Chapter 951 Strong push
After only a burst of gunfire, there were 2 losses.

Bei Mingjie said that he was unwilling to believe everything in front of him.

Because this has completely exceeded his expectations.


In his opinion, this is impossible.

The performance of the Tang iron cavalry as if by divine assistance made all the Tubo people stop, and they dared not take a step forward any more.

Once you move forward, there is only death.

"Beminger, weren't you crazy just now? Now? You failed!"

Li Chengqian shouted.

Beminger wasn't listening at all.

Just muttered: "I must be dreaming! How is this possible? Impossible! I have not failed!"

"Hahaha! Don't deceive yourself, defeat is defeat. How many people do you have, how many will this king kill!"

How powerful is a seemingly ordinary stick.

"Wizard, you must be wizards, you will be punished by God!"

Bei Mingjie suddenly said that everything that cannot be explained can only be called a wizard or a miracle. Obviously, he thinks that Li Chengqian cannot be a miracle, so he calls it a wizard.

"Really? Say whatever you want, no matter what, you can't leave today!"

Li Chengqian turned and said fiercely.

He wanted to kill them, they were the food delivered to his door, there was no reason why he might as well kill them!

"Su Lie, Wang Xuance!"


"Kill them all! Don't show mercy!"


With this order, the Tang cavalry began to pick up their muskets, aimed at the Tubo people, and kept shooting.

Bei Mingjie had fought battles before, and immediately shouted: "Shields, stand up the shields, and shoot them to death with bows and arrows!"

In this way, everyone realized that they still had infantry and archers.

Standing upright, the attack effect becomes smaller.

"His Royal Highness! This subordinate feels that the shields of these Tibetans are made of strong materials, and our bullets may not be able to pierce them!"

Su Lie said so.

If there is a cannon at this time, no matter how the opponent defends, it is a joke.Even if they hid behind a rock, the Tang cavalry would have a way to flatten the rock!

But not now, the cannon is still hundreds of miles away, and they have no way to get it.

Everyone was in a hurry and stopped attacking. At this time, bullets are going out to waste. Some meaningless attacks should be minimized.

But Li Chengqian said:
"Don't worry, attack it!"

storm?People are dumbfounded after hearing this, what should they really do?


"It's not necessary, it's right to listen to this king!"

Li Chengqian expressed his composure, as if he had a chance of winning.

Su Lie didn't say anything.

Instead ordered.

"Come on, get your bullets ready! Attack!"

He complied with Li Chengqian's wishes.


The cavalry of the Tang Dynasty can only obey absolutely. Whatever the order from the top, the bottom will do it.

This is the strong soldier Li Chengqian trained.

Then, everyone gets ready.

The current musket can fire five bullets in a row. If 4 people fire at the same time, no matter how strong your defense is or how airtight it is, there will always be some gaps, even if it is a little gap, as long as you let one kill The embankment burst, and what followed was a storm of shooting.

As for the Tibetans led by Bei Mingjie, they were also well prepared, especially the archers in the rear, who were also full of bows and arrows at this time, preparing to launch a strong attack on the Tang cavalry.

And the equipment on the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty is all soft armor. This kind of soft armor is relatively less afraid of bows and arrows. It is impossible to completely prevent it, but it can resist [-] to [-]%, which is also very good. up.

Sometimes it may be lower, after all, no one knows where the bow and arrow will appear from.


Before that, Li Chengqian had to defeat the enemy quickly so as not to cause losses to his own people, so he quickly gave the order, before Bei Mingjie gave the order.

Then, the soldiers of Datang Iron Cavalry directly pulled the trigger.

bang bang bang...

Intensive gunfire rang out.

The bullet passed through the gap between the shield and the shield.

It directly hit some Tubo soldiers.

They fell to the ground because of this, because the absence of these people made the originally solid defense unnecessary.

At the same time, the muskets behind were fired.

At this time, Bei Mingjie seemed to be desperate and ordered directly.

"Let the arrows, let the arrows!"

The Tubo people insisted on the last stubbornness, and really released their bows and arrows.If they don't fight, it won't be safe, so it's better to fight hard, maybe there will be a turning point.

At the same time, there are also bullets from the Tang cavalry.

bang bang

The attacks of both sides were almost in place at the same time. The bow and arrow fell on the body of the Tang cavalry, and at the same time the bullets also shot at the archer.

Two-thirds of the [-] bows and arrows were directly hung up by these muskets.

There is still a third who dare to stay here, they just run away.

I can't stay here any longer.

The bows and arrows hit many soldiers of the Tang cavalry, causing them to suffer a small loss, but this loss was bearable.

About a few hundred people were seriously injured, nearly a thousand people were slightly injured, and nearly a hundred people died.

The total number of casualties added up to less than one-twentieth, this loss is expected!

Compared with the death rate of the Tubo people, the loss of the Tang cavalry is almost negligible.

They had more than a third before their losses.Terrible, really terrible!
This is Li Chengqian's tactic. If he runs now, he will die even worse with guerrilla warfare.

Therefore, he would rather sacrifice some lives in exchange for absolute victory.

He made the right bet and won big.

In this battle, countless Tibetans were killed or injured.

"No! Impossible!"

Beminger growled.

His men began to flee in all directions.

Nobody fights for him anymore.It's not necessary either.

In such an unequal war, the only one left is death!
But at this time, he became alone.

Cheng Chumo shouted: "Come on, who will catch Bei Mingjie together with me?"

Dozens of people expressed their willingness to be together.

After that, they rode their war horses towards Bei Mingjie's position.

The embarrassed Bei Mingjie was in a panic, he chose to run away, but it seemed a bit late to run away now.

At this time, he was riding a war horse. The war horse seemed to be a little frightened, but the speed could not be picked up.

Because Cheng Chumo was already close, but Bei Mingjie was still a fierce general, and when he saw Cheng Chumo's approach, he immediately picked up his sword and wanted to kill him.

How could Cheng Chumo confront him head-on?
Instead, they bypassed him and aimed their muskets at Beminger.

"Beminger, I advise you to surrender, otherwise my gun won't have eyes!"

He said so.

"Gun? Is this a gun?"

Bei Mingjie was puzzled, because the gun in Cheng Chumo's hand was not the same as a gun in the traditional sense.

(End of this chapter)

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