Chapter 966
Li Chengqian said: "There is indeed meritorious service in this time, but the demerits are not small. If the deeds are offset, the deeds will not be as serious as the deeds. Behind these more than 1000 people are thousands of family members, and their devotion to the king. Trust me, now that they are dead, this king is heartbroken, so Cheng Chumo, come out!"

Cheng Chu went out silently.

"Subordinates are here!"

Yu Cheng Chumo was about to be judged right now, but he was surprisingly calm at this moment.

To put it bluntly, this was his mistake, so naturally he was required to bear the punishment brought about by the mistake.

Then I heard Li Chengqian speak.

"You lost more than a thousand lives of our army because of your haste. Although you have made meritorious deeds, your deeds are not enough. My king once said that sometimes victory is more important than my king's safety, and so is the life of a sergeant." Equal to this king. But considering that he wants to fight the Tubo people, he should be punished lightly. After a compromise, this king has made a decision! Therefore, this time, Cheng will be punished silently!"

Afterwards, Li Chengqian yelled: "Come here, the military law will serve you! Pull Cheng Chumo down to beat thirty big boards!"

After the [-]th board fight, an ordinary person may not be able to get out of bed, but Cheng Chumo trains with the Tang cavalry every day. At most, he will walk slower and have to rest more. In addition, he may be absent from future battles. Other than that, everything else is fine.

Moreover, Li Chengqian also has medicine that can make his pain less painful.

"His Royal Highness, can you carry it out later, and let your subordinates share some of the burden for His Royal Highness, and then return to Chang'an, and let His Royal Highness handle it! Because the subordinates still have to fight!"

Cheng Chumo looked at Li Chengqian with pleading eyes, and said in his eyes, it's okay to fight, but please don't fight now, come back to Chang'an, let me finish this battle.

It is not impossible to punish later.

At the same time, Su Lie also came out and said: "Yes, His Royal Highness, there is a shortage of commanders now, let's talk about it when we go back!"

Wang Xuance also said: "That's right, maybe Chu Mo can let Chu Mo pass his merits, so as to strengthen our army's combat capability. It can also teach him a lesson and leave an impression on him!"

"I implore His Highness the Crown Prince to be merciful and carry out the execution after returning home!"

All three said so.

Li Chengqian also obeyed everyone's wishes and said: "Okay, but this king decided to demote you to one level as a punishment, and when you return to Chang'an, you will go to the Ministry of Punishment to receive the punishment!"

The first level is already very high. After all, his rank is not high, but it seems unreasonable not to judge.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness!"

Cheng Chumo thanked him happily.

In this way, everyone can be said to be happy.

"You don't need to thank me, if you want to thank them, you can thank them, it's their plea, otherwise this king will definitely punish you!"

Li Chengqian said so.

But everyone knew that Li Chengqian was also reluctant, but had to be punished.

In the end, Li Chengqian also said that the news of the punishment should be spread so that everyone can know.

As for the others.

Li Chengqian said again: "This king has clear rewards and punishments. Apart from being silent this time, the matter of rewarding the soldiers will be handled by Su Lie. As for the three of you, it will be a matter of credit. Naturally, this king will have a big reward." !"

Li Chengqian is not stingy at all when it comes to rewards.

When necessary, he will take out his own money to reward the people here.

They are people who are loyal to themselves, and it's okay to give them more money.

Who made him now the richest person in the entire Tang Dynasty except Li Shimin.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness!"

Everyone saluted Li Chengqian.

Then Li Chengqian explained some precautions.

Then a soldier came to report.

"His Royal Highness, there are a large number of people outside the government asking to see him!"

Um?At this time, there are still people looking for it, maybe it's the same as last time?Beauty again?Li Chengqian wanted to see what the people were going to do.

"Oh? You go out with me to have a look!"

Now these people represent the hearts of the people, and Li Chengqian doesn't want to lose them at all.

Not only to meet them, but to go out and connect with them.

Therefore, he said so.

The four of them agreed in unison, and then they left the government with Li Chengqian.

When they went out, they could only see a sea of ​​people, people everywhere, and the sky was slowly turning dark at this time.

But there are a lot of fires being lit all around, so the current environment is as bright as daytime.

So everyone can see clearly.

When Li Chengqian came out, the people gathered in front of him, and the things they held in their hands gave him a feeling of deja vu.

Suddenly he remembered that when he managed Anlefang, people gave these things as gifts.

Only this time there are more of them.

The people came to see Li Chengqian with a grateful heart.

At this time, a group of people headed by them took the lead to salute Li Chengqian.

"Cao Min pays homage to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

Then everyone saluted.

Li Chengqian quickly helped the nearest person up.

"You don't need to be too polite, it's getting late, what are you doing here?"

Li Chengqian asked curiously.

At this time, an old man said: "His Royal Highness, if you hadn't come here in person this time, we might be enslaved! It's really hard to imagine what our life will be like in the future. Fortunately, you are here for us. As the master, we are very happy to beat that enemy to the ground, because there is such a wise king, why should Tang be afraid of foreign enemies?"

The old man's words are always a little rambling, but it sounds like the same thing.

"The Tang army is invincible in the world, especially the Tang cavalry carried by His Royal Highness is the best in the world. We are able to stand here today because His Royal Highness bestowed upon us. We are very happy to come here today."

This is the way the old man speaks. It seems that there are other meanings expressed in the words that seem to have no connection at all.

Until someone is very anxious.

"Old Yang, let's talk about the key points, we are all waiting!"

A middle-aged man said.

As soon as his words came out, the others followed suit.

"Yes, His Royal Highness will take a break later, we can't take up too much of his time."

"The purpose of our coming here has been forgotten!"

Li Chengqian was speechless for a while, he wanted to say that even if he didn't sleep for a year, he would be fine.There is no need to rest at all.

But I can't bear to let people down.

I had to ask: "Why are you here? Tell me about it. If you need me, you must tell me, and I will do it for you. If you have any suggestions, please tell me."

At this time, people's expressions turned into excitement.

This kind of thing has never happened before, and it is really people-oriented.

What Li Chengqian did was very popular.

At the same time, the four generals around Li Chengqian were also full of glory. Li Chengqian was respected, which meant that they were respected, and their faces were also radiant.

(End of this chapter)

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