Chapter 986 Amnesty
The train whistle sounded.

People were already standing outside the west gate of Chang'an City, and the surrounding area of ​​the railway station was completely packed.

Such a scene is comparable to when he went out to fight, or even more.

Among them, there was a wave of people dressed in brocade clothes, and they were the people of the imperial court.

They stood upright, waiting for the train to appear.

There are also most of the people in common clothes, and they all have the same purpose, which is to wait for Li Chengqian's return.

Li Chengqian at this time is the hero of the Tang Dynasty. If he didn't just return to Chang'an, but passed through other places, he would definitely receive an even warmer welcome.

Because Li Chengqian in the train compartment has long been used to it, as the train slowly slowed down, he waved to the people as a signal.

The common people were very happy, and many people came here early in the morning to wait.

It is simply a happy thing to receive feedback from Li Chengqian.

Others were waiting on both sides of the railway, although some of them just saw the trail of the train, and the train disappeared, and they didn't even see the prince, and the train went away.

And yet they were also content, because they came to meet them.

The train gradually slowed down, and finally the whistle sound stopped.

Then, the door of the first carriage opened.

Li Chengqian appeared in front of everyone.

At this time, the people around fell to their knees in unison.

"Welcome His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

At this time, his face was even greater than that of Li Shimin.

And Li Shimin had the eldest grandson empress, he didn't pay much attention to it, after all, the crown prince is supported by all people today, which is what he deserves, because he won the battle.Back then, he was the same, and he was welcomed by all people.

It's just that today's protagonist is Li Chengqian.

As early as two days ago, Li Shimin received the news that it was Li Chengqian who defeated Tubo and wanted it to belong to Chang'an.

He directly issued an order that all the officials should come out to meet him.

I don't know who leaked the news, causing the people to flock to it.

Even before dawn, everyone came out of the west gate to greet them.

As a prince, Li Chengqian is also very awesome. The welcome of tens of thousands of people is not counted, even the emperor of the Tang Dynasty came out to welcome him.

And not only the emperor, but all the royal children headed by Li Shimin's many sons came out.

There are also hundreds of civil and military officials, regardless of their official rank, all came out.

The most important ones stood in the front, while the second ones were at the rear, without even a chance to show their faces.

The lower existence didn't even have the chance to take a look at Li Chengqian.

Li Chengqian also saw some people, such as Xue Rengui, Fang Xuanling, Cheng Yaojin, Du Ruhui, and others, as well as Cheng Chumo, Du Gou, Fang Yizhi, and Yuchi Baolin.

But headed by Empress Changsun is Li Shimin's harem beauties Sanqian. They stand behind Empress Changsun, all of them are gentle and upright, staring at the hero on the train, and never leave for a long time.

Next, Li Chengqian also saw Wu Zetian standing beside Empress Changsun and Zheng Liwan holding a child in her arms.

Wu Zetian is beautiful and moving, and Zheng Liwan is even more so, and the child is smart and cute, just like his father, and he will have great achievements in the future.

Their position is second only to Empress Changsun, and they are even higher than Li Shimin's concubines.

It is also because today they are welcoming the family members of the heroes, so naturally they are the best.

No one dared to say anything!It is impossible to say anything.

Whoever said it might provoke Tianwei, that would be thankless.

Now that the crown prince is absolutely strong, those who dare to raise it may not end well.

Li Chengqian walked towards Li Shimin's direction.

At this time, Li Shimin greeted him directly.

Holding Li Chengqian in his arms, he said: "Gao Ming, you have worked hard, and you have accomplished a major event for me!"

After finishing, he said: "I thought it would take three to five years for the Tubo crisis to be fully resolved. I didn't expect you to solve the Tubo crisis in less than a month. Your actions are for the benefit of the Tang Dynasty." Also! The prosperity of the Tang Dynasty started today!"

Li Shimin was very excited.

But Li Chengqian said: "Father, all these are what my ministers should do. All of this is also due to the prosperity of my Tang Dynasty. No matter who plays the battle, they will definitely get good results!"

Li Shimin didn't care.

"Hahaha! No matter what, victory is victory. I don't care what others do, but you, the prince, are successful, and everyone deserves to be happy!"

Empress Changsun also came over.

"Yes, Gao Ming, when your father heard the news of your victory that day, he was so excited that he couldn't sleep. He thought that the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty would last forever. As long as you are here, there is nothing the Tang Dynasty can't do!"

This is simply too flattering to Li Chengqian, since they want to say that, Li Chengqian has nothing to say.

He was secretly refreshed.

"Come, come, your two wives have heard that you are coming back, and they haven't closed their eyes for the past two days."

Then, it was Wu Zetian and Zheng Liwan.

"His Royal Highness, you are back!"

Wu Zetian said first.

She has peach blossoms on her face, which is very red.

Then Zheng Liwan hugged the child and said, "Xiang'er, your father is back!"

After Zheng Liwan gave birth, her figure recovered very quickly, the shyness of a young girl was replaced by the allure of a young woman,

He walked towards the two of them, one in each hand, and embraced them in his arms.

"You have worked hard!"

"The concubine is not hard, but His Royal Highness is hard! In addition to bearing the threat of danger every day, but also thinking about home, that is hard work!"

Wu Zetian said.

This woman is very good at talking, and she is deeply loved by Li Chengqian.

And Zheng Liwan also said slowly: "As long as His Royal Highness returns safely, it will be more reassuring than anything else!"

A family of four, happy and harmonious, envious of others.

Li Shimin coughed.

After that, Li Chengqian realized that now is not the time for warmth.

Then Li Shimin said again: "Today, Tubo has been defeated, and I declare that the world will pardon me!"

When he spoke, everyone cheered.

The world is amnesty, and some people who have committed minor crimes can come out and reunite with their families directly, which is simply not very good.

All of this is because of the prince, without the prince's return in victory, all of this is illusory.

Then, Li Shimin said: "Gao Ming, are you hungry? You can have dinner with me today! I still have questions to ask you!"


Li Chengqian agreed.

After finishing, Li Shimin said again: "Let Wu Jue and Li Wan be together, let's have fun!"


The two women said in unison.

"Come here, return the Great Tang iron cavalry to the barracks, and reward them for their meritorious deeds!"

Li Chengqian continued.

Su Lie should be, so he went down to make arrangements.

Afterwards, under the watchful eyes of the common people, they headed towards the Tai Chi Palace.

Among the crowd at this time, Cheng Chumo was a little afraid to look at Li Chengqian, because he might be punished next.

(End of this chapter)

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