God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 984 Conquering Tubo

Chapter 984 Conquering Tubo (two chapters in one)

Conquering Tibet (two chapters in one)

Suddenly someone shouted, it was Datang's army!
These words caused ripples like a stone falling into calm water, and many Tibetans immediately quickened their pace.

When the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty appeared in the distance, Songtsen Gampo saw that there were only 3000 people coming.

Then he had a bold idea.

So he shouted: "The enemy has only a thousand people, we don't have to be afraid, just put the ballista on the carriage, and let them come and go."

But someone said, what if there are people behind them?
Songtsan Gampo didn't take it seriously.

If there are people behind, then everyone will die as well, why not rise up and resist, otherwise everyone will only have a dead end!
His words undoubtedly aroused the approval of everyone. There is nothing wrong. If you don't resist, you will only die.

But Songtsen Gampo seemed to feel that there was still a possibility of victory.

Immediately full of energy.

After that, he commanded the Tubo army who was about to flee, and turned back.

At this time, Li Chengqian and Li Mixia on the top looked at everything below.

At this moment, Li Mixia asked with some concern: "His Royal Highness, here... Songtsan Gampo and the others are going to counterattack, they..."

"Just watch it, we're about to land."

Li Chengqian said so.

"But it's so dangerous here, what if you are surrounded by them after you go down? Although I can protect you, but they have tens of thousands of people, I will not be able to protect you then!"

When Li Mixia said that, he was right, that's how things are.

But Li Chengqian didn't care.

"You don't have to worry about this. After we go down, their battle will be over."

Li Mixia was a little apprehensive, from the very beginning he felt that Li Chengqian was a little different, even more so now.

But he still couldn't believe it. This battle was not fought like this. It took them only a few minutes to go down. Why did the battle end?

He didn't say anything, just looked at everything below.

Meanwhile the hot air balloon is slowly descending.

Suddenly, he yelled.

"Su Lie is so fierce! Songtsan Gampo started to run away!"

There were already gunshots under here, and before a few rounds, Songtsan Gampo led his men and fled in all directions.

Su Lie was not Cheng Chumo, and with Wang Xuance's blessing, the three thousand cavalry that the two of them were carrying seemed to be in a land of no one.

Songtsan Gampo was beaten so badly that he retreated steadily, and finally ran away directly.

Everything happened so fast that it was unexpected.

Li Mixia was even more amazed, what happened?
They haven't come down yet, is it about to end?
Yes, that's it.

Speaking like that, Li Chengqian still spoke conservatively.

"His Royal Highness is indeed a great talent!"

Li Mixia said so.

"We're coming!"

Li Chengqian didn't reply him, but said so instead.

When they came down, Su Lie had escorted Songtsen Gampo over.

This time even faster.

Songtsan Gampo looked helpless.

He thought he could make a comeback, but he was still caught by the Tang cavalry.

This is interesting.

It was the second time he was arrested, and now Songtsan Gampo was ashamed.

"Songtsan Gampo, do you think you can leave after hurting Cheng Chumo? Do you think you can make a comeback after leaving? You are still too naive!"

Li Chengqian said after getting off the hot air balloon.

But Songtsan Gampo shouted: "Cheng Chumo is not dead? That guy is not dead! And how do you know I am here? Why?"

A series of questions flashed through Songtsan Gampo's mind, and he didn't even think about asking them.

"I can know all your whereabouts!"

"Impossible! There must be spies!"

Songtsan Gampo didn't believe it.

Li Chengqian didn't care about him.

"Whether you believe it or not, that will not change your final fate. That is, you will be sent to Chang'an. This time, this king must have someone escort you to Chang'an!"

Li Chengqian recalculated and smiled.

"Westerly wind blows tomorrow, and the wind is suitable. It happens that the hot air balloon can be used. You can reach Chang'an the day after tomorrow at the earliest! Then, you are ready to accept the trial!"

As long as you get to a place with a train, you can go back to Chang'an by train.

Songtsan Gampo didn't say anything more, because it was unnecessary.

At this point he was desperate.

In this case, Li Chengqian didn't want to talk too much with him.

The order was issued directly.

"Come on, go back to Shancheng!"


