God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 978 What do you think

Chapter 978 What do you think

Everyone was very curious about the person who came, but Li Chengqian didn't say anything, he would only know when that person appeared.

But judging from the existing information, this person is leading a hundred or so soldiers, so he must be a respectable existence.

Ordinary people often act in a simple manner, and they can't talk about leading soldiers or the like.

But who is that?No one knows, the visitor is a stranger.

Furthermore, it was even more flattering for these hundreds of soldiers to come together.

Why do you say that?
If it was Li Chengqian who recruited them, and there were many people on the other side, it would be regarded as aggression.

If there are few people, it means not paying enough attention.

Hundreds of people seem to be almost the same.

No more, no less, just right.

With the arrival of those people.

Li Chengqian gave another order.

"Come here, open the gates of the city, and I will greet you personally!"

"What about Songtsan Gampo?"

"Take it together, let him see who this king is looking for!"

After that, the Simon door opened.

Li Chengqian actually wanted to greet him in person! ?Then the other party is really a very important person!
Everyone is still guessing, who will come?But how do they know what Li Chengqian is thinking in his heart!Even the entire city would not know who he called!But he should not be a simple existence!

Next, Li Chengqian and the others also went down the tower and went out of the city to welcome the visitors.

Only ten minutes later, the other party's people all appeared.

When they saw that it was Li Chengqian, they dismounted immediately.

Kneel down directly on the ground, and at the same time cast all five bodies on the ground.

The leader was a young man, dark, tall and thin, with a very determined expression.

Shouting wildly: "Li Mixia, King of the Zhang Zhung Kingdom, pays his respects to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Tang Dynasty!"

This person turned out to be the king, I really couldn't tell.

Everyone heard it clearly, the king actually worshiped his prince!Li Chengqian's face is so awesome that he can make the head of a country kneel down!
After that, the hundred people behind him also knelt down on the ground together.

The Zhang Zhung Kingdom was a tribal country that dominated the Tibetan plateau before Tubo.Zhang Zhung is a Chinese character written according to the transliteration of the Tibetan word "Xiang Zhung". It has exchanges with Central Asia, West Asia, South Asia and other regions. The particularity of its geographical location has made Zhang Zhung a post station on the ancient Silk Road. inherent advantages.

After the rise of Tubo, Zhang Zhung gradually declined. The last king Li Mixia once married Songtsan Gampo's younger sister Zanmeng Saimaga as his concubine, so the two sides were originally an alliance.However, due to the prosperity of Tubo, the relationship between the two sides became worse and worse.In the end, Songtsan Gampo led his soldiers to crusade against Yangtong in 642 on the grounds that Zanmeng Saimaga fell out of favor. It took three years to attack Yangtong and sent Qiongbo Bangse as the chief of Xiangxiong.Zhang Zhung then became a vassal state of Tubo.

But that was also the later stage, and the current Zhang Zhung has not yet reached the relationship with Songtsen Gampo.

Because of the gradual decline of Xiangxiong, the last king Li Mixia also broke his heart for the country.

Finally, one day, Li Chengqian ordered people to go to Xiangxiong Kingdom, had a discussion with Li Mixia, and proposed to merge Xiangxiong into Tang Dynasty. In return, Li Chengqian wanted to hand over the whole Tubo to Li Mixia.

This is an idea that Li Chengqian had long ago.

Then Li Mixia was excited, as if she remembered something.

"Li Mixia from the Zhang Zhung Kingdom brought all the civil and military officials to pay homage to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

The expression just now was not clear enough, but now it is very clear.

It turned out that these hundred people were not soldiers, but his civil and military officials.He summoned the entire court officials.That undoubtedly means to serve Li Chengqian as the master.

Li Chengqian was naturally very comfortable. Facing the king's actions, he felt secretly refreshed!The expression is soothing.

In this way, it would be a great deal of face to Li Chengqian.

How could it be possible for an ordinary person to be favored by Li Mixia?

And it was he who had a deal with Li Chengqian, and Datang wanted to belong to his own territory next.

But Zhang Zhung can rise up and leap towards a higher level, as long as he is not a fool, he will make the right choice.

So Li Mixia came here this time.

It was also the result of Li Chengqian communicating with him first.

Those who know the current affairs are Junjie, that king is very smart and made a correct choice!

"You all get up!"

Li Chengqian motioned.Everyone stood up.

Songtsan Gampo looked at Li Chengqian, then at Li Mixia, he was so surprised that he couldn't speak.

"Oh it's you!"

"Huh? You are Songtsan Gampo!? I didn't expect you to become a prisoner! That's really a good reincarnation, no one will be spared!"

Li Mixia pointed at Songtsan Gampo to preach, then looked at Songtsan Gampo, he was in a very embarrassing situation.

Songtsan Gampo said nothing, apparently he didn't want to pay attention to him.

Li Mixia laughed again: "Songtsan Gampo, you have today too! Haha!"

It seems that the two know each other.

In this case, the relationship between Tubo and Zhang Zhung came to the surface.

Tubo's national power is gradually growing, which is a threat to Zhang Zhung. They must have fought before, otherwise they would not know each other.

Fortunately, they did not meet on the battlefield, but met here.

"Li Chengqian, so you want this subordinate to control Tubo? You are too naive!"

Songtsen Gampo said again.

But Li Chengqian said: "Naive? At least without your naivety, this king lacks a loyal person. As long as someone is loyal enough, he will share the world with this king!"

What Li Chengqian said was intentional, and he also said it for Li Mixia.

Everyone understands this.

Li Mixia was very smart, and quickly said: "It's the most correct decision for me to be at the prince's side!"

Just bow your head, you can get a large piece of land in Tubo, even a smart person will choose.

He also has no reason to falsify, because it is also unnecessary.

In the end, they may still be attacked by the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty.

In this case, why not be obedient?

As for Li Mixia, she thought so.

At the same time, this also made the people around them figure out what was going on.

They all raised their thumbs up and said, "His Royal Highness is really a god!"

Li Chengqian just smiled and didn't express much.

Songtsen Gampo expressed disdain, but his disdain did not affect others.

Then, Li Mixia said: "When we came here just now, we saw a large number of Tubo soldiers fleeing. What's going on?"

On behalf of Li Chengqian, Su Lie said: "Those are the invading Tubo army, we just repelled them!"

"I think those people are more than 20 at least. If they can be repelled, then the Datang Army must be powerful!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the expressions of all the civil and military officials behind him were all shocked. It turned out that the Tang Army was so powerful.

Just teach them a lesson.

"Li Mixia!"


"This king has communicated with you before, and wants to hand over Tubo to you. What do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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