wild animals are looking for death when they encounter the Tang cavalry.

Just now they killed a litter of wolves, probably nearly a hundred of them.

These wolves are slaughtered and eaten as lunch.

Wolf meat and double dog meat are rougher, because they often exercise, so the meat quality is quite good.As long as it is cooked properly, it is still delicious in the world.

And they also eat with some deer and so on, and the life is not bad.

The larger the number of people, the greater the demand for food. Fortunately, there are many animals that eat in the mountains. Therefore, these soldiers will not be hungry. Even if they don't have these things, they have brought their own dry food.

"Rest, everyone rest!"

The crowd walked for more than two hours, and the horses couldn't move anymore, so Su Lie gave an order for everyone to rest.

At the same time, someone set up a tent for Li Chengqian, Su Lie, Wang Xuance and others to discuss the next plan together.

Because the arrival time has changed, the probability of their exposure has increased, and the combat strategy has also changed.

Li Chengqian said: "It's almost evening now. After half an hour's rest, we will set up camp after another hour's walk! Everyone, rest well! Tomorrow 9 will be another big battle at the same time!"

Li Chengqian said so.

Everyone should be.

"His Royal Highness, have you hidden the Zhenguan Cannon near here?"

Fang Yi directly asked.

Cheng Chumo said, "Yi Zhi, His Highness the Crown Prince has his own judgment, we only need to command and fight, and let the Crown Prince handle other matters."

Like his father, Cheng Chumo believed in Li Chengqian unconditionally, and believed that he would lead everyone to victory, as long as they did their job well.

But Fang Yizhi said: "I am also worried, if there is news about Zhenguan Magic Cannon, we will feel at ease."

"That's right..."

Everyone focused their eyes on Li Chengqian.

Li Chengqian was puzzled, and said with a smile: "As for the matter of the Zhenguan magic cannon, you can rest assured that it is twenty miles away from Shancheng, and this king has already arranged it. You don't have to worry, as this king is doing things, you can rest assured!"

He said so.

Everyone was relieved.

This is Li Chengqian's rare guarantee, and everyone believed it.

Last time, Su Lie and the others had seen how powerful Li Chengqian was.

"Twenty miles away, that's just right, it's too high, His Highness is really a genius! He has already calculated the location. Transport these things there!"

Wang Xuance said.

Li Chengqian wanted to say that it was natural, that he could find cannons wherever he wanted.As long as he wants, he can do it now!
It's best to be twenty miles away, so that he doesn't have to transport it. As for whether he will leave more cannons after occupying Shancheng, that's another matter.

"Okay, let's not talk about these things, let's talk about our opponents."

Li Chengqian said so.

At this time, Su Lie stepped forward and said: "As far as I know, the one who occupies Shancheng is Songtsan Gampo's uncle, Lun Keer. This man is full of tricks! It is rumored that he was responsible for the change of Dafeichuan." Planned!"

How could Songtsan Gampo, who had just taken office not long ago, think of occupying Dafeichuan, there must be some expert advice, and Lun Keer must be one of them.

And the forces behind Songtsan Gampo's appointment as Zanpu must not be weak, so Lun Keer's strength must be much higher than that of the so-called Prime Minister of Tubo.

"This should be difficult to deal with on Cole!"

Li Chengqian murmured.

But Cheng Chumo said: "All powerful enemies are chickens and dogs in front of His Royal Highness."

"Okay, stop flattering, although it sounds good, but these are not nutritious things."

Li Chengqian said so directly, which made Cheng Chumo feel a little embarrassed.

"It's hard to deal with. This person has a lot of tricks. This time, we have to be careful."

"All tricks will be in vain in front of my Zhenguan God Cannon!"

Li Chengqian said quite proudly.

He is not wrong, because they are so powerful that no one can match them.

While everyone was chatting, suddenly there was the sound of charging and killing from a distance, followed by soldiers reporting.

"It's not good, we encountered an enemy attack!"

Encountered enemy attack?

Li Chengqian laughed, there are really some people who are not afraid of being listed, and dare to attack him!
Well, let's play with them.

(End of this chapter)

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