Afterwards, the crowd locked Songtsan Gampo into a prison cart and took him to Shancheng.

After returning, Li Chengqian asked Cheng Chumo and Fang Yizhi to escort Songtsan Gampo back to Chang'an in a hot air balloon with several cars.

He and Li Mixia re-planned everything about Tubo.

Fortunately, a large number of Tubo people expressed their willingness to submit to Li Mixia, probably because of the relationship of the same origin. If they were ruled by the people of Tang Dynasty, maybe too many things would have happened.

As for Li Mi Xia Laizhi, he still has a fixed team who can directly manage Tubo.

He doesn't need to worry about this at all.

But speaking of it, there were still some people who were dissatisfied. The existence of these dissatisfaction caused Li Mixia to lead the captives, his own army, and the Zhenguan Magic Cannon to defeat all dissatisfaction.

After continuous conquest, starting from the nearby ones, all forces within a radius of hundreds of miles all surrendered to Li Mixia.

And so on, until ten days later.

Songtsen Gampo was finally tried, and Li Shimin locked him in Chang'an City, but did not kill him.

Maybe it was to let him die of old age in Chang'an, or it was because of other things.

Li Shimin's thoughts made him a little puzzled.

But what he wants to do, let him do it.

Li Chengqian called Li Mixia to his residence.

"Li Mixia, what's the current situation in Tibet?"

he asked.

"Now the Tubo people within 200 miles nearby have surrendered, and the subordinates ordered a large number of troops to grow out, radiating from here to thousands of miles away, and reintegrating the surrendered Tubo people. Now there are [-] million troops. These People continue to expand, and then expand to a range of two thousand miles!"

If Li Chengqian is alone, then this matter might take two or three months. If Li Mixia's method is used, the number of soldiers will be like a snowball, getting bigger, stronger, and stronger. No one dared to resist.

This is the direction of Li Chengqian's tactics.

Then, Li Chengqian didn't have to wait until the day when the Tubo people completely surrendered, because that day was not far away.

"Li Mixia, you have done a very good job. At that time, this king will send someone to help you manage this Tubo. By then, Tubo will be governed even stronger!"

The purpose of doing this is very effective, and it can also monitor everything Li Mixia does.

Otherwise, what is the difference between him and Songtsen Gampo?
If one day he also rebelled, and he was in the east again, and no one came to conquer it, that would be bad.

But he believes that this guy will not be like this.

After all, this regime has not come easily, and he has absolute force, if he wants to take it back, he will take it back.

In addition, the magic cannon that needs to be studied now is even more powerful. The shooting distance alone can reach hundreds of miles away, which is a terrifying thing. In the future, as long as the cannon is supported hundreds of miles away, the target is set The opponent's city, without further ado, first give you thousands of shells to smash your city into pieces, and then come with an army of fire, how long can you last?
What Li Chengqian has not said yet is that there are still a large number of immigrants who will come and integrate with the Tubo people.

The so-called great national integration.

"Yes! If that's the case, that's great!"

"Work hard, I won't treat you badly!"

Li Chengqian said with a little deep meaning.

"Yes! Your Royal Highness, I will definitely manage this place well."

"Very well, if there is nothing else, the king is going to leave tomorrow."

It has been almost a month since he came out, and many things have happened during this period.

The east of the Tang Dynasty has not been peaceful, and the countries bordering the Tang Dynasty seem to be unstable.

He has to go back and take care of it.

"In that case, I wish His Highness the Crown Prince a safe journey!"

"Well, if you have anything else to say, just say it!"

"Speaking of which, I really have one request from His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

"What's the matter?"

"Can you leave one hundred Zhenguan cannons here for your subordinates to use, so as to frighten the Tubo people!"

Li Chengqian knew what Li Mixia was thinking.

At the same time, Su Lie said directly: "The magic cannon of Zhenguan is a sacred item of the Tang Dynasty, and ordinary people can't get it, especially those who are far away. I'm afraid that you will lose the magic cannon due to poor storage. If you lose it, it will be bad. !"

Su Lie's words were still a bit cryptic, but he actually wanted to say, what if you do something wrong with such an important thing?What if you lose it?
Li Mixia was a little embarrassed.

