Chapter 968
In this way, these people stayed until the evening.

They refused to leave for a long time.Even if Li Chengqian is not talking to them.They also want to follow the army of the Tang cavalry to ask for their health.Even surrounded by Su Lie and Wang Xuance.From time to time, they care about whether they are married.I also especially want to marry my daughter and the daughters of relatives to them.

It is definitely an honor to be Datang now.This is also something that has never been done before.

Until the two clearly rejected them, they turned their attention to Cheng Chumo and Fang Yizhi.

Since the two married Turkic people, they dare not have second thoughts at all, let alone marrying a concubine.

That's because Turkic women are known for being tough, even if they were given ten guts, they probably wouldn't dare to marry again.

The people had no solution, so they had to turn their attention to the soldiers again.As long as some soldiers with official positions are surrounded by people, they can't get through.

at this point.Li Chengqian also expressed his helplessness, so he let it go.

When Li Chengqian entered the government, the people were still waiting outside.

Li Chengqian also had some headaches at this time, but he couldn't hold back the enthusiasm of the people.I don't know how long it took, but he called a few people over again.

He was sitting on the main seat when Su Lie walked in from the outside.

"Have the people gone?"

"They all left, and the subordinates took a lot of effort before they left."

"These people are really welcoming."

"That's also because of His Royal Highness's benevolence. You are the only existence I have seen and know that can make people react like this."

Su Lie said so.

"People's hearts determine everything in a country, and my king's management of people's hearts is equivalent to running this country!"

But Li Chengqian said.No matter in which dynasty, people's hearts represent everything, and people's hearts represent the foundation of the ruler.

Only the hearts of the people are united.So for the ruler, that is a matter of supporting the country.Once the hearts of the people are divided, there will often be popular uprisings, foreign invasions, and even a change of dynasty.

about this point.Everyone understands, but they want to be like Li Chengqian.The difficulty is naturally not small.

Su Lie praised again.

"Those who can have such awareness are probably unprecedented, and there will be no one to come after!"


Li Chengqian laughed.

Although this sounded like flattery, he liked to hear it.

People always like to listen to good things, and so does Li Chengqian.

At the same time, Wang Xuance also walked in from the outside.

As soon as Li Chengqian saw him coming in, he asked, "How is Wang Xuance's affairs going?"

Just now, Li Chengqian asked Wang Xuance to deal with a matter.

Wang Xuance said hastily: "According to the information received by my subordinates, at noon tomorrow, Songtsan Gampo will come with 50 troops!"

"Oh? An army of 50? Now it's interesting."

Li Chengqian became a little excited.

With an army of 50, that would make him come and go!

At the same time, he also thought about why Songtsan Gampo brought so many people here, most likely because he wanted to invade Datang.

Let's just say that Li Chengqian has humiliated him a lot.

He is also thinking of Princess Changle.

It is bound to want to use these lands as bargaining chips to negotiate, right?
This is what Li Chengqian guessed in his mind.

According to Songtsen Gampo's heart, it must be so.

But now Princess Changle is already married.

How could it be possible to marry him again?

And he has also arrived here, how can he be allowed to come here indiscriminately?

It would be his fate not to beat him to death here!
However, regarding the number of 50 people, some people feel that it is a bit too much.

"His Royal Highness, there are quite a few of these soldiers. If they launch an attack, I'm afraid this city will be difficult to defend!"

Wang Xuance said so.

Su Lie didn't care.

"Wang Xuance, I'm afraid you haven't seen His Highness the Crown Prince's arrangement in Turkic, just relying on 3000 people to repel a million troops!"

Of course, this was only to repel, not to annihilate the army of one million, but because of the support of Xieli at that time, coupled with the good fighting skills of the Turkic soldiers.

But now he only has the Tang cavalry, if he really wants to fight.

The Tubo people are no worse than the Turkic people at all, and even stronger.

Also because today is different from the past.

The current Datang cavalry is far superior to the previous ones in terms of quantity and quality.

So this time, if there is a real fight, maybe they will win.

"Really? His Royal Highness is really amazing!"

Wang Xuance said so.

However, Li Chengqian said: "The difficulty this time is naturally not small, but it is not impossible. This king thinks that what we can do is to achieve the greatest victory at the least cost. This is what we have to do, like today's It can't happen a second time!"

Li Chengqian's words won the hearts of the people.

The two nodded at the same time.

"Then what are we going to do next?"

Wang Xuance asked again.

Li Chengqian had already had an idea.

"This time, Songtsan Gampo came from the west, and we deployed a lot of firepower on the west gate. When he appeared, it was time for us to attack."

"What if he finds out?"

Wang Xuance asked again.

He seldom fought side by side with Li Chengqian, and he didn't know how many methods Li Chengqian had.

"It's all about Cole!"

The two shouted at the same time: "It's him?"

"That's right, it's him. At that time, the king will let him wait on his west gate to paralyze Songtsan Gampo and make them unprepared. What we have to do is to wipe them all out!"

Li Chengqian said so.

Wang Xuance suddenly realized.

"If this is the case, then Songtsan Gampo would never have thought that Shancheng would have been occupied by us at this time, and they would definitely not take out the siege weapons. If we wanted to fight, we could catch them by surprise."

"Hahaha, I think so too!"

Su Lie laughed.

"His Royal Highness is really talented!"

Wang Xuance couldn't help but said.

Of course it is.

Li Chengqian is not strong, who can be strong?

So, Li Chengqian asked again.

"So what's going on with Cole now?"

This guy can't die, so Li Chengqian asked.

"The subordinate just passed by the dungeon. I asked him. He is still fine, but he refuses to eat."

Wang Xuance said so.

"What if you don't want to eat? We have to see his performance tomorrow! No, I'll go and see now!"

Su Lie was a little anxious.

Unexpectedly, Li Chengqian said: "It's nothing, as long as he doesn't die before noon tomorrow!"

The two were a little puzzled, is this okay?
But still did not ask.

"Okay, it's getting late, you guys go to rest, tomorrow will be another tough battle!"

"Yes! Then we leave first."

Then, the two left here and headed for their residence.

As for Li Chengqian, he also went to sleep, and only waited for the dawn of tomorrow, the day when Songtsan Gampo was taken down.

(End of this chapter)

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