God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 967 People's Enthusiasm

Chapter 967 People's Enthusiasm

The people said at this time: "His Royal Highness, we are here this time to thank you, thank you for everything you have done for us."

However, Li Chengqian said: "These are what this king should do. No matter where it is in the Tang Dynasty, as long as there are foreign enemies coming, even if they are far away! This is my determination."

His determination directly infected everyone. If the points are not full today, then this time it will be another 200 million points, because his performance is really good.

At the same time, it also ignited patriotic feelings in everyone below.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince, you are truly virtuous! Your Highness the Crown Prince's virtue is unprecedented!"

The old man said, this old man is a bit like the spokesperson of these people.

After all, if the tens of thousands of people in front of them spoke one sentence, how could Li Chengqian reply.

Therefore, they sent an old man as a spokesperson to communicate with Li Chengqian.

This will allow faster communication.

"Where is!"

Then the old man paused for a while because someone was touching him.

He turned and said: "In order to show our gratitude to His Royal Highness, we used the power of Shancheng to gather people with lofty ideals and love to jointly create these Wanmin Umbrellas, which are signed by The hearts of our people are grateful to the hearts of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

As soon as the old man finished speaking, he motioned for everyone to open the Wanmin umbrella.

The size of these Manmin umbrellas can be compared to the huge parasols in modern society.up to two meters in diameter.

They are huge, and they should be specially made. No one counts them, but at least there are hundreds of them, and people's names are densely signed on them.

The old man's voice began to choke.

"In the past few decades in Shancheng, I have never met any high-ranking officials, and there are no particularly good officials. Only when we met His Royal Highness, after discussion, we decided to present the Wanmin Umbrella to show our respect for His Royal Highness. Respect!"

Li Chengqian was quite moved after hearing this, and he couldn't chill people's hearts.

So he said: "The king's expedition this time is also for the future of the people of the Tang Dynasty, and to save the people of the world from the dire straits. However, this king did not do this for reward, but out of his heart. , someone must do it! Therefore, this king has come out!"

As soon as Li Chengqian's words came out, some of the crowd began to wipe away their tears.Some people started to choke up.

Everyone was moved by him.

"Then His Highness Prince Wanminsan is..."

the old man asked.

Everyone also looked at him, hoping that he would accept it.

Li Chengqian did not disappoint everyone either.

"Accept, naturally I have to accept it, and I have to let His Majesty know what happened today. I am afraid that only the people of the Tang Dynasty have such a grateful heart! This merit is also the virtue of Your Majesty, and I dare not enjoy it alone. !Because His Majesty is only thinking about the territory to the west. This king is also thinking about it all the time!"

"His Royal Highness is not good at all. This point of character is even more noble, and it is worth learning from us."

Someone said so.

His words aroused the approval of the crowd.

Then everyone started talking.

"But no one can be like His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."


"Okay, if there is nothing else, you should go back earlier. As for these umbrellas, I will accept them."

Li Chengqian said so.

Unexpectedly, people have no intention of leaving.

It was the old man again, and he said: "Actually, we brought some livestock this time. We know that the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty came from Chang'an, and basically they can't eat anything good, so we specially prepared some food and wine for them." , and hope that His Highness the Crown Prince will not dislike him."

This was something that Li Chengqian did not expect.

People even prepared to eat.

He looked at Cheng Chumo, Fang Yizhi and others, they were subconsciously swallowing their saliva.

In the past few days, life has indeed been difficult. Although there was fish to eat before, it was still unpleasant to eat.

This time, some people sent good things, and everyone was a little moved.

Seeing that Li Chengqian was silent, the old man seemed to be aware of it.

He said: "If His Royal Highness does not agree, I will not be able to kneel forever!"

After finishing, he knelt on the ground. The old man was a bit old.After kneeling down, his health was unbearable, so Li Chengqian quickly helped him up, otherwise he might have fallen down.

"Old people don't need to do this!"

"But His Royal Highness..."

The old man cried, his words were full of awe and pleading.

Everyone knelt down together, and the whole scene was very neat, which made people a little moved!
Especially the soldiers of the Tang cavalry, they were even more moved.

Su Lie and others are also persuading: Your Highness, please agree!Everyone is so supportive of us.

yes!It is not easy for people, and everyone can say their original intentions like this!
His Royal Highness...

"You all get up!"

Li Chengqian signaled everyone to get up, and everyone got up.

Facing them like this, Li Chengqian softened his heart, after all, he was his own people.

But we can't let everyone pay so much for nothing.

So he said: "Then the king would be more respectful than obedient! It's just..."

People were about to cheer, but Li Chengqian just came.

Everyone listened carefully.

"Just what?"

"Old man, get up first!"

The old man got up slowly.

And Li Chengqian went on to say: "It's just that this time it's for a fee. After all, it's not easy for you people. We have no reason to ask you to pay!"

"If His Royal Highness is like this, it would be too alien! This is some of our wishes, please don't refuse!"

"No! Don't look outside, there is no rule, there is no reason for this king to take the things of the people. All expenses tonight will be converted according to market prices, and someone will count them at that time!"


Li Chengqian said directly: "Don't worry, this matter is settled like this!"

That's what he said firmly.

Let everyone be powerless to refute anything.

Can only accept silently.

Originally, they were the ones who wanted to invite Li Chengqian, but now, it turned out that Li Chengqian paid for it himself.

But someone still said: "In this case, I voluntarily take out my treasure!"

"I support some too!"

"And I……"

People rushed to help Li Chengqian.

At this time, Li Chengqian was really too embarrassed to refuse.

If you come, you will be safe, so let's have a good drink tonight.

At this time, the location of Shancheng is relatively dangerous. If there is a night of carnival, if the enemy comes, then the city may not be safe.

Especially the south gate, which was already dilapidated at this time.

In fact, what everyone can think of, Li Chengqian has already thought of it.

At the south gate of the city gate, he had already had thousands of people guarding it, and put a hundred cannons on it, so he was not afraid of the enemy's attack at all.

(End of this chapter)

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