God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 957 Killing Yourself

Chapter 957 Killing Yourself
"On Cole, let them go! Otherwise I'll be rude to you!"

Li Chengqian shouted!
As soon as these words came out, Lun Cole laughed out loud.

Because in his opinion, Li Chengqian is arrogant, and he must be crazy to let him let these people go by only one person, so he said:
"Are you people in the Tang Dynasty so self-righteous? Why should I listen to you? You are not a prince! Don't force yourself, otherwise, it will only make you die earlier. You are young and have not yet Get married?"

This is to look down on people.

At the same time, some people also persuaded him: "Little brother, you should leave this matter alone, your life is at stake!"

Although it was a kind reminder, Li Chengqian felt that Lao Tzu was the prince. Was it wrong to save you?Because of your people's support, he got 200 million points, and saving them is considered a reward.

But think about it, since they don't believe it, they don't believe it, and they can be safer.

At the same time, there were Su Lie and others on the side, also anxious to death.

Fortunately, Li Chengqian was fine, and fortunately, Lun Keer didn't believe Li Chengqian's words, otherwise this matter would probably never end.

Once something happens to Li Chengqian, it will not be a good thing for everyone.

Su Lie, Xue Rengui, etc. were only loyal to Li Chengqian. If something happened, it would be difficult for him to explain to Li Shimin.

After talking about Cole, he no longer paid attention to the existence of Li Chengqian.

"Prince of the Tang Dynasty, are you afraid that you won't come out? Well, I'm going to kill someone!"

Li Chengqian:  …

Although Su Lie also cared about people's lives, he cared more about Li Chengqian's life, so at this time, they must not expose Li Chengqian's identity.

Therefore, he did not reveal his identity in front of everyone.

Otherwise, it would be a kind of harm to Li Chengqian and make him a target of public criticism.

No one knew that this young man turned out to be Li Chengqian, the current crown prince.

On Cole started talking to himself again.

"Then, I'm welcome!"

In his opinion, before Li Chengqian came out, he was going to kill people. If he didn't kill the words and splashed water, it might affect his reputation and make people think he was joking.

In order to prove that all this is not a joke, he really wants to kill.

I saw him wield the big knife.

He was about to chop off the head of that commoner.

With a bang, a bow and arrow nailed directly to his broadsword.

Immediately afterwards, his broadsword fell directly to the ground with a thud.

People were completely stunned.

Because someone dared to do such a thing to Lun Cole.

The big knife in his hand was shot down by the bow and arrow.

Everyone looked along the location where the bow and arrow were fired, and it turned out that Li Chengqian did it.

He was putting down his bow and arrow, just now he stopped Lun Cole's behavior.

It also made the people breathe a sigh of relief.


At this time, the Tubo people surrounded Li Chengqian.

They looked ferocious, as if they wanted to eat him up.

At the same time, Su Lie was about to start moving, as long as there was a slight disturbance, they would definitely rescue Li Chengqian, even if it cost their lives, they would do so.

"kill him!"

The Tubo soldiers said so.

But Lun Cole stopped everyone.

"Stop, don't be rude!"

What, don't be rude?

Cole must be crazy. Li Chengqian is an enemy, so why not be rude.

At the critical moment, Lun Keer actually made everyone stop.

Su Lie and the others also stopped and did not go any further.

Everyone was shocked.

So what does Cole want to do?
I'm afraid only he himself knows.

I saw Lun Keer walking towards Li Chengqian's place.

"Young man, what's your name? Your archery skills are very good!"

He was not angry, but instead praised Li Chengqian.

Just now, Lun Cole almost died, but he didn't.

Lun Keer knew that with the arrow just now, Li Chengqian wanted to kill him very easily, but he didn't kill him.

In fact, if it wasn't for the usefulness of keeping Lun Keer, Li Chengqian would have killed him long ago.

But if you kill him, there will be more Lun Keer who will stand up later. After all, the Tubo class is very obvious. They are still in a slave society, and slaves can only obey.

"What's my name, does it matter?"

"Hahaha, it's important. It's so important when it comes to whether you can get glory and wealth in the future."

There is something interesting about what Cole said.

He also talked about prosperity and wealth, which means that he intends to win over Li Chengqian.

This is interesting, he actually wants to win over the present prince?

That's easy.

"Let those people go! I'll say it again."

Li Chengqian continued.

"It's fine to let them go, but you need to promise me one condition!"


It's also about conditions.

Li Chengqian looked into the distance, Cheng Chumo should be here soon.

Therefore, he tried his best to delay the time and chat with Lun Keer as much as possible.

"As my Lord, fight for my Tubo! You will gain glory! And these people will be safe."

It turned out that this guy took a fancy to Li Chengqian's archery skills. In terms of the situation just now, if he wanted to hit his sword in such a short time and hit the sword on the ground, his archery skills must be very good, and his strength must be very strong. so big.

So Lun Keer had the idea of ​​recruiting Li Chengqian.

With him, the Crown Prince of the Tang Dynasty would have to die.

How could Lun Ke Er know that the person in front of him was the Crown Prince of the Tang Dynasty, how could he kill himself by shooting arrows?
But his wishful thinking was wrong, in front of him was the current prince of the Tang Dynasty, whether he succumbed to the existence of anyone.

And still want to conquer them, how could it be possible to serve him as master?

Simply ridiculous.

"I reject!"

Li Chengqian directly refused.

On Cole Laughing Instead of Angry

"Hahaha, I already knew you would refuse, how about this, you promise me, I will let these people go, if not, then I can only kill them one by one, I can see that you care about these people very much How about life?"

"You are so despicable!"

Li Chengqian shouted.

"Despicable? Hahaha, yes, I am me, this me! Follow me, I will let you have a hundred women, or even more, as long as you want in Tubo, I can give you!"

"I want Songtsan Gampo's life, will you give it too?"

Li Chengqian said so suddenly.

This made Delun Cole hesitate, and looked at Li Chengqian in surprise.

"who are you?"

The name of Songtsan Gampo is not known to the people in this frontier, and those who know him must not be the people around here.

But Li Chengqian said the name of their king, which shows that Li Chengqian is not an ordinary person.

"It doesn't matter who I am!"

Li Chengqian said so again.

On Cole's face darkened.

"Then I'll let you tell me who you are!"

After he finished, he showed a fierce expression. Now, Li Chengqian will suffer.

The knife in Su Lie's hand is also ready, as long as Lun Keer dares to touch Li Chengqian, then he will definitely rush out.

The scene became very tense.

(End of this chapter)

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