Chapter 989

Seeing everyone's interest, Li Chengqian said, "This person is Shangguanyi!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone suddenly realized.

So it was him?But why him?
instead of someone else?
Du Ruhui first said: "But the deputy of Bachelor Ouyang?"

Li Chengqian nodded.

Fang Xuanling also heard about it.

"This person is quite talented. He is very good at composing poems. He has taught many talents for the Tang Dynasty over the years. He is the best candidate!"

From his tone of voice, he seemed to have someone to choose, but when Shangguanyi came out, he affirmed Li Chengqian's words.

Because he is better, overwhelming the crowd, he deserves it!
"I've heard about this man before. His father was Shangguan Hong. He was killed by Yu Wenhua and his general Chen Leng because he participated in the anti-slaying of Sui Yang Emperor. He can be regarded as a generation of martyrs! He can be reused!"

Li Shimin also seemed to know something about him.

Good opinion of him too.

So nothing is more important than that!
Cheng Yaojin said the same thing.

"I heard that he also has a son named Shangguan Tingzhi, who can compose poetry at the age of four. He is one of the few child prodigies. The tutor is good!"

They didn't know that he was also the grandfather of Shangguan Wan'er, one of the Four Great Talented Women, even though Shangguan Wan'er hadn't been born yet.

Empress Changsun said: "It seems that Gao Ming chose him after careful consideration, but if so, we have to see what he thinks? Can he devote himself to my Tang Dynasty? If he can, that would be the best!"

"Of course he will!"

Li Chengqian said with certainty.

Because he can guarantee that whatever he asks Shangguanyi to do, he will definitely agree.

Not to mention anything else, just saying that his talent is also convincing, everyone will agree.

And Li Chengqian also has the kindness to know him.

Anyone with a grateful heart will agree!
"I thought we could let him come into the palace and hear what he thinks?"

"Yes! My son wants to announce one more person! Let him be with you!"


"Come here!"

"Who is Laiji?"

How did Li Shimin know who Lai Ji is?

"The former General Zuo Yiwei came to protect his son!"

They don't know Lai Ji, but they must know Lai Huer.

Li Shimin said: "Lai Hu'er once pacified Gao Zhizhi, conquered Goguryeo three times, and finally forced the king of Goguryeo to surrender. In this way, Laiji can be regarded as a famous general. By the way, Gao Ming, why did you let him come?"

"Assist Yu Shangguanyi to go to Tubo together!"

"Is he okay?"

Fang Xuanling asked.

At this time, Li Chengqian told them about the encounter with Lai Ji that day.Laiji's performance that day was very impressive!

This said, everyone suddenly realized.

It turns out that Laiji's talent is still very good.And the retribution is even bigger!If this person is not used, who will he use?

"Okay! Announce the two of them into the palace! I want to see how they are doing?"

Therefore, everyone wants to see this person even more.

Li Shimin is also very interested.

After that, someone went to declare Shangguanyi and Laiji to enter the court.

Afterwards, they had finished their breakfast, and everyone waited directly for Shangguanyi and the other in the Tai Chi Palace.

After a long time, the two entered the court.

As soon as they entered, they saluted Li Shimin, Empress Changsun and Li Chengqian.

In front of the emperor, no matter what, the gift must come first.

Li Shimin asked them to stand up.

He took a closer look at the two of them.

He said: "Sure enough, you are extraordinary. Just looking at the two of you, you are extraordinary!"

They performed satisfactorily!

The two of them were a little dumbfounded. Why did Li Shimin say such things suddenly?
And Li Chengqian explained: "Shangguanyi and Laiji are the ones who let you enter the palace."

Only then did the two understand.

Shangguanyi asked: "I don't know why His Royal Highness let us enter the palace?"

Li Chengqian has no reason to hide.

"Today, Tubo is included in the territory of the Tang Dynasty by this king, and there is a shortage of talents in Tubo. Therefore, this king asks you, are you willing to leave Tubo? Manage there! Of course, in return, the salary is naturally more than other people at the same level! After all, it's too far away, and there are some dangers!"

Shangguanyi and Laiji didn't even think about it.

First, Shangguanyi, he said without thinking:
"As long as His Royal Highness says, we will agree. It is our honor to work for His Royal Highness!"

Then came Lai Ji said: "Yes! My subordinates are always thinking about when we can share our worries and problems with His Highness the Crown Prince, but I never thought that it will be realized now! No matter where we go, I am willing, as long as His Highness the Crown Prince requests, we will go there !"

The answers of the two men were surprisingly consistent.

It's very comforting to hear it.

After that, Li Chengqian said to Li Shimin: "Father, the official position of Shangguanyi..."

Li Shimin laughed.

He knew what Li Chengqian meant, Li Shimin had to come for this official, otherwise Li Chengqian's announcement would be more powerful, that would be bad!
"Gao Ming is always good at seeing people, today you two make me very satisfied."

Afterwards, he raised his voice again and said, "Declarate my decree, seal Shangguanyi as the governor of Tubo, and Laiji as Tubo's farewell!"

The governor is the highest official in a place, and Bie Jia is equivalent to his secretary.

It is equivalent to assisting the governor in his work.One positive and one pair, good match.

The two also brought Li Chengqian's new ideas to govern quietly, so that Tubo will prosper!

With such an arrangement, Li Chengqian is naturally satisfied.

At the same time, Shangguanyi and Laiji quickly thanked each other.

"Thank you Lord Ron!"

Li Shimin laughed.

This is considered a big deal.

But Li Chengqian still has something to say.

"Father, my son thinks that they can also bring thousands of literati and elites from all walks of life to Tubo to marry the locals, so as to strengthen our rule of the Tang Dynasty!"

Li Shimin said.

"Everything is done according to Gao Ming's intention! As for the candidate, Shangguanyi will decide for you!"

Shangguanyi replied "Yes!"

In this way, there is no longer any fear of chaos in Tubo.

As a result, everyone began to congratulate.

First of all, I wish Li Shimin to solve a major event, and Datang will prosper.

The next step is to wish Shangguanyi and the two to advance step by step and contribute to the Great Tang.

Shangguanyi asked at this time: "I don't know when to leave?"

"Prepare well, the sooner the better, I will ask someone to draw up an imperial decree, if necessary, you can ask Gao Ming to deal with it at any time!"

"Yes! If there is a problem, I can explain it to you. I even think I can give you an army for you to manipulate!"

In this way, at least there is some protection in the chaotic Tubo.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness!"

The two said in unison.

"Okay, go down and prepare. If you need it, just talk to me directly."


The two retreated, and Li Chengqian remembered that there was still one thing that had not been dealt with.

Then he said: "Your Majesty, about the situation in Silla. I think you can deal with it later!"

Once the western expedition is over, the next thing is the east.

Li Chengqian was more anxious than anyone else, and there was still a Yiren waiting to the east, but Li Shimin didn't seem to be in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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