God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 964 You are actually a prince!

Chapter 964 You are actually a prince!

In just a moment, the Tubo army appeared in front of Li Chengqian like a tide.

These people quickly gathered together, counting there should be more than three thousand people.

The people on the opposite side and the Tang cavalry have about [-] people, but the only ones who can really fight are the Tang cavalry, and the people are just supporting the scene.

All they can do is bluff.

But in any case, they can stand behind Li Chengqian, which is the greatest support for Li Chengqian.

"It looks like there is a big battle!?"

Li Chengqian smiled and said.

The people began to cry: We will be with you!
We stand with the Datang Legion!
Repel the invaders!

They are venting their dissatisfaction, because they are very aggrieved under the rule of the Tubo people.

People's reactions moved Li Chengqian a little bit.

"thank you!"

He only said four words.

The people are boiling.

Lun Cole was a little impatient.

"Come on, don't hinder me from leaving here!"

he cried.

But Li Chengqian sneered.

"as you wish!"

As soon as the words fell, an army appeared behind.

A musket cavalry of more than 1 people.

The leader is exactly Wang Xuance.

His arrival made the hearts of the people even more excited.

"It's the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty, who is that person? His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?"

"So majestic!"

"Really brave!"

Apparently some regarded Wang Xuance as the prince.

It also looks like a prince.

Some people looked at the army of Tang cavalry and said: "What a majestic existence! If one day, we can be like them, how good would it be?"

"It's really powerful, they are the most powerful existence in my Tang Dynasty!"

"Great, they are here, the Tubo people are going to die!"

Then people talked about it.

Lun Cole was even more surprised.

But before he could react, his 3000 people were already besieged.

At the same time, Wang Xuance walked towards their place.

Lun Cole was waving a big knife in his hand, as if he was going to fight.

But Wang Xuance ignored it, making him very embarrassed.

"Your Majesty Xuan Ce pays homage to His Highness the Crown Prince, I am late, please forgive me!"

Wang Xuance's behavior directly blasted people's psychology.

What!He turned out to be His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!

It really is a dragon among men!The pride of heaven!

I just said that he is very unusual. It turns out that he is really His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!

Some cheered, some played it as an afterthought, and some looked adoring.

The one in front of them turned out to be His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!Everyone was too shocked.

Then two armies appeared in the rear.

They are the two armies led by Cheng Chumo and Fang Yizhi.

As soon as they arrived at this time, they stepped forward to make amends. If they had been earlier, they probably wouldn't have allowed Li Chengqian to stay in the city for too long, but there were dangers everywhere.

Li Chengqian signaled them to get up.

At this time, everyone started to quarrel.

The only regret here is on Cole.

He must be thinking in his heart, it turned out that Li Chengqian was really the prince, he was wrong, if he could kill Li Chengqian earlier, that would be great.

It won't be the case now.

He also couldn't imagine why Li Chengqian was here.

And he returned it face to face.

At the same time, Ao was very annoyed, he would have killed Li Chengqian if he knew about it earlier, if he could see through it earlier, he wouldn't be in such a mess.

But there is no medicine for regret in this world.

His reaction was in contrast to the thousands who were there.

These people knelt down together and thanked them directly.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness, for saving us from the dire straits!"

At the same time, some people commented that the person next to Li Chengqian was Su Lie, and the leader was Xue Rengui.

"Please get up quickly, you don't need to be too polite!"

Although Li Chengqian said so, people still fell to their knees.

This is the support of the people, which Lun Keer cannot do. Although they occupy the entire city of Shancheng, they have not been able to win the support of the people.

Because they are foreigners, their original intentions are bad.

And Li Chengqian is orthodox, he is the savior!


"On Cole, you're going to catch it before it's too late!"

Li Chengqian shouted.

The people began to cheer. At this time, no matter what Li Chengqian said, everyone would agree. At this time, Li Chengqian is their spiritual leader.


"Don't make unnecessary struggles, otherwise you will suffer from flesh and blood!"

Li Chengqian said again.

Now the people are boiling.

"Kill Luncol! Kill him!"

"Yes! Kill him, he killed our compatriots, he should die!"

"Damn Cole!"


As for the army led by Cole, everyone put down their weapons directly, because there is no point in resisting now, and at the same time Li Chengqian's points skyrocketed again.

It went straight to 200 million.

As far as he knows, the highest number of people's hearts is 200 million a day, and the highest number of people who kill or capture the enemy is also 200 million a day.

He received 400 million in the account today alone, which made him very happy.

Facing people's anger, Li Chengqian waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Everyone, be quiet! Listen to what I have to say!"

Everyone quieted down.

Li Chengqian said: "This person is talking about Ke Er. The crimes he committed should receive a fair trial. This king has decided to try him, and he will be judged in front of the dead in Shancheng!"

When Li Chengqian said this, everyone fell silent.

Yes, if you kill him directly, it will be cheap for him.

Someone directly echoed.

"Yes, trial! Judgment!"

People chanted neat slogans.

Li Chengqian motioned for everyone to be quiet again.

"Everyone be quiet!"

Everyone fell silent. Whatever Li Chengqian asked them to do at this time, they would definitely do it.

This comes from the admiration for Li Chengqian.

"This king is here to ask you one thing!"

As soon as he said something, people were willing to agree to even a hundred things, not one thing.

Then Li Chengqian said: "Help me tie up all the Tubo people in this city!"


Without further ado, people responded directly.

After all, the number of these Tubo people was huge. Although many died, more were captured. Before the reinforcements came, the problem of how to deal with these people was very serious.

If you have the people together, it is relatively simple.

"Okay, I'll take care of you!"

Then, Li Chengqian said: "Wang Xuance, you will put Lun Keer in the dungeon, and put it on the west gate tomorrow."

"What are you going to do?"

On Cole yelled.

He didn't know what Li Chengqian was going to do next, but judging from the situation, it shouldn't be a good thing.

Since his confrontation with Li Chengqian, nothing has happened.

"You'll know when the time comes!"

Li Chengqian left here after leaving a word.

The next thing he has to arrange is how the entire city will function normally. If a city is invaded, it will take at least several years to recover.

(End of this chapter)

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