Chapter 958
Lun Ke's ears moved, and he rushed towards where Li Chengqian was. He was holding a big knife in his hand at this moment, and he was about to kill Li Chengqian.

Ordinary people would have been scared to death long ago, but some people seemed indifferent, and then Li Chengqian laughed out loud.


At this moment, Lun Cole stopped, with doubts in his eyes.

What Li Chengqian was laughing at, why he was laughing, he was going to die, and he was still laughing out loud, there must be something different.

Curiosity killed the cat, and he must know why.

And he didn't want to kill Li Chengqian in the first place.

So, he stopped.

"Boy, what are you laughing at?"

Lun Cole asked very puzzled.

"Laughing at your ignorance, laughing at your defeat, laughing at you will be buried here! laughing at you Tubo people who dare to invade the land of Tang Dynasty because of your overreach! Do you think I should laugh? ignorance!"

Li Chengqian said, at this moment, everyone looked at him in surprise.

How can you be ignorant?

He even dared to laugh at their overreaching!

What's going on here?

Must Li Chengqian be crazy?

You know, Li Chengqian is only one person now, but there are tens of thousands of Tubo people around him, how could they fail, how could it be possible?

And laughing at them in front of so many people directly aroused the anger of the Tubo people. If no one was there, they would have killed Li Chengqian.

"Boy, I think your archery skills are good. I treat you well, but you are against me again and again. Are you tired of your life? Are you not afraid that I will kill you? "

On Cole said so.

"I'm afraid I won't stand up. I don't think you are being polite. If you were polite, you wouldn't do such a thing to my compatriots! And I want to tell you that as long as ten breaths pass, you will I know what the result is. After ten breaths, you will die on the land of Datang. After that, you will be severely punished! Welcome the wrath from the people of Datang!"

Li Chengqian said slowly.

Ten breaths?

The Tubo soldiers laughed.Laughing heartily at Li Chengqian's words.

Ten breaths?How could ten breaths be possible!Doesn't he know the concept of ten breaths?That is less than 1 minute!

In their opinion, this young man was going to die, and he dared to say such big words.Must be crazy.

But Li Chengqian ignored them and started counting by himself.


The way he counts is stressful.

It's like entertaining yourself.

Looking at Lun Cole again, it seems to be somewhat believed.And some don't want to believe it, after all, Li Chengqian is too young, except for the brand new clothes, he is no different.

He also thought, what would be the result of what Li Chengqian said?
How will they die?
The only conceivable possibility is that they will be attacked.

But how to attack now?
If the enemy is approaching the city, there should be a notice, and nothing has happened now.

And if you want to break the city, you need more than a million troops.

But he still hesitated.

So he ordered.

"Come on, let's go upstairs and have a look!"


"It's not good, the soldiers on the city wall are all dead!"

Someone will report immediately.

Seeing how it is now, a large number of Tibetans began to believe it.

"What! They're all dead?!"

Lun Keer turned to look at Li Chengqian, he must have many questions in his heart.

I must be thinking in my heart, did Li Chengqian do it, but how could it be possible for a young man?

You must know that if you are a young man, even if you are a soldier, you can only be a low-level soldier, and it is absolutely impossible to lead an army here.

Therefore, he didn't have much idea about Li Chengqian's identity.

The only possibility is that there are other people, and no one suspects that Li Chengqian did it.

They didn't know that these soldiers were killed by Li Chengqian.

Then, a soldier came to report.

"An army of ten thousand people was found ten miles away!"

An army of ten thousand people?

When the people around heard it, they ignited hope.

Everyone's faces turned into joy.

At the same time, he looked at Li Chengqian curiously, how could he know these things?
But these 1 people are still a little less for Lun Keer, he smiled.

"You seem to think highly of the Tang army. There are only 1 people. What's the use? I have 20 elite soldiers here, 1? I don't even have a chance to reach my city gate. Each of our 20 people drools They are about to drown them, and they still want to attack the city? They are still a little tender."

On Cole said very confidently.

In his opinion, he would not be able to attack for a year.

Li Chengqian didn't care.

"After a while, you will know, there are still five breaths left, and the attack is about to be launched! Are you ready?"

As for Cole, the more he looked at Li Chengqian, the more surprised he felt.

In particular, what he said was basically realized.So I asked again: "Who are you? Why are you here?"

Li Chengqian smiled.

"That's not important, the important thing is that you Tibetans are about to lose."

The words seem to be like that.


Li Chengqian did not stop counting
"Then I want to see what the so-called ignorance in your mouth is like. I want to see if you are crazy!"

Lun Keer still didn't believe Li Chengqian's words.

Believe it or not.

In this case, they will not send additional troops to defend the city.

Having said that, Cheng Chumo's troops are only enough to break the city. Once 1 people enter the city, they may lose a lot of troops in the face of some special circumstances in the city.

But if the 3 people behind come, it will be different.

Their arrival can occupy the entire city.

Because of the large firepower, the danger encountered is almost negligible.


Li Chengqian ignored it, but counted to two.

The common people had little expectations around them. They were looking forward to whether the Tubo people would perish as Li Chengqian said.

Even if people are a little bit unconvinced that the boy in front of them can really do that.


Finally, when Li Chengqian counted to one.

Everyone fell silent.

Not a single trace of change.

Then Cole laughed out loud.

"Young man, you have also counted ten breaths, but it is not as you said. They did not attack, and they will not attack. You must have a mental illness, hahaha."

At this time, there is still no change.

The expressions of the people gradually turned into disappointment again.

There used to be a large army coming, but now it doesn't seem to be very good.

1 people are really useless, there is only one dead end here.

That is really a waste of life.

"The enemy army stopped ten miles away and did not advance!"

At this time the soldiers reported again.

Cole laughed even louder.

"Look at your Great Tang's army, it doesn't seem to be doing well. Do you dare to stay ten miles away?"

(End of this chapter)

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