Chapter 985
Li Chengqian and the others passed through mountains and plateaus, and finally passed Hezhou. Before the people there welcomed him, he hurried out of the city and headed for the train.

Finally, they got on the train.

From the moment people get on the train, people finally feel the joy of going home.It has been a month, although it is not long, but I am still very excited to go home.

At the same time, some people are holding the ashes of sacrificed soldiers. The so-called fallen leaves return to their roots. They still hope that these dead people will return to their hometowns.

The names of these people have long been sent back to Chang'an, and Li Chengqian asked people to build a monument overnight so that people can pay their respects in their spare time, and can also educate people. These people are heroes of the Tang Dynasty, so that the next generation will have more national belonging feel.

It also makes their families feel better.

Of course, Li Chengqian had already done the compensation and so on.

He does this better than anyone else!

Li Chengqian sat in the train, thinking a little.

Although war makes people passionate, it is still a bit sad when encountering life and death.

But if you don't do this, your family will have no protection, and your people will be exposed to the fangs of other countries and will not live in peace.

Therefore, if he is not the master of this world, who will be?
If he does not conquer the world, who will?

Therefore, this is a necessary process.

He can bear it too.

"His Royal Highness, it's getting late, are you still asleep?"

Su Lie came to Li Chengqian's side and asked.

Li Chengqian looked at the scenery outside the train.

The moon shines on the ground, and under the silver light, everything is white. This is the land of Datang.More to come!
"In a few hours, we will arrive in Chang'an. I'm a little excited and can't sleep!"

It was already early morning, and it would be dawn in a few hours.

The more this time, the more unable to sleep.

Li Chengqian wanted to see his children, to see if Li Xiang had grown up.The feeling of longing is beyond words.

I want to see Wu Zetian, after a while, she will give birth too, I don't know if it will be a boy or a girl, if there is another boy, his name will be thought out for him.

If it's a girl, the name should naturally not be too bad, but more beautiful.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince is thinking about the eldest grandson of the Emperor? Are you also thinking about the Crown Princess and the others?"

Li Chengqian smiled, his eyes were full of love and warmth.

This has never happened before. It turns out that Li Chengqian also has a tender side.

The usual prince is very tough, making people fearful.

The current prince seems to have changed into another person, which makes people feel warm.

Li Chengqian didn't speak, he was just thinking.

Seeing this, Su Lie left in a sensible way, leaving only Li Chengqian looking into the distance.

This time, Li Chengqian returned with more than 5 soldiers. Originally, there were 3 soldiers, but some returned first, some sacrificed, and some guarded in Tubo, so there were only more than [-] people on the train.

But this is too much. You must know that they are facing a huge country, and they subdued Tubo with only a small price. What's more, he used some means.

A few hours passed quickly, when a ray of dawn appeared at the head of the train.

The light shone on the train and spread slowly.

This is a dawn of victory.

The sun came up and it was day.

Besides, the train was heading towards Chang'an.

This place is seventy miles away from Chang'an.

In just over half an hour, he will return to Chang'an.

Suddenly, someone broke into Li Chengqian's compartment.

A little nervous.

Li Chengqian saw that it was Wang Xuance.

He was not so reckless in the past, what happened today.

"What happened to Wang Xuance?"

he asks.

"Outside, outside..."

"What's going on outside?"

"There were people standing outside, waving flags on both sides of the train!"


What are these people up to?Could it be that you welcome yourself? This is too touching.The place fifty miles away is full of people. If this is told, no one will believe it.

In ancient etiquette, at best, each other was seen off and greeted ten miles away, but when Li Chengqian returned, the people waited fifty miles away to welcome him.

This is really powerful.

When Li Chengqian heard this, he looked directly at the front of the train. As expected, both sides of the railway were full of people.

These people held a yellow flag in their hands with red letters written on it.

Li Chengqian took a closer look and found that it was dry characters.

This can already prove that people came to welcome him. After all, only he has the character Gan. If he becomes the emperor, all the characters related to Gan will probably have to be changed. The so-called taboo.

"Come on, let's get on the roof!"

Li Chengqian said.

Before Wang Xuance finished speaking, he had already walked up.

Wang Xuance and Su Lie also followed.

As soon as they reached the top, the people on both sides directly exploded the pot.

"It's His Royal Highness! He's back!"

"His Royal Highness is a true hero!"

"He solved the Tubo people in the west for us! He is a hero in our hearts!"


There was an endless stream of words like this, but Li Chengqian couldn't hear them at all amidst the loud train noise, but he could feel people's enthusiasm.

After the game, his points started to rise again. This kind of increase made him very happy, because his points were infinitely close to 2000 million points.

That was another qualitative ascension, another huge improvement.

With points, he can do many things that he didn't dare to think of before.

2000 million points, not a little bit, can fill up several skills, but for now, he doesn't need to fill up.

Will click on it when necessary.

The further you go, the more your skills are against the sky, and the more points you use.The only thing he can do is to accumulate points while conquering the world.

"Everyone go back, this king has felt your enthusiasm! Go home early to be with your family!"

Li Chengqian waved his hand as a signal.

And use a loudspeaker to talk to people.

When people heard it, they were very moved. The speed of the train was too fast, and they could only follow behind and keep chasing after it.

"Everyone, be safe and don't get hurt."

Li Chengqian said with concern, the more this is the case, the more fanatical people will be.

His voice carried far away.

People had no intention of leaving at all, they were still standing there, waving flags.

In the end, Li Chengqian had no choice but to sit in the train.

Because he couldn't stand the enthusiasm of people.

In this way, a state appeared, the train was going in front, and people were chasing behind. However, people's physical strength was limited, and they could only chase for a few hundred meters, but they couldn't do it, so they could only walk into Chang'an City.

And as the train continued to move forward, they were getting closer and closer to Chang'an.

At this time, there should be a large number of people waiting for his return.

(End of this chapter)

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