Chapter 979
Hand over the Tibetan captives to Li Mixia?
It is also the first time people have heard of such an arrangement.

It turned out that Li Chengqian had long intended to arrange Li Mixia as the lord of Tubo, but he never said so.

Regarding his decision, everyone did not have any dissatisfaction, nor did they have any doubts.

"As long as His Royal Highness says it, then the subordinates will definitely do it. Regarding the direct control of Tubo, the subordinates still have some ideas, that is, my Xiangxiong Kingdom's military strength is not enough. At this time, there are only 30 troops. The entire Tubo military strength is superhuman. So we can't take them!"

Li Mixia was telling the truth.

His strength is not enough, there is no way to take Tubo.

But what if Datang helped him?He only needs to manage, but who can't manage.

Coupled with the strong backing of Datang, this matter is sure to make money.

It's a fool not to agree.

Moreover, the last dignity of Zhang Zhung was preserved, and he was not killed.

In this way, Li Mixia is smart, at least smarter than Songtsan Gampo.

Songtsan Gampo did not know how many things he did in secret, which made Datang a little uncomfortable.

Now it's finally paid off.

But because of this, Songtsan Gampo laughed.

He seemed to be laughing at Li Mixia's overreaching.

In fact, he was laughing at Li Chengqian for taking it for granted.

However, Li Chengqian had already thought about this point.

"Thinking of my Tibetan army, it is mighty and majestic. It is wishful thinking to want to take down a small Zhang Zhung country alone!"

Songtsen Gampo said so, at this time he had already forgotten everything just now.

Wang Xuance couldn't stand it either.

"Songtsan Gampo, a quarter of your Tibetan army is in our city, and the other half have long since disappeared. When they fled, they were not mighty, but embarrassed! Don't you Too confident, so easy to slap in the face."

As soon as his words came out, everyone burst into laughter.

Because that's the way it is.

Songtsan Gampo didn't take it seriously, and said coldly, "Hmph, it was just an accident, an accident!"

"Accidents? How can there be so many accidents in this world? Starting from Hezhou, your people have been dying, and my Tang cavalry has been traveling westward and succeeding, but you have been failing until you were captured by my Tang cavalry. Besieged and captured, with such a serious loss, you are still blindly optimistic, thinking that your Tubo is invincible? Sorry, only the Tang cavalry is truly invincible, and everything else is nothingness!"

Su Lie said the same thing.

He didn't take Songtsan Gampo seriously at all.

The power he said was a joke before Datang.

Songtsen Gampo stopped talking.

But Li Mixia suddenly asked: "What is His Royal Highness Prince Songtsan Gampo planning to do with it? Don't let him know about our arrangement. If it gets out, it will be bad."

The way Li Mixia spoke made Songtsen Gampo a little depressed.

His implication lies in our discussion, and you, Songtsan Gampo, cannot listen to it.

And judging from what he meant, it seemed that he wanted to kill him!
Li Chengqian said with a smile:
"About Songtsan Gampo, this king has also thought about how to deal with him. At that time, this king will send him back to Chang'an in a hot air balloon, and Chang'an will judge him. He can't die yet, wait After you take power, it will be the day of his death."

What is a hot air balloon?
Li Chengqian didn't say anything, Li Mixia didn't dare to ask.

"Oh, it turns out that this is the case, His Royal Highness is really caring."

Li Mixia said so, but Songtsan Gampo was so angry that he was going to die.

Then, Li Chengqian said again: "Actually, it's okay for Songtsan Gampo to listen, after all, he can't escape from the palm of my king."

If Li Chengqian said so, Li Mixia would not say anything else.

So he asked: "Then about the strength of the troops, does His Highness the Crown Prince have any ideas?"

"It's simple. Just now, this king captured a group of Tubo soldiers. If you can take them as your own, then these soldiers will be handed over to you."

"Is this true?"


"The subordinate wants to take a look at this time?"

"Oh? It's doable, Yizhi, you take Li Mixia to see those soldiers!"

"Yes! His Royal Highness!"

Afterwards, Fang Yizhi took Li Mixia to the place where the Tubo soldiers were detained.

As for the hundreds of people he brought, Li Chengqian ordered again to let Haosheng settle down with them.

As for Songtsan Gampo, he said again: "Su Lie, send Songtsan Gampo to the prison so that you can take care of him! If Cheng Chumo is fine, then let him guard Songtsan Gampo, and there will be no mistakes. "


Su Lie got the order and sent Songtsan Gampo to the prison.

And so it went until the evening.

Then Li Mixia came to look for Li Chengqian again if he had something to do.

This time, he was still smiling.

"Li Mixia, why are you looking for this king?"

"His Royal Highness, this subordinate has honored your order and recruited all those Tubo soldiers!"


Li Chengqian was also a little curious, this Li Mixia is so powerful?
Directly take 10 people for their own use.

But it is true, firstly, they are of the same origin, and secondly, these Tubo soldiers were captured, if they were given a freedom, they would still be willing to do it.

"At that time, the subordinates will lead an army of 40 to conquer all major areas of Tubo."

"This point doesn't have to be all out."

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Before the expedition, send a letter to inform the princes. Those who obey will reply directly. If they don't reply or refuse, they will be attacked directly. This will save time."

Li Chengqian's approach is very admirable.

"In this way, it is true, as expected, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is wise."

"One more thing, this king will support you with one hundred Zhenguan cannons, you have to treat them well, remember, this one hundred cannons, after half a month, this king will take them back! Also, this king will add more musketeers 3 people, Su Lie and Wang Xuance will go out with you!"

Li Mixia was overjoyed, if this is the case, it would be great.

Because a hundred great gods are equivalent to an army of 1 people, or even more existences, as long as they are used well, [-] people will do.

Thirty thousand musketeers can even withstand the existence of an army of 40.

Of course, Su Lie and others still have to direct it.It's not bad for other people to have five times as much. If Cheng Chumo came, he might lose a lot of soldiers.

If it was a conquest, Li Chengqian would not hand over the soldiers to Li Mixia to command.You have to come by yourself, so you can rest assured.

In this way, it is basically possible to rule all kinds of dissatisfaction.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness!"

Li Mixia happily thanked Li Chengqian.

And suddenly someone came to report.

"The big thing is not good, the sky prison has been robbed!"


As soon as Li Chengqian heard it, he knew that something was wrong.

Because Songtsan Gambo was closed inside!
(End of this chapter)

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