God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 991 Delicious in the world

Chapter 991 Delicious in the world
Since Li Chengqian was going to stay in Chang'an for a longer period of time, naturally the training of the navy was a major event.He also asked Li Kai to deal with the warship matters.No matter what you say, you must deliver the warship, that is the cornerstone of conquering the world!

During this period of time, the iron output of Datang has risen sharply, which is thirty times higher than that of the previous period. The development of the industry is unprecedented.

Therefore, when Li Chengqian proposed to build warships, Li Kai said that there was no problem at all, and promised to deliver fifty ships within two months.Even more, as long as the raw materials are enough, there is nothing they can't make!
For the warship, it can be said that it is the power of the whole country, so the speed is naturally faster.

This is great news.

And Li Chengqian is more to accompany Wu Zetian, Zheng Liwan and Li Xiang.It just so happens that I can spend these two months with them well, as a husband or a father should be like this!
Speaking of Li Xiang, he developed faster than his peers, and his brain is also very good. He can already speak at a young age.

And also recognized hundreds of words.

At this time, other children were still breastfeeding and sleeping, but he began to study.He even knows how to recite poems, and he still looks good!Of course, Zheng Liwan might teach the other princes about all of this, and Li Xiang was fascinated by it. As Li Chengqian's child, it's normal for him to know.

In this way, Li Chengqian was very happy

This is their own offspring, no matter what they are stronger than others.

In the future, you can also train yourself to be your own helper to help you govern the world!Why not?
On this day, he went to the Weihe River to watch the training of the navy. The scene was very intense. This is what they have to experience every day.

All the sergeants were also selected from the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty, but the platform was replaced by a ship, and some combat methods were somewhat different.

The rest are basically the same.

His purpose of doing this is that this army can be used as an army or a navy.It will always be like this until newcomers join!After all, training an army from scratch is not easy, it takes too long!

Such a strong army can deter the enemy wherever it is placed.

It was also afternoon now, Li Chengqian could see that Xue Rengui, Su Lie, and Wang Xuance had not left.

has been training the army.

Of course, there are Fang Yizhi and others, but Cheng Chumo is missing.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't feel particularly great without him and with more him.

Naturally, someone will train him in the future.

"His Royal Highness! The Crown Princess and Zheng Liangdi are here."

Then someone came to report.

"Got it! Let her come over!"

Li Chengqian stood up.

Only then did Wu Zetian and Zheng Liwan arrive.

As a result, Wu Zetian and Zheng Liwan walked slowly with their big belly.

Some soldiers followed behind them.

When they arrived, Li Chengqian was a little unhappy. "Didn't it tell you not to come? Why didn't you listen?"

"His Royal Highness, I have persuaded the Crown Princess many times, but she kept saying that staying in the palace is boring and she wants to come out and have a look."

Zheng Liwan said.

But Li Chengqian said: "It's windy outside, it's not good to catch a cold!"

After finishing, she stood up, welcomed Wu Zetian into the seat, and let Zheng Liwan, who was holding Li Xiang in her arms, also sit down.

Wu Zetian waited for a while before saying: "I waited for you all afternoon, but I didn't see you coming back for dinner. So I thought about bringing you food. No matter how important this army is, your body is even more important!"

Although Wu Zetian's words were accusations, they were warm in Li Chengqian's ears.

"The king knows, but you don't have to come in person. It's windy outside, which is not good for children. And this scene is full of beatings and killings. It's not good for you women to see."

But it's all out, so I can't go back now.

Therefore, Zheng Liwan said: "His Royal Highness, please let us stay here for a while, otherwise we will have to wait for you until very late at night, and we cannot see you every night. When we wake up the next day, you come out again. Li Xiang also kept crying and saying, why didn’t I see my father!?”

Li Xiang in Zheng Liwan's arms also fell asleep at this time, otherwise he would have said something.

Li Chengqian shook his head.

Forget it, since this is the case.

"Okay, you guys just stay for a while, but after a while, you must leave and go back to the East Palace to have a good rest. This king should go back earlier."

The two smiled at each other.

After all, their goal has been achieved.

"Come here, deliver the food to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

Wu Zetian said so.

So someone brought up the dishes.

It's all Li Chengqian's favorite food.

"Good stuff, braised pork, braised eggplant, and pork rib soup, tonight's meal is really rich!"

Li Chengqian looked at the dishes on the table and said.

The two women looked at each other and smiled.

"The princess ordered someone to make this specially. We thought to ourselves that you haven't eaten these things for a long time, so we made more."

Zheng Liwan said so.

"You have a heart!"

Li Chengqian said.

After seeing Xue Rengui and others, he greeted them: "Xue Rengui, Su Lie, and Wang Xuance, come here!"

Thinking that something happened, the three of them walked towards Li Chengqian.

As soon as they came, they saw Wu Zetian and the two of them, so they saluted.

"His Royal Highness, what's the matter?"

they asked.

"Come, come, sit down and eat these dishes with me!"

Li Chengqian said so.

How dare the three of them eat?

Su Lie first said: "Subordinates dare not, these are specially made by the Crown Princess and Zheng Liangdi!"

Li Chengqian is not happy.

"This king asked you to eat, but you don't want to eat it? There are so many dishes, this king can't finish them!"

Wu Zetian and Zheng Liwan also knew the importance of these three, so it made sense for Li Chengqian to let them eat together.

So Wu Zetian came forward and said: "Yes! His Highness the Crown Prince is right. He regards you as brothers, so don't shirk!"

After her words, no one dared to say anything.

They also sat down.

And Li Chengqian gave another order to prepare some more bowls and chopsticks.

So the four of them ate.

When people gather together to eat, the more delicious it is.

It's better than eating alone.

They ate less of these foods, and the most they ate on weekdays was with soldiers in the army.

Therefore, when they ate these things, they inevitably took a few more mouthfuls of food.

Wang Xuance said while eating: "This dish is really delicious in the world. I have been in the palace for so long, and I have never eaten such delicious food!"

Su Lie also said:

"No, these things are simply found in heaven!"

When Xue Rengui was about to speak, a voice suddenly came from a distance.

The voice made him a little distracted.

He muttered: "It's over!"

(End of this chapter)

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