Chapter 973
In the end, Li Chengqian let Lun Keer go to the city, and gave him some Tubo soldiers. These people were also like walking dead, following the instructions given by Li Chengqian.

When they went down, they became like ordinary people again. They seemed to have their own thoughts, but they didn't seem to have them.

Then, they rode to Songtsen Gampo's place.

Although this trip made Tang cavalry a little worried, as long as Li Chengqian said it, they would believe it, and this time was no exception.

That being said, it wasn't until about half an hour after Lun Cole went out.

Cheng Chumo began to whisper to Fang Yizhi: "Yizhi, do you think Lun Keer will come back?"

Fang Yizhi put down the binoculars.

"I think so! After all, His Royal Highness will not lie to us, and there is no need to make fun of our city."

"But you see, Cole has been away for so long, but he still hasn't returned. Looking at Songtsan Gampo's camp, there is no special change. Most likely he doesn't want to come back. Or..."

"What is it?"

"Did Songtsan Gampo find out? He will kill Lun Keer? If that's the case, we..."

Cheng Chumo guessed, this guess was also very bold, which surprised Fang Yi

"How about we go tell His Royal Highness the Prince so that he can react?"

"Alright, go now!"

The two of them headed towards the tower. At this time, Li Chengqian was sitting on the tower with his eyes closed.

As soon as the two arrived, they saluted with them.

"His Royal Highness!"


Li Chengqian opened his eyes.

look at the two.

"what's up?"

"The two of us have important matters to report to each other!"

Cheng Chumo spoke first.

"What's the matter? Tell me quickly."

"About Lun Cole, will he be trapped there by Songtsan Gampo and not be able to come out?"

Li Chengqian got up and looked into the distance, but there was still no movement.

"Where did you find out?"

"We guessed!"


Li Chengqian smiled.

Guess what?

"Your Highness, what are you laughing at?"

This smile made the two of them a little confused, so they hurriedly asked.

"Laughing, you take Songtsan Gampo too seriously, don't worry, he can't recognize him, and at the same time, he underestimates the king too much, do you know? At this time, the uncle and nephew are talking about the past, and they will soon back."


The two looked at Li Chengqian in surprise, how did Li Chengqian know about this reminiscence.

Talked as if he was nearby.

"You don't believe it?"

"Don't dare! We believe it!"

Although Fang Yizhi said so, his eyes also told Li Chengqian that he didn't believe it.

Because it's just too unbelievable.

This is impossible, how could this be possible.

Moreover, Li Chengqian has been sitting here, unable to go anywhere, how did he know that they were reminiscing about the past?

Li Chengqian will not tell them, he knows everything Cole said at this time, including Yu Songtsan Gampo's deployment of troops, as well as the domestic situation, etc., he knows everything .

So this time he must be able to catch him.

"This king sees that you two don't believe it, but it doesn't matter. In ten breaths, Songtsan Gampo will definitely march in!"


Do you know this?

The two of them didn't look like Li Chengqian was lying.

"Come on, come on, you two, get ready. If Songtsan Gampo enters the city, you two will be responsible for cutting off the enemy's rear. Remember, you must grasp the timing!"

Before the two of them could react, Li Chengqian said so again.

Where did the two dare to say no, they should directly say yes.

But they still stood there, they wanted to know if after ten breaths, Songtsan Gampo would definitely come to the city.

The time of ten breaths is worse than just a few minutes. They waited, and it didn't take long.

Suddenly, a soldier came to report.

"Report! The Tubo army is marching towards the city."

At this time, the two were convinced.

Li Chengqian's intelligence was more accurate than anyone else.

"Very well, they are going to set off, now it's interesting!"

Li Chengqian said slowly, and saw that the two of them were still here.

The face is cloudy.

"What are you still doing here? Hurry up and get ready!"

At this time, the two people said: "Yes, yes, yes!"

Today, they were taught another lesson by Li Chengqian, although they don't know how Li Chengqian did it.

But the two of them didn't go far when Cheng Chumo turned around again.

Because he couldn't bear it anymore.

"His Royal Highness, how do you know? Can you tell us?"

Li Chengqian gave him another look.

"This king taught you, what did you throw to the dogs? Go back and think about it, never thought of asking Su Lie and the others!"

Now, Cheng Chumo walked away in despair.

It was a long time again.

An army of 10 men came to Shancheng.

The leaders were Lun Keer and Songtsan Gambo. At this time, the two were talking and laughing. When they reached the bottom of the city, Lun Keer said, "Come on, open the city gate and welcome Zanpu!" arrival!"

The soldiers on the tower had long been dressed in Tubo costumes in order not to attract Songtsan Gampo's attention.

boom boom boom

The huge city gate slowly opened.

Lun Cole said, "Please, my Zamp!"

Songtsen Gampo went in very satisfied.

On the top of the tower, Li Chengqian was staring at Songtsan Gampo. This guy was about the same age as him. In the past two years, he had also grown a lot. He also gradually transformed from an inexperienced boy to a king.

But in terms of the spirit of the king, Songtsan Gampo is still a little worse than Li Chengqian.

A group of people waited slowly into the city.

The army led by Lun Kerr and Songtsen Gampo quickly entered the city.

There were also more than 1000 people who entered the city in the first batch. When Songtsan Gampo went straight forward, they reached nearly 50 meters.

Songtsan Gampo looked at everything in front of him.

He said with a smile: "Lun Keer, your management ability is good, and these Han people are also starting normal production.

Very good, I, Tubo, need an existence like you.From now on, it will be up to you to assist me in ruling the world together.When we engulf the cities of Datang one by one, Datang will be ruled by us together! "

Songtsan Gampo has a lot of courage, in Li Chengqian's view, he is not a fool.

When they had advanced another [-] meters, there was no arrangement of Tubo soldiers any further.

Suddenly a loud noise came from a distance.

Everyone was taken aback.

At the same time, many Tibetans directly surrounded Songtsan Gampo. They were dead soldiers, and their lives were only for Songtsan Gampo, and they only wanted to protect the safety of Songtsan Gampo.

Songtsan Gampo was also puzzled, not knowing what happened.

"Uncle, what's the matter?"

Lun Cole was frozen there, motionless.

This made Songtsen Gampo a little angry, but a drastic change followed.

(End of this chapter)

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