"This subordinate must swear to protect them to the death!"

"That doesn't work either, the mystery of Zhenguan Cannon cannot be obtained by others!"

Wang Xuance said.

"His Royal Highness, this..."

Faced with the opposition of the two generals.

Li Mixia had no choice but to turn to Li Chengqian for help.

After thinking for a while, Li Chengqian said, "It's not okay to put it here. But there are a few requirements!"

"His Royal Highness, please speak!"

"First, you have to treat them as if they were life, and you have to have news about them every half a month, and everyone who comes into contact with them must be a trustworthy person."

"Of course!"

Li Mixia was overjoyed, if that was the case, the cannon would be kept [-]% of the time.

"Secondly, Li Mixia, let's put our ugly words first. Although Zhenguan Magic Cannon is important, it is not the most important thing. All bad intentions will be smashed. No matter who it is, it will be exiled at least, or beheaded at worst. "

Li Chengqian thought that if he was not given a cannon, sometimes he would be really hard to convince. Weapons have two sides, one is dangerous and the other is safe.

If you want to heal this piece of land, if you don't give them some weapons, then it is equivalent to no different from others, and anyone can rebel.

But it's different with weapons, tyranny of all kinds of dissatisfaction.

Furthermore, the cannon shells needed to be supplied, as long as he ensured the supply and put them in and out of the warehouse, everything would be fine.

His promise caused Su Lie and the others to express their concerns.

"His Royal Highness, this is impossible!"

"That's right, His Highness the Crown Prince can't, the Zhenguan Magic Cannon is so important!"

"Okay, don't talk about it, the king knows its importance, but compared to the country's stability, although they are important, if they can't be used in practice, what's the use of powerful weapons?"

The two still wanted to say something.

But was interrupted by Li Chengqian.

"Okay, don't talk about it! This king has already made arrangements for this, so don't mention it again in the future."


The two didn't say anything.

But there is some reason for their opposition.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness!"

The happiest person here is Li Mixia.

In this way, his rule will be permanent.

For Li Chengqian, his place is good, and Chang'an is even better.

As for who to come over, there are more. For example, Shangguanyi has a large number of bachelors who can come together. You must know that there are tens of thousands of people in the Tang Academy alone. People will come here without hesitation.

These intellectuals have a kind of admiration for Li Chengqian from the depths of their souls.

Li Chengqian also knew that they must be willing.

"Okay, let's go down and integrate this piece of land together, you know?"

"Yes! The subordinates know!"

In this way, Li Mixia left happily.

At this time Su Lie asked: "His Royal Highness, is this really possible?"

"It's okay, this king can figure out that he is only loyal and not treacherous. For Datang, what we need now is an existence that can be driven by us and stabilize Tubo, and Li Mixia is a good candidate. , In fact, this king set his sights on him half a year ago, and it was only recently finalized, this person is a talent!"

"In this way, everything will be done as His Royal Highness wishes!"

Wang Xuance said.

But Su Lie didn't say anything anymore.

"By the way, you should prepare well. Tomorrow we will return to Chang'an. It seems that the east of Tang Dynasty is not stable now! There are constant wars there, and Qin Qiong seems to be a little busy!"

Regarding the east side, he is still very unconvinced. This time, when he returns to Chang'an, he must be taught a lesson. Maybe it can be in the form of a fleet, but everything can only be discussed after he returns.

"Yes, we should use the main force to the east!"

Su Lie said.

"Go down, General Cheng's army will probably come to take over here tomorrow. At that time, you will leave some people here to hand over, and others will go back with us."


Li Chengqian made good arrangements, and they will return to Chang'an as soon as tomorrow arrives.

That night, a large number of people heard the news that Li Chengqian was going back, and they all stood outside the government office, wanting to see him no matter what.

Li Chengqian was a little moved.

They also had fun with the people, and they didn't disperse until the middle of the night.

In this way, Li Chengqian was very tired.

But it's all worth it.

Until the next morning, he left Shancheng early. As for the people coming out to see him off, it has long been standard.

Li Chengqian is also used to this kind of gifting.

Finally he set off, with his heart toward home, and the road would not be far away.

(End of this chapter)

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