Chapter 988 It was him
As soon as Li Chengqian opened his mouth, Wu Zetian and Zheng Liwan stared at him closely, their eyes were full of love.

Whatever he said now, they would think he was a hero.

What's more, his record can be described as very large.

Li Chengqian said.

"About Tubo, Erchen said in a letter earlier that Li Mixia, the king of Xiangxiong Kingdom, will take care of it."

The news is no secret anymore.

But when he said it, some people still said that it might not be suitable.

Escrow?Your own territory is not managed by your own people, but you want someone to manage it?

All this, people are very puzzled.

That was Fang Xuanling talking.

"Is this Li Mixia real and reliable? We don't know much about him. If he has different intentions, for us, it is equivalent to making people lose the country he has conquered! This is not good!"

Du Ruhui said: "That's right, I thought it was inappropriate! Although he can do it now, who can guarantee that he will think so in the future? After all, people who stand in the center of power are especially prone to confusion!"

Li Shimin was silent.

They should have communicated earlier.

"Regarding this point, I think it's not a problem. That Li Mixia has also passed my test, and he is definitely an existence that can stand the test! As long as he has a different heart, this king will punish him, and this king can kill the Tubo people. You can definitely kill him and replace him with someone else."

He said.

But everyone still doesn't believe it. After all, a political power is handed over to an outsider, which doesn't seem very good.

"Gao Ming, I'm afraid this matter needs to be discussed in the long run!"

Li Shimin said so.

He also didn't want to believe Li Chengqian's approach, after all, it was too risky.

Empress Changsun also expressed her opinion.

"As a foreigner, there is no one who has the unity of the people of the Tang Dynasty. It seems that he has given little consideration to doing this."

It can be said that everyone here can't believe Li Chengqian, because this is too radical.

But there are still some people who support it, such as Fang Yizhi and others.

These people are the existence of the younger generation.

Of course, Xue Rengui is also indispensable.

And my own two wives, their voices are very unified.

That means Li Chengqian is right in whatever he does.

They obeyed unconditionally, and they also agreed with Invincible, agreeing with all his decisions.

In this way, it is obvious that the veterans have the upper hand, and Li Shimin also feels the same way, so Li Chengqian is undoubtedly under a huge pressure.

But Li Chengqian didn't panic.

He said: "Father, Queen Mother, regarding this point, I have already had a solution. Please listen to my son."

Now, everyone is quiet.

They looked at Li Chengqian, and then at Li Shimin and Empress Changsun.

Li Chengqian returned after a long battle, and Li Shimin resolved this matter with the attitude of negotiating everything.

Therefore, his tone of voice can be considered very light.

He doesn't seem to have gotten any heavier.

"Oh? Come and listen, let me advise you."


Li Chengqian opened his mouth.

"My son thought that the governor could be sent to Tubo to monitor the development there, and that all actions of Li Mixia would be carried out under our eyes."

The governor, the official name, the province in the early Han Dynasty, and the reinstatement.Emperor Wen ordered the prime minister to send other personnel to assassinate various places because the censors often neglected their duties.After Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty abolished the supervisory censors of the counties, he divided the country into thirteen departments (states) in the fifth year of Yuanfeng, and each department began to have a governor. "Stab" means to examine and ask questions.The governor system was further developed in the middle and late Western Han Dynasty, which played a positive role in maintaining the imperial power, clarifying the administration of officials, and promoting the formation of Zhaoxuan Zhongxing.In the first year of Suihe (the first 8 years) of Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty, the governor was renamed Zhoumu, and his powers were further expanded, from the inspector to the local military administrator.

The official of the governor is equivalent to the chief of one party, and the power is very powerful.It can play a supervisory role, so how dare they disagree?
Once there is a discrepancy, it will definitely be discovered.

When his words were spoken, some people were happily thinking about the candidate in their hearts.

Many are suitable if given the go.

First, Fang Xuanling came forward and said: "If this is the case, it is not impossible. If it is the governor, I have a candidate."

"Yes, yes, I also agree with the opinion of His Royal Highness, and there are candidates here!"

Du Ruhui said the same thing.

At this time, Cheng Yaojin said: "Just now you seem to disagree. Why, when His Highness the Crown Prince talked about the governor, you were more excited than anyone else? I want to hear what His Highness the Crown Prince means."

The two were silent, their faces flushed, and they seemed a little embarrassed.

Li Shimin said: "This method is very good, but Gao Ming, do you have a suitable candidate?"

Li Shimin also wanted to hear about Li Chengqian's candidates. Regarding other candidates, he didn't particularly want to know. Everything will be based on Li Chengqian's words. This is his belief.

As soon as his words came out, Li Chengqian spoke directly.

When he opened his mouth, it meant that someone really chose him.

So, Li Shimin will definitely give priority to it.

"I've been thinking about this question when I was on the road, and now I finally think of someone who is very suitable!"

Li Shimin asked curiously: "Oh? Who is that?"

"Who is that?"

All the ministers asked at the same time.

"This person has a very high reputation in my Tang Academy."

As soon as he spoke.

Du Ruhui directly denied it.

"That can't be done. Scholar Ouyang is getting old. Going to Tubo will take a lot of work, and I'm afraid it will have a bad effect on his health."

Fang Xuanling also said:
"That's right, Scholar Ouyang has made so many contributions to the Tang Dynasty in the past few years, there is no reason for him to come out of Tubo!"

Li Shimin also looked at Li Chengqian curiously, it seemed that he also thought that what Li Chengqian was talking about was him.

The first thing people think of is Ouyang Xun, because there is no one else who can do it except him.

They all refused to support sending Ouyang Xun.

But people ignored one person.

A more qualified existence.

"It's not Bachelor Ouyang!"

Li Chengqian denied it.

"Who is that?"

Everyone said in unison.

It seemed that everyone was thinking about the same person.

Everyone can't think of a second candidate.

Wu Zetian and Zheng Liwan are rarely involved in political affairs, so I don't know what they are talking about.

The two just listened quietly.

Li Chengqian was silent, his unhurriedness made everyone anxious.

You say it!

Empress Changsun also came forward and said: "Gao Ming, just tell me who it is. Your Majesty and the ministers are all in a hurry!"

Empress Changsun said so, and Li Chengqian didn't hide it anymore.

He said the name of that person, and everyone suddenly realized that it was him!

If it was really him, then all of this might be okay.

(End of this chapter)

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