God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 955 Ignorant Tibetans

Chapter 955 Ignorant Tibetans
A box of fireworks appeared in the place where Li Chengqian was. At this time, the sky was still not very bright, and at this time, when the fireworks were lit, the sky powder could still be seen.

At this time, a lighter appeared in his hand.

Click, he lit a fire.

Light it down towards the fireworks.

sizzle sizzle

The sound of the wire burning came out.

And he also quickly hid in a nearby bunker and hid. He was in a very good position and could advance or retreat.

If you move forward, you can kill the enemy, if you retreat, you can save your life safely.

And it can also make the enemy invisible.

Suddenly, a loud voice sounded.

A gorgeous landscape appeared in the sky.

It directly shocked the people who were still sleeping.They ran out to watch, and at the same time, the enemy was the same, staring at the fireworks in the sky in a daze.

Then the continuous voice sounded.

bang bang bang...

Huge fireworks appeared in the sky, very beautiful.

But Li Chengqian didn't have time to appreciate it, he had seen too much of it.

The original location directly attracted a lot of attention.

Lun Cole, who had left, returned at this time.

As for the place he was going to, Su Lie was preparing for a battle with many cavalry of the Great Tang Dynasty. It was Li Chengqian who saved them and drew attention to him.

He looked at the beautiful fireworks in the sky.

It's very beautiful, but people are not in the mood to watch fireworks.

Su Lie murmured: "It was His Royal Highness who saved us! Let's go there and see if His Royal Highness is in danger, we can deal with it."

The words were full of emotion. If it wasn't for Li Chengqian, they might have fought a big battle with the Tubo people, and he only had five hundred people, so he might have suffered heavy losses.

Thanks to Li Chengqian's fireworks, they were out of danger.


Li Chengqian will use fireworks faster than originally expected.

But he didn't want to do it either.

At the same time, Cheng Chumo, who was outside the city, was also staring at Shancheng in the distance in a daze.

He said: "It's fireworks! That's His Royal Highness asking us to attack in advance."

He turned his head and looked behind again, Wang Xuance and others hadn't arrived yet.

He didn't care and ordered directly.

After much thought, he made a decision.

"Come here, advance the cannon ten miles away from Shancheng, and then listen to my orders and prepare to attack!"


Everything depends on Li Chengqian's life.

Therefore, he didn't care whether Wang Xuance could arrive in time.

The army and others immediately agreed, and then set off to the location of Shancheng.

For a while, the formation was very large, and these changes were not known to the soldiers in Shancheng.

Because they will launch an attack ten miles away, which is completely different from the current form of warfare.

Beat the enemy to the ground.

At the same time, an army also appeared fifty miles south of Shancheng, and they watched the fireworks in the sky very brilliantly.

The leader murmured: "His Royal Highness launched an attack in advance, which means that His Royal Highness is in trouble, we have to hurry up. Come! Hurry up and head towards Shancheng!"


Behind this is Wang Xuance and the [-] troops he is carrying.

They speeded up and headed towards Shancheng.

They couldn't slow down any longer, they had to go faster, otherwise when they arrived, something might happen to Li Chengqian.

The people in Shancheng stared at the fireworks in a daze.

Some people who have seen this object said: "This is a firework! It is said that it is only found in Chang'an City!"

"No! Only the royal family exists. Could it be that someone from the royal family has come to Shancheng?"

people guessed.

At present, only the imperial court can produce this kind of fireworks, and only Chang'an can set off this kind of fireworks.

Therefore, when people here saw the fireworks, they immediately thought of someone from the imperial court.

During the few days when Shancheng was captured, people were not doing well, so when they knew that there was someone from the imperial court, everyone was shocked.

They came out one after another, and went to the entrance of the street to watch where the fireworks were launched.

So in a short period of time, it was surrounded by a lot of people.

"It's the people from the imperial court who have come, and they haven't forgotten us!"

"Let's go out and do our part!"

"Then who will come? There are not many people from the royal family who can fight!"

Until someone said four words.

"His Royal Highness!"

When these four words appeared, everyone's expressions turned into longing, because where there is a prince, there is victory. They don't know if they will win when others come, but when the prince comes, they will definitely win.

Although Li Chengqian's record was only once, he killed nearly a million Turks with 3000 people.

And this time the fireworks have rekindled people's hopes.

Li Chengqian, who was hiding in the dark, was reminded one after another in his mind at this time.

"Congratulations to the host, you got ten points!"

"Congratulations to the host, you got [-] points!"


In just a moment, 200 million points were directly filled.

His points also broke the record, reaching more than 200 million. He thought in his heart that if he converted all his skills to the god level, it would not be enough without hundreds of millions of points.

For now, what he can use should be enough.

But it may not be enough to go further.

He was lost in thought.

His thoughts were quickly interrupted.

At the same time, a large number of Tubo troops arrived.

Li Chengqian, who was hiding in the dark, looked at everything in front of him.

Li Chengqian also did not expect this kind of thing to happen.

One hundred rounds of fireworks were quickly set off, leaving only an empty box and some dull Tibetans.

They surrounded the box, keeping a certain distance, but they didn't dare to approach it.

After a long time, they observed everything in front of them.

They didn't look forward until someone shot at the box with a bow and arrow, and they didn't check until it was confirmed that there was no response from the box.

This inspection was directly shocking.

Because the box is made of paper, not copper or iron.

That is to say this thing is mysterious.

Then how can the fireworks be released?
Nobody knows.

Their behavior provoked ridicule from all the people present.

Laughing at their ignorance, that's what fireworks are for. They are just for viewing, but they treat them as lethal weapons. They are really ignorant.

"Search, see if there is any suspicious person, this thing will not appear here for nothing!"

Tubo leader Lun Keer said so.

No one would believe it, the firework would appear here by itself, so he had to find out who did it.

At the same time, they didn't know that the danger was approaching step by step.

Because the progress of the Zhenguan Magic Cannon outside is approaching step by step.

After a long time, a Tubo soldier reported: "Report, no suspicious person found!"

"What! This is impossible. All suspicious persons within a mile from here must be searched. We must find out where this person is."

(End of this chapter)

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