Chapter 977 He is here

Li Chengqian and others on the west gate seemed to hear the horn of victory, and immediately after that, the Tubo army began to retreat in large numbers.

This is not over yet, the Tang cavalry chased directly.

Wherever they go, no one can survive safely, they are fighting faster and faster.

How could the Tubo people stand up to such torture, the more they retreated, the more defeated they became.

In the end, the Tang cavalry beat the Tubo people to flee in all directions, and they didn't seem to come at all. All this happened too fast.

A 40-strong army has no temper to be beaten by 2 people.

This is like forty people being chased and beaten by two people.

If it gets out, the Tubo army will be ashamed.

In the past, a war often takes half a day, a day, or even longer to decide the winner, but now, in less than half a stick of incense, the 40 troops were brutally beaten like this, and they were beaten to flee!

This made Songtsen Gampo very embarrassed.


Because he claimed that an army of 40 was vulnerable in front of 2 people.

Not even a chance to be tough.

Such a situation is really a slap in the face.

"Hahaha! Your army has been defeated. I don't know what's going on, but this king's mood is very comfortable."

Li Chengqian said so.

He didn't care about the situation of Su Lie and the others, because he knew that they would not chase after a certain distance. After all, they were experienced existences, and the more they chased, the more energy they would consume.

As far as military power is concerned, it is only bad.

Songtsan Gampo was speechless again, tears flowed from his eyes, and he didn't know whether they were forcefully opened by Cheng Chumo, or because he felt ashamed and shed tears.No one cares that much.

Faced with such a situation, Songtsan Gampo mentioned it again.

"Li Chengqian, let me die! Please!"

He is still begging to die now, it seems that it is not the time, because Li Chengqian will not let him die.

"This king said that you will not die, at least not for the time being. Until that person appears. After that, you will be sent to Chang'an City to accept the trial from our dynasty. That's right, you will be cast aside by tens of millions of people! Songtsan Gampo, you should know that this is what happens when you invade."

What Li Chengqian said made Songtsen Gampo lose his mind for a moment.

Because he said, who is that person?

"Who are you talking about? Who is it? How can I hand over Tubo to outsiders? Are you sure he can take care of Tubo? There can't be such a person in this world."

Songtsen Gampo asked a series of questions.

Li Chengqian was not in a hurry.

"You will know when the time comes."

Li Chengqian didn't directly say the name of that person, but played tricks.

At this time, his points had already exploded by nearly one million, which directly offset the cost of saving lives before, and there was still leftovers.

To him, the current points are just a number, which is of little use in normal times, but it is extremely important when he needs to use it.

Songtsen Gampo was very depressed.

"You don't kill me, and you don't even tell me some news, Li Chengqian, what do you want to do? If you are like this, you might as well let me die!"

"What do I want to do? You are the prey now, I am the hunter, what do you think I should do? Have you ever seen a hunter tell the prey something?"

Songtsan Gampo was speechless again.

Yes, now he is like meat on a knife board, waiting for him will be slaughtered.

The two of them had nothing to say, and it took a while.

Cheng Chumo reported: "His Royal Highness, the Tubo people have retreated at this time, and now Su Lie and Wang Xuance are returning to the city."

"They also brought a large number of Tubo captives to the city."

Fang Yizhi added.

At this moment, Songtsan Gampo poked his head out and looked into the distance.

Sure enough, a group of dejected captives came towards Simon.That was the army he was proud of in the past.

Songtsan Gampo shouted at them.

"My warriors of Tubo, you have suffered!"

Even if the Tubo soldiers wanted to respond, they dared not even speak in front of the Tang cavalry.

At this time, they are just captives and are not qualified to speak.

This made Songtsen Gampo very depressed.

Another time passed.

Su Lie and Wang Xuance went up to the tower.

Reported with Li Chengqian: "His Royal Highness, the two of us did not disgrace your order, directly repelled the Tubo army, and captured nearly 10 people! Our loss is only 300 people!"

10 were captured, and some of the dead were not counted at all, otherwise the number could have been much higher.

This is really frightening.

Songtsan Gampo: "..."

Li Chengqian laughed, and deliberately glanced at Songtsan Gampo again.

"Very good, you have done a very good job. Put the captives in prison! Wait for General Cheng's army to come and capture them! Contribute to our Datang Manufacturing."

These people also have some functions, that is, mining for themselves and serving Datang.Let Datang have more power to develop others.

Therefore, it should be treated well.


"I'll leave this matter to Chu Mo, you guys stay here, there will be guests coming soon!"


Everyone was surprised, there will be guests in a while?What kind of existence would that be?

Songtsan Gampo was even more puzzled, could it be the person Li Chengqian mentioned.

But he couldn't figure out who that person was.

How could he know what Li Chengqian was thinking?

Cheng Chumo was a little depressed, why didn't the guest let him see him?

But Li Chengqian had given him the task, so he had no choice but to go down and prepare to resettle the Tubo captives, waiting for his father to lead the army to conquer them.

And Fang Yizhi asked:
"His Royal Highness, what kind of guest will that be?"

"Soon, you'll find out, but at least not now."

Li Chengqian didn't even want to tell anyone.

Su Lie asked:

"Could it be that His Royal Highness had already contacted that person long ago?"

His question was on point.

"That's right, this king thought of that candidate a long time ago in the morning, and he is the perfect person."

Li Chengqian said so.

The more he talked about it, the more mysterious it became, which made Songtsan Gampo more suspicious.

Who is that?
Who is it?

At the same time, because of Li Chengqian's preparations, he was shocked. He had already prepared for it. How far-sighted it must be. It is good for ordinary people to take one step at a time, but he has thought about many steps.

This person is really an existence that cannot be provoked.

Even more difficult than Li Shimin.

This is what Songtsen Gampo thought in his heart.

And after half a stick of incense, spies came to report.

"Report, a hundred-man army has appeared ten miles away from the west gate, and is coming towards my city. Do you want to fight?"

Li Chengqian smiled.

"he came!"

he?Who is it?

(End of this chapter)

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