God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 952 God Helps Me Too

Chapter 952 God Helps Me Too
"Any questions?"

"Hmph, this isn't a gun, it's clearly a stick!"

Bei Mingjie has also seen how powerful this gun is, but why is it called a gun.Isn't it just a round pipe more than one meter long?It doesn't look like a gun at all.

Is this to confuse him, or is it intentional.

How did he know why a gun is called a gun.

And Cheng Chumo didn't know, it's just that Li Chengqian called it a gun, that is, a gun.

So, a little impatient.

"I don't have time to talk to you about this, are you going to get off your horse and be bound, or let us help you!?"

Cheng Chu said silently.

At the same time, the surrounding area has long been filled with Tang cavalry.

Beminger didn't know what to do.

Regarding the siege of the Tang cavalry, Bei Mingjie realized that there is still such a powerful army in the world, aside from the strength of muskets, if it is really hard to fight with swords and guns, the Datang cavalry It is also not weaker than his army at all.

This completely refreshed Bei Mingjie's cognition. In the past, they believed that only Tibetans were good at fighting, and the soldiers of Datang made them dismissive.That's why he dared to come over to intercept Li Chengqian so boldly, but he couldn't go back if he didn't want to.

Bei Mingjie was unable to move, facing the siege of hundreds of people, he gave up resistance.

There are also a large number of people who, under Li Chengqian's order, brought the opponent's war horse over for their own use.

This time, I got about [-] horses, which is not bad.

Compared with his war horses, these horses are physically stronger and better able to adapt to the current environment.

This time, Bei Mingjie could be regarded as helping Li Chengqian a lot.

He has to thank him well.

No, he asked everyone to surround Bei Mingjie tightly.

Bei Mingjie was in a dilemma, he didn't know what to do.

There was no reply to Cheng Chumo's question.

At the same time, all the weapons on his body were taken away, and he was no different from an ordinary person at this time.

"Bei Mingjie, where is your arrogance just now? Let me see it."

Li Chengqian said as soon as he came.

"What do you want?"

At this moment, Bei Mingjie lost the arrogance he had just now. Just now he was laughing at Li Chengqian and Datang's army, but now he couldn't laugh.

"What do I want to do? What do you think the king's purpose in not letting you die now? You should understand."

Li Chengqian said this on purpose.

Everyone knows what the value of Bei Mingjie's existence is now.

"You don't want to get any information out of my mouth!"

Bei Mingjie directly rejected Li Chengqian.

Because the meaning of his existence lies in intelligence.

That's why Li Chengqian didn't kill him.

Otherwise he would have died dozens of times.

"Rejecting this king will not end well, you have to think about it!"

Li Chengqian said coldly.

But Bei Mingjie replied: "I, a Tibetan, will not be afraid of anything. Even if you put a knife on my neck, I still don't change my face!"

"Okay, you really are heroes. If we are not enemies, maybe this king will buy you a drink. It's a pity that we are opposites!"

"Prince of the Tang Dynasty, you can't ask anything from me, why don't you kill me!"

Bei Mingjie asked directly.

Now he doesn't have a weapon on him, and he doesn't even have the qualifications to commit suicide.

Li Chengqian had never seen such a person, just like the previous prime minister had never seen such a person.

Unexpectedly, a Bei Mingjie has such courage.


"why are you laughing?"

"The more you want to die, the more this king will not let you die!"

Li Chengqian's words made Bei Mingjie a little desperate.

Looking at his desperate eyes, no one sympathized with him.

"Then I'm going to die!"

Bei Mingjie's character was really strong, and he directly took out a big knife from his arms.

At this time, he did not commit suicide, but slashed the sword at Li Chengqian's place.

Li Chengqian saw that the sword was getting bigger and bigger, and it was cutting towards the direction he wanted.

He still looked at Bei Mingjie without changing his face.

This surprised Bei Mingjie a little.

He didn't know that Li Chengqian had the ability to turn back time. As long as there is a breath, everything can be restarted with a single thought.

But in the eyes of outsiders, Li Chengqian is the real warrior who dares to face death and look down at the dripping blood.

This is deeply respected by everyone.

Suddenly there was a gunshot.

Bei Mingjie froze, the knife slipped from his hand.

Then he fell directly to the ground and twitched, blood was bleeding from his hands, and he couldn't stop it.

At this moment, the musket in Su Lie's hand was still smoking.

As for the gun in Bei Mingjie's hand, he could no longer kill people.


Li Chengqian also did not expect that Su Lie would shoot directly because he was eager to protect the Lord.

But he is always for himself.

"His Royal Highness, this subordinate is also for you!"

Su Lie said.

"Understood, I don't blame you! Pull Bei Mingjie up, stop the blood, and have a good interrogation!"

Li Chengqian said bluntly.


After Bei Mingjie was hit, that hand was considered useless.

He was pulled up, and someone directly took a bandage to cover his wound. At this time, he still had some functions.

Therefore, he cannot die.


"Don't talk nonsense, be honest, or I will beat you to death with the other hand!"

Unexpectedly, Bei Mingjie laughed.

"I'd rather die!"

Then, he snatched a musket from a soldier. This guy was extremely powerful, and compared to him, the soldiers were not of the same weight at all.

Trying to point the gun at Li Chengqian, at this moment, everyone fired directly in a hurry.

bang bang

After a lot of gunfire, Bei Mingjie was completely beaten into a sieve.

After a while, he fell directly to the ground.Without breathing, this time, it is considered dead.


This made Li Chengqian a little depressed.

Everyone knelt on the ground.

"Also ask the Crown Prince to come down!"

They didn't want Bei Mingjie to die, but the situation was urgent just now.

Therefore, it had to be killed again.

Li Chengqian originally wanted to ask something, but now he can't.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's dead when it dies, you search his clothes to see if there is anything useful."

Li Chengqian waved his hands and said.

Everyone got busy and began to search for Bei Mingjie.

After a while, Cheng Chumo took out a letter from him.

"His Royal Highness, here is a letter!"

After finishing, he handed it to Li Chengqian.

The paper used for this letter is very good, it is the paper made in Chang'an.

It can be known that this paper was passed directly to Tubo.

Li Chengqian opened the letter and saw that a big hole had been punched through the letter, but it didn't affect the reading.

When he saw the letter, he frowned, then relaxed.

Laugh out loud.

"God help me too!"

Everyone didn't understand why Li Chengqian laughed, why he said God helped me, they just looked at him curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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