God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 975 The Western World

Chapter 975 The Western World
When that tall figure appeared, there was no one around Songtsan Gampo, and everyone lived for themselves, regardless of whether he was the biggest existence in Tubo, life was more important at this time.

A voice came out.

"Songtsan Gampo, you never thought you would have today, did you?"

That tall figure was exactly Li Chengqian.

At this time, the personal guards beside him were holding muskets. As long as anyone dared to approach, they would definitely kill each other.

At this time, a dozen people suddenly appeared behind Songtsan Gampo, holding bows and arrows in their hands, and aimed directly at Li Chengqian's location.

"You finally appeared, you go to hell! Go to hell!"

Songtsan Gampo sneered, as if he had succeeded!
It turned out that he had already made preparations and asked the archers to prepare directly. As long as Li Chengqian was killed, all crises would be resolved immediately!
But he thought too simply, why?
Because in front of him is the most terrifying army in the world.

The archer is about to shoot his bow and arrow.

bang bang

After a burst of gunfire, these people all fell down.

It happened so fast that people died before they even understood what was going on.

Those who have not shot the bow and arrow are dead, all of them!

Songtsan Gampo stared at Li Chengqian with wide eyes.

"You! How is it possible? Obviously you are going to die!?"

At this time, Li Chengqian was already a head taller than Songtsan Gampo. Although his appearance had changed, his fundamentals remained the same.It is instantly recognizable.

Therefore, Songtsan Gampo could recognize him very quickly.

"Are you surprised?"

Li Chengqian smiled.

At the same time, he was secretly shocked.

Songtsen Gampo was able to deal with it indifferently, as expected, he was also a generation of emperors.

Li Chengqian didn't know what his actual psychology was like, and he didn't want to know.

He just needs to achieve his goal.

"I didn't expect that you would occupy this city, and the speed was extremely fast. I thought my uncle would not lie to me. I didn't expect that in the end, no one in this world can be trusted."

Songtsen Gampo said.

He blames others for his failures, not himself.

This is shirk!
"If you were in Tubo, don't invade my Tang Dynasty, maybe you won't end up like today."

However, Li Chengqian attributed the problem to Songtsan Gampo's invasion, and the good Tubo didn't wait, and came here to suffer. Only Songtsan Gampo in the whole world would do this.

"Li Chengqian, you have been working for Li Shimin, and your halo has surpassed him. Are you not afraid of his suspicion?"

Songtsen Gampo suddenly said this.

This is what everyone did not expect.

What Songtsan Gampo thought in his heart was still to sow discord, and his heart was still vicious.

But about this point, Li Chengqian had thought about it a long time ago.

"Don't even try to sow dissension. My king's ambition is not in Datang, but in the whole world, all the places we can go, until the end of the world, will belong to me! This is what I want What you have done, you Tibetans are just the beginning, and it is only the second stage."

The first stage is Turkic, and now the Turkic rebellion has been put down.

Khitan also surrendered to the Tang Dynasty, and the western world is short of the Tubo family.

You may think that there are still many families in the western world, but what I want to say here is that if you go further west, you will be Tianzhu. Although Tianzhu is not far from Tubo, the Himalayas are enough, let alone human beings. , Even Asuka would have difficulty crossing the Himalayas.

There are countless countries after passing the Himalayas, but this mountain is not something that can be crossed on horseback.

Therefore, there was only Tubo in the western world at this time.

As for the later stage, Li Chengqian had planned for a long time that the army could not do it, but he could start from the sea area, and the result was the same.

All the way to the navy, all the way to the Roman Empire, until the unification of the world.Bring dawn to the people of the world.

"What! You are so ambitious!"

"What this king can think is not something people like you can understand. Songtsan Gampo, you have lost, completely. Now you are in my hands, and I will squeeze you wantonly."

"What do you want?"

Songtsen Gampo asked.

What do you want?This Songtsen Gampo is really fun.

What do you want?Isn't it easy to understand?
At the same time, the people also came out of their homes.

When they saw the king of Tubo, they shouted.

"kill him!"

"This intruder must die!"

"His Royal Highness, we request to kill him!"

People reacted violently.

Everyone wants Songtsen Gampo to die.

At this time, Songtsan Gampo began to panic.

"Li Chengqian, you'd better not kill me, or you will regret it. There are 40 troops coming behind me! If you kill me, my soldiers will definitely burn your place to the ground!"

Songtsen Gampo said.

"Songtsan Gampo, haven't you woken up yet? You are in the hands of this king, so what if your soldiers are here?"

"How about it, kill all your people! Your city probably has less than 20 people?"

Songtsen Gampo said with a smile.

"Songtsan Gampo, you should wake up, why? Because the so-called dragons have no leader, what will happen to your soldiers after they know you are trapped? How dare they come to rescue you? You are in my hands now, and I can threaten them at any time .Do you? And, if they know you are dead, someone will stand up to preside over your army, your wife, your throne, and everything you have will be taken away by others. But don’t worry, you haven’t Will die, at least not yet, because it is still useful for me to keep you, if you really die, Tubo will be in chaos and be divided!"

Only after hearing this did the common people know that Li Chengqian had such an idea.

When Songtsan Gampo heard Li Chengqian's words, he was shocked.

"You won't make it! Because you miscalculated, and my people won't."

Songtsen Gampo was still somewhat blindly optimistic.

Regarding future developments, he didn't pay attention at all.

boom boom boom

At this moment there was the sound of cannon outside.

Then came the good news.

"Report! Eight thousand Tubo soldiers have retreated, and nearly half of them were killed or injured!"


Songtsan Gampo was shocked. In just a short time, half of the 8000 people were killed or injured.

"How is it? Do you dare to come with your 40 troops? And this king gave you a good gift!"

Li Chengqian said so.

"What? No!"

Songtsan Gampo refused, saying that it was a gift, but maybe he had no good intentions.

Li Chengqian ignored Songtsen Gampo and gave the order directly.

"Come here, bring Songtsan Gampo to the top of the tower!"


Songtsan Gampo tried to struggle, but there was still nothing he could do. He was simply too weak in front of many Tang cavalry.

In the end, he also gave up resisting.

After that, the soldiers pulled Songtsan Gampo directly onto the tower.

Along the way, people spat at Songtsan Gampo and threw egg and vegetable leaves.

If it wasn't for him, people would be fine right now, and he deserves it.

(End of this chapter)

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