God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 976 Look at Your Army, How Weak

Chapter 976 Look at Your Army, How Weak
Li Chengqian went up to the tower first.

Then, Songtsen Gampo was escorted up.

When they reached the top of the tower, they saw Cheng Chumo, Fang Yizhi and others directing the cannon.

They were cleaning up the mess, and there was no sign of the enemy in the city. It seemed that the attack just now played a huge role.

Looking at everything below, many Tibetans were lying on the ground, motionless.

I don't know whether it is dead or alive.

As soon as they saw Li Chengqian's appearance, they walked over.

When seeing Songtsan Gampo, Cheng Chumo immediately rolled up his sleeves.

He recognized Songtsan Gampo. They had met before, and everyone gritted their teeth about this guy!How dare he miss Princess Changle!He doesn't look at his appearance, nor how much he weighs, why should he miss the princess! ?
"Okay, Songtsan Gampo, you still have today, today I must teach you a good lesson. Let you know how powerful I am! Let you know that I, Tang Dynasty, are not easy to bully!"

Seeing this, Songtsan Gampo tried to retreat, but he was held up by someone, unable to move forward, let alone retreat.

He could only watch helplessly as Cheng Chumo's hand flew towards him quickly.

With a slap, a slap covered Songtsan Gampo's face.

This slap made Songtsan Gampo's face turn red, and he almost lost his balance and took a few steps back. If he hadn't been unable to fight back, he might have had a big fight with Cheng Chumo.

But Cheng Chumo didn't seem to have slapped enough, and then another slap.

"The left side is red, and the right side is also red, so that it is balanced! Come again!"

No one stopped him, and he was allowed to hit Songtsen Gampo.

The corners of Songtsan Gampo's mouth had already started to bleed, it can be seen how painful those two slaps were!

"Enough, Chu Mo, don't beat him to death, His Royal Highness will blame him."

Fang Yizhi still had an overall view, if he hadn't pulled Cheng Chumo, Songtsan Gampo might have been beaten badly.

"Let go of me, this guy is too annoying, I must..."

"Okay, that's enough, Chu Mo is back!"

Cheng Chumo didn't stop until Li Chengqian called out.

I didn't dare to do it again, but my mouth was still cursing.

I felt that Songtsen Gampo would not give up if he was not maimed or even killed.


"Stand aside!"

Li Chengqian shouted.

Only then did Cheng Chumo leave resentfully, and went to the side.

But his eyes were still full of resentment.

Furthermore, Li Chengqian asked: "How is the current battle situation?"

"Return to His Royal Highness, the enemy has lost nearly 4000 people, while our side has only injured 100 people! Treatment has been arranged now."

Cheng Chumo said so.

This was told to Songtsan Gampo, and his eyes widened after hearing this.

Exchange 100 people at the cost of 4000 injuries!How powerful that is.

Li Chengqian in front of him made Songtsen Gampo somewhat confused.

Is this still the army?

Even if it is guarding the city, it is impossible to exchange 4000 people with such a small number.

That's not all his shock.

What Li Chengqian said next made Songtsen Gampo completely desperate.

"How is Su Lie's situation now?"

Li Chengqian asked casually.

Fang Yi said straightly: "We have already intervened to attack the enemy, and now the two sides are fighting fiercely, and our army is temporarily ahead."


A thought flashed in Li Chengqian's mind, why not let Songtsan Gampo completely despair?
"Come on, bring the telescope!"

People don't know what he wants to do.

Until the telescope was placed in front of him.

But he said: "Show Songtsan Gampo and see what will happen to his 40 troops in the end!"

Li Chengqian's move was absolutely perfect. If he did this, Songtsan Gampo had to accept the news that his army would be defeated.

But although he still believes that his army will be able to do it.

So this time, he opened his eyes wide.

It wasn't until he saw everything in the telescope that he realized that there was such a miraculous thing.

Everything seemed to be in front of his eyes, and his soldiers seemed to be in front of him, but the place where he was now was ten miles away from the battlefield.

He wanted to scream, but he didn't seem to be aware of it. Everything was the wrong reaction brought by the telescope.

But everything is so real.

The more he looked at it, the more startled he became.

Because in front of his eyes, the Tubo army suffered heavy casualties, and facing the Tang cavalry, which was only one-twentieth of them, the Tubo army was repeatedly defeated and retreated.They are not the opponents of Datang Cavalry at all.

Even at the end, they retreated directly, and all the Tubo people scattered in a flash.

At the same time, Songtsan Gampo directly closed his eyes, not daring to look any further.

Because this is torture.

He didn't want to look, so he closed his eyes.

However, Li Chengqian couldn't do what he wanted.

Said directly: "Hold his eyes and let him see, let him see how weak the Tubo army he said is! How vulnerable it is in front of our army."

Cheng Chumo was very happy with this kind of thing, he strode away directly, and forced Songtsan Gampo to open his eyes with his hands.

"Songtsan Gampo, are you still confident now? I am very disappointed that your Tubo army is so unbeatable! Hahaha!"

Li Chengqian's smile caused everyone to laugh.

Now Songtsan Gampo is extremely ashamed, he is surrounded by Li Chengqian, and now he is a prisoner, at the mercy of others.

"Li Chengqian, you should kill me directly!"

In the end, Songtsan Gampo actually asked so, with a look of death on his face.

But Li Chengqian will not do what he wants.

"Want to die? It's not that easy. Don't you want to see your Tubo army gradually decline? And your Tubo territory will become my king's."

"The determination of my Tubo army is beyond your imagination!"

Songtsen Gampo said again.

He seemed to feel that it was not enough, and then said: "I have a vast land and rich resources, and if you want to make my Tibetans obey, you are simply dreaming!"

"You'll know if it's a fool's dream after a while."

"I believe in my people."

"That depends on whether the people believe you or not!"

"What do you want?"

"I have already found a successor for you."


"When your army is defeated, you will know who it is."

These words made Songtsan Gampo think a little bit, he must be thinking who Li Chengqian wants to call as his successor.

conservative?Or Radicals?

His father was originally conservative, but later he used radicals and was killed by conservatives. Therefore, what he thought must be conservatives.


Songtsan Gampo said a name.

Li Chengqian laughed and shook his head.

"If I let you know, then the king is not the prince."


Songtsan Gampo was speechless for a while.

Facing the continuous fighting between the two armies, it came to an end.

The Tubo army began to show signs of defeat.

ps. Introduce a friend to a book "The First Ruthless Man in the Late Sui Dynasty" if you like it, you can go and read it!
(End of this chapter)

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