God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 974 The Hope of Living

Chapter 974 The Hope of Living
"On Cole, what's the matter with you?"

Songtsen Gampo shook Lun Keer, but still did not get a response.

Shaking it down again, Lun Cole fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

This surprised everyone.

What happened to Cole?Why is this happening.

Songtsan Gampo rushed forward and put his hand on Lun Keer's nose. He was still angry, but there was no response.

It's like losing your soul.

"What happened to him? Who can tell me what happened?"

Songtsan Gampo roared.

But still no one paid attention to it.

Because his people don't know either.

Looking at the surrounding situation again, at this time there were guards from the Tibetans, but they had long since disappeared.The entire street is left alone.


Songtsan Gampo realized that the situation was not good, but it was too late.

At this time, a soldier came to report.

"Zanpu is not good. Our army is still outside with more than [-] people. At this time, the gate of the city has been closed."

"What! What's going on here?"

"This place has been taken back by the Tang people, and we are ambushed!"

Songtsen Gampo roared, and he shook Lun Kerr vigorously again.

On Cole, there was still no response until the end.

Lun Cole suddenly laughed.

And make a sound.

"Songtsan Gampo, Songtsan Gampo, are you curious?"

Listening to the tone of this speech, it seems that it is not Lun Keer's tone.

Songtsan Gampo was puzzled.

"Who are you? You are not my uncle!"

"Who am I? Hahaha, you ask me who I am? I am your enemy, and you were beaten so well by me back then! You really forget things!"

"Li Chengqian? Where are you, come out!"

Songtsan Gampo was completely surprised.

After all, Lun Keer in front of him is still Lun Keer, and his voice is still his, but the tone of his speech is not Lun Keer.

This completely shocked him.

There is probably no one in the whole world who can do such a thing.

Could it be Li Chengqian?He couldn't figure it out.

"I'm right in front of you! Songtsan Gampo, die!"

Suddenly, Lun Keer made a move. He took a Tubo knife from nowhere, and stabbed Songtsan Gampo directly.

But Songtsan Gampo was also a master of martial arts after all, how could he be killed by Lun Keer with a knife, he dodged in time, but he dodged him.

This time the attack did not hurt Songtsen Gampo, but at the same time the soldiers around him stabbed Lun Keer all over.

On Cole also became covered in blood.

"What are you doing? Why kill him!"

Songtsan Gampo roared.

At the same time, Lun Cole is also sober.

He said with the last of his strength: "Get out of here, don't stay here, Li Chengqian is not someone you can deal with!"

This is probably the last sentence on Cole, and it is also the last sentence of his life. It will not be long before he dies.

Only Songtsan Gampo was left there, fluttering in the wind.

"No! You can't die. If you die, how can we rule the world together? Uncle!"

Songtsan Gampo was very sad, but from the day they set foot in the land of the Tang Dynasty, they should have known that their end would not be good.

Because of the existence of Li Chengqian in the Tang Dynasty, they could only fail in the end, and die in the end, leaving nothing behind.

Li Chengqian killed Lun Keer with their hands, which also made them feel guilty. Lun Keer could have survived!What now?It is dead.It was his own person who killed him, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

"Li Chengqian, come out for me, what kind of a hero are you hiding all the time?! Come out for me!!"

Songtsan Gampo began to look around, but he couldn't find out where Li Chengqian was.

Now, he panicked completely, like a person who can't swim panics in deep water, the more you struggle, the faster you will die.The more I don't want to struggle, but my heart is flustered.

He has this kind of mentality, but what can he do?
At the same time, his men began to die in great numbers.Both the people inside and the army outside are dying in large numbers.

These people all turned into points and fell into Li Chengqian's mind.Everyone is very ten, and the points are also going up ten thousand and ten thousand!

boom boom boom

The sound of cannons continued, because of these sounds, it also attracted the attention of 40 troops dozens of miles away. They were rushing here, but their arrival did not play any role. Why, because of the loose air at this time Tsangampo was trapped in the city, what did they do to save him?If necessary, Songtsan Gampo would be taken as a hostage and put on the city wall, but that was the last stage and the worst stage, and the Tang cavalry would not be used at all!
Subsequently, a large number of Tang cavalry began to appear ten miles away.They're starting an ambush!

The muskets in their hands kept firing, killing the soldiers brought by Songtsan Gampo one by one.

Some of these soldiers died before they knew what was happening.

All the soldiers were frightened, muskets are more powerful than arrows, no matter how thick your defenses are, you can't stop its attacks.

Sometimes the injuries they received were not fatal, but the injuries could make them lose their combat power!

Facing such a powerful opponent, Songtsan Gampo was completely furious.Picking up the big knife directly, he was about to rush over and kill the Tang cavalry.

If Li Chengqian hadn't confessed that Songtsen Gampo could not be killed, Songtsen Gampo would have been killed hundreds of times already.

At the same time, someone shouted: "Those who want to live, put down their weapons, otherwise they will end up like people on the ground!"

Only then did people realize that the army led by Songtsan Gampo was running out.

Seventy-eight out of ten were also dead, and fell directly to the ground, motionless.

Therefore, when these words were spoken, some people began to drop their weapons and no longer resisted.

And if someone does it, someone else will follow.

In less than a while, about [-]% of the Tubo people gave up resistance, and dozens of people surrounded Songtsan Gampo, not daring to leave a trace.

They were afraid that if they left, Songtsan Gampo would die here.

"I'll say it again, put down your weapon, there is still hope of living, or die!"

Then the voice sounded again.

These dozens of people look at me and I look at you, and they are at a loss.

It wasn't until someone among them fell down again that they paid attention to what they just said.

So these people began to put down their weapons, not daring to get too close to Songtsan Gampo.

Everyone knows that this time the Tang prince Li Chengqian came for Songtsen Gampo.

As long as he's dead, everything will settle down.

"Li Chengqian, come out for me, dare you!"

"Why don't you dare?"

Suddenly, a voice came from behind Songtsan Gampo.

Then everyone's eyes focused on behind him.
A tall figure appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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