Chapter 963
This Tubo and Datang cavalry armies began to form a tug-of-war.

But as time went by, the Tubo army seemed a little powerless.

Facing the guerrilla warfare of the Tang cavalry, it was a torment for them. Thousands of people died from time to time. After the death in the east, they changed to the west. There was no way to compete fiercely with the Tang army.

In less than half an hour, their position gradually fell, and then they were attacked from three sides.

As a result, some soldiers had to retreat to the city to guard.

This made Lun Cole very angry, but there was nothing he could do.

He didn't want to be like this, but the fact was like this, so what could he do?

He still underestimated Tang's army.

When approaching half an hour, soldiers suddenly came to report.

"Report, the east gate, west gate, and north gate were destroyed by the Datang people. At this time, the city gate was wide open, and a large number of Datang cavalry poured in from outside the city gate! Our soldiers ran away!"

The news was like a bolt from the blue, making Lun Cole dizzy.

Everything is too fast, so fast that people can't react.

This is the result of underestimation.

"What! You bunch of trash! You can't even guard against them! Trash!"

It seems too late to say anything now.

While he was speaking, Wang Xuance had already cornered the city with the Tang cavalry.

And shouted loudly: "On Cole, don't come out and surrender!"

On Cole standing outside the city gate and responding: "Who are you?"

In front of the Tubo people, this person looks very mighty, but they don't know who it is.

"Wang Xuance is right!"

Speaking of Wang Xuance, the Tubo people may not know it.

After all, he has been helping Li Chengqian in the court, unlike Su Lie and Xue Rengui who are fighting Turks outside.

If it was Su Lie and Xue Rengui, everyone must know each other.

So when Wang Xuance talked about his background, Lun Ke Er didn't bother to talk to him.

"Let your prince come and speak to me. You are not qualified!"

On Cole said so.

Wang Xuance sneered.

"When I break into the city, you can talk to the prince, but that is the time to decide your life or death."

He is right, the prince is in the city at this time, how should I tell you?Unless you break the city and enter it.

Wang Xuance didn't care about 21, and yelled directly: "Come on! Invade the city, and those who capture Lun Keer alive will be rewarded!"


The army frantically agreed.

After that, he rushed into the city with him.

When [-] people rushed into the city, they had no opponents.

They held muskets and killed all the blocking forces.

As for Cole, he had already exited the city gate and headed into the city.

Facing the wolf-like army, no matter how big he was, he would not dare to contend with it. An army of 10,000+ would not be able to keep them.The Tubo people who have fled around for a long time now are unlikely to return.

At the same time, several other city gates have been firmly occupied by the Tang cavalry.

Cheng Chu silently occupied the east gate, while Fang Yizhi occupied the west gate.

As for the north gate, it was occupied by soldiers. At this time, there were a large number of muskets on the gate, and any Tubo people who dared to approach the gate would be shot to death.

Therefore, when Lun Keer entered the city, he was destined to become a turtle in the urn, at the mercy of the Tang cavalry.

When Lun Cole entered the city in a panic, there were not many Tubo soldiers around him.

So counted, there are only nearly a thousand people, and they protect the safety of Lun Cole.

After they walked a few hundred meters, they saw a person appearing in front of them.

There are also people around this man, because he saved these people just now, and it was he who dared to stand up and confront Lun Keer, otherwise the people would die countless times.

Let's take a look at Cole.

"Young man, are you trying to prevent me from leaving?"

In front of Lun Keer, it was Li Chengqian.

At this time, Lun Keer still didn't know that it was the current prince in front of him.

Li Chengqian smiled.

"On Cole, you can't go anymore, why don't you surrender!?"

"I, a Tibetan, did not surrender!"

On Cole's mouth is very hard.

That's because he lacks the beatings of society.

"Now that the Tang cavalry is approaching the city, it's impossible for you to leave. It's better to save your life! I'm here to persuade you!"

Lun Keer laughed and said, "It's up to you? You want to stop me from leaving!?"

"No, no, not only me, but also the people behind me!"

Li Chengqian pointed to the people behind him and said.

"Just relying on you, what a joke. Although I lost to the Tang army, there are all Tubo warriors behind me. With you guys alone, you still want to keep me?"

On Cole said a little brazenly.

All this seems to be expected.

However, Li Chengqian was not in a hurry.

"On Cole, I gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it!"

"How old are you? Do you think that if you do something for the people, they will thank you? No!"

On Cole said.

But his words met with criticism from people.

"On Cole, this man saved us, how can we not thank him?"

"We will stand on the same front with it, and you will die here!"

"On Cole, you go to hell!"


The people are boiling, although there are only a few hundred people, but the momentum of thousands of people has been formed randomly, which makes people feel a little illusory.

Lun Cole looked at these people with disdain.

"Go away, or die!"

He had a ferocious expression on his face.

This time, he made a murderous move.

Li Chengqian is still the old god.

completely unaffected by it.

"Didn't you hear what I was saying?"

On Cole again, because the people did nothing.

It made him very embarrassed.

That's why he said so.

"On Cole! I repeat, are you sure you want to do this?"

Li Chengqian's voice was even louder than that.

"So what if you are, so what if you are not? Who do you think you are? No matter how much you serve the people, you are just a grassroots person. What else can you do?"

Lun Keer looked down on Li Chengqian very much, but Li Chengqian didn't care.

"Is this your choice?"

On Cole ignore it.

"What if that is the case?"

As soon as Li Chengqian finished speaking, nearly 2000 people appeared from around him, and they were all dressed in uniform.

On Cole a look, a little thought.

But back to normal soon.

"2000 people? Is it the army? It seems that you are also a member of the Datang Legion?"

It has to be said that Cole's observation ability is still very strong, and he can guess like this.

That's right, Li Chengqian is one of them, and he is also the most important one.

"How? Are you convinced?"

The appearance of 2000 people also attracted more and more people to come over. Before, they thought Li Chengqian was just a grassroots, but now it seems that he is not, so more and more people stood behind him.

"Is that so? Hmph, do you think you're the only one there?"

Lun Cole sneered.

After that, there was a commotion.

(End of this chapter)

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