God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 954 Infiltrating into Shancheng

Chapter 954 Infiltrating into Shancheng
Outside the south gate of Shancheng, an army of hundreds of people appeared, among them was the existence headed by Li Chengqian.

This time, 500 people led by Li Chengqian entered the south gate.

As for the other branches, they are led by other people.

At that time, they will gather in one place again until the Tang cavalry army invades the city.

In addition, the guard strength at this time is relatively weak.

So the opportunity is really once in a thousand years, and we must grasp it well.

In the dark, Li Chengqian and the others guarded under a city wall, looking at everything above.

At this time, there were soldiers patrolling past. The Tubo people probably had little habit of defending the city. From Li Chengqian's point of view, the defense here was very weak.

"His Royal Highness! They have already left!"

Li Chengqian looked at the soldiers on the city wall.

Then the order was given!

"Go! Be careful not to disturb them. If you can, kill those who stop!"


Then, a large number of soldiers rushed out, holding ropes in their hands, and with a flick of the rope, it was thrown directly onto the city wall, and then they climbed up the wall.

At this time, the Tang cavalry received modern training, which was trained in the training method of the Flying Tigers, so their individual combat capabilities were very strong.

Everyone is a powerful existence, and any few people can cooperate very well.

At this time, the Tang cavalry can be the most powerful existence in the world even without muskets.

These few meters high city walls are really nothing to them.

Therefore, they climbed up the city wall as quickly as possible, and until everyone went up, they did not attract the attention of the Tubo soldiers.

In the end, Li Chengqian went up to the city wall with the help of everyone. At the same time, they also cleared out some sleeping Tubo soldiers nearby and occupied the city tower.

Then some people spread out in all directions in the city, and they all had one purpose, which was to destroy all the things in the city that might spread news to the outside.

Several ways including homing pigeons, that's what these 2000 people are aiming for.

As long as they cannot spread the news, Songtsen Gampo will come to Shancheng without knowing it. Once he comes, there is basically no possibility of going back.

All this is going on quietly.

No one in Shancheng knew about it.

About an hour passed.

Someone came back and said to Li Chengqian: "His Royal Highness, everything is ready. The points marked on the south gate have been destroyed by us. It is impossible for the enemy to spread the news in a short time!"

"Very well, then, let's all hide."

At this time, the sky is almost dawn, and the guards around have become stricter.

It would be very dangerous to leave at this time. After all, he only had 2000 people. Facing an army of hundreds of thousands, he didn't dare to be too big.

Because there may be no bones left, and the entire army of 2000 people will be annihilated. This is not the result he wants to see. He can only wait until Wang Xuance can come and break through Shancheng.

And just as he finished speaking, he heard a voice in the distance.

"what happened?"

Li Chengqian hid to the side, looked into the distance, there seemed to be commotion, and then a large number of troops appeared from nearby.

It was the army of the Tubo people, and they shouted: "There are enemies who have invaded Shancheng, they must be caught! Don't let them escape!"

Li Chengqian murmured.

"This appears to have exposed the target."

But he looked around again, he didn't expose himself, the voice came from the east gate.

"It's Su Lie! He's exposed!"

Li Chengqian thought so directly.

"Then what should we do? Are we going to save them?"

Someone asked, yes, what should I do?
We can't lose Su Lie, these Tubo people's combat strength is not low, I'm afraid that because of their large number, Su Lie can mobilize at most 1000 people, so the situation is worrying, and now in the city they control, it is simply very dangerous.

But Li Chengqian felt that Su Lie must have a solution.

That's why I say:

"No! He must have a way. Let's hide in the dark first and support at any time!"


No one doubts what he does, because there is a reason for what he does, and he can do whatever he wants.

Li Chengqian thought that if he couldn't support him, he wanted Cheng Chumo to launch an attack to alleviate Su Lie's crisis.

And then, everyone kept secret.

After a long time, a person appeared, who was about the same age as Shang Nang.

He speaks Tubo.

Few people around could understand this kind of language, but Li Chengqian could hear it clearly.

He shouted: "Who the hell dares to invade my city of Shan! Don't you pay attention to me and Cole at all?"

It turned out to be that guy. I didn't expect to see it right here. It turned out that this middle-aged man was Songtsan Gampo's uncle, supporting the existence of Songtsan Gampo's superior.

Li Chengqian stretched out his hand to touch it, and then realized that he didn't bring a gun.

Otherwise, give this guy a shot and it's over.

When he hacked into the system, the guy actually left.

"His Royal Highness, he is gone!"

"Damn it! Let him go!"

Otherwise, if he directly kills him, then this city may be his own.

It can only be said that his luck is really good.

"What's next?"

the soldier asked.

"If it's him, we'll wait until the time comes."

"Okay, everyone hide, don't expose the target."


At the same time, someone came to report: "Report! We found traces of Tang soldiers at the east gate! At the east gate!"

"It's the people of Tang Dynasty. I didn't expect them to come so soon. It's okay, let them come and go! Let's go, and all the troops will be concentrated there. This time, we must catch them!"

On Cole said so.

After that, he led the army towards the east gate.

At this time, if he is allowed to go, it will definitely have a huge impact on Su Lie, Li Chengqian must find a way.

He murmured: "It seems that there is no other way, we can only attack by force."

At this time, it was still at least half an hour before Emperor Xuanneng arrived, but he couldn't wait any longer, there were still [-] soldiers outside him.

Let them attract attention so that Su Lie can escape.

Afterwards, Li Chengqian took out a huge box of fireworks and placed them in front of his eyes.

Before that, it was ordered again that everyone should disperse and not stay here.

So no one knew what happened.

Then it's time to light the fireworks. In this way, Cheng Chumo will definitely bombard Shancheng with cannons.

Wait until everyone has dispersed.

Li Chengqian took out a lighter from his arms.

Go to where the fireworks are.

Hurry up now, we can't let the Tibetans find Su Lie!

(End of this chapter)

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