Chapter 992 Complaint
Li Chengqian had already discovered that something was wrong with him.

"Xue Rengui, what's wrong with you?"

"Subordinates still have to go one step ahead!"

Xue Rengui said so.

When you're done, you're leaving here.

He was not like this before, what happened today?
Suddenly it's time to go!

So Li Chengqian didn't allow it.


Xue Rengui stopped immediately.

King's order is hard to break!

"Did the king let you go?"

"No...but this subordinate still has something to do!"

"If there is something to do, I have to finish these dishes! Let's go!"

This can make things difficult for Xue Rengui.

Right now, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave.

Even if something happened, or the visitor made him worry, he still had to deal with it head-on. What was it to just avoid it?
As soon as Li Chengqian finished speaking, a person appeared.

Only then did he know that this was the case.

"Xue Rengui! Come out for me!"

A female voice came.

Li Chengqian took a look, and a woman with a big belly appeared.

This is Li Lizhi, she unexpectedly found here.

At this time, Li Lizhi was already very beautiful, like a young woman.

Since combining with Xue Rengui, the temperament of the whole person has improved a lot.

She was able to develop so early because of the effect of Li Chengqian's medicine.

Therefore, the development is ahead of schedule, and the birth of children is also much earlier.

Li Chengqian understood now that Xue Rengui was afraid of Li Lizhi.

It feels perfectly normal to be afraid of my wife.

Why avoid it?Nothing for no reason.

But how do you feel that Xue Rengui is afraid of Li Lizhi, which is a little abnormal.

Li Chengqian also told Li Lizhi more than once that his temper needs to be changed, but no, he didn't change it this time.

It's such an existence again, it's really nerve-wracking.

I can't help but feel a little angry in my stomach.

In addition, as soon as Li Lizhi came, she shouted: "Xue Rengui, come out, I saw you!"

When she came, Li Chengqian stood in front of her.

"Lizhi, what are you? How dare you make such a fool!"

When Li Lizhi saw that it was Li Chengqian, she panicked.

But then back again.

The tone turned coquettish.

Holding his arm.

"Brother, you must be the master for me!"

call the shots?

What's wrong with this?
"Is it Xue Rengui who bullied you? If this is the case, I will definitely punish him!"

Seeing that Xue Rengui was so frightened, it must have been caused by Li Lizhi being too coquettish. Li Chengqian knew Xue Rengui's character.

"Bullying is not..."

After all, he is also her man. If a man is not good, how can she be good?
And there's a baby in the womb.

"No bullying, why are you so angry?"

"It's him, he's been behaving abnormally for the past few days, which makes my sister very worried!"

"Oh? What is that? Xue Rengui, come out and talk about it!"

The so-called clean officials are difficult to cut off housework.

This is Xue Rengui's family matter, even if Li Chengqian is their eldest brother, but there are some things that he can only be a peacemaker, and let it go.

Before Xue Rengui said anything, Li Lizhi said again: "During this period of time, he didn't return until early in the morning every day, and he didn't know where he went or what he did!"

There are many who will decide on this point.

If this is the case, Li Chengqian understands.

Don't wait for him to speak.

Li Chengqian responded directly: "For a while, this king asked him to train soldiers here! It's normal to go back late."

Su Lie also came out and said, "That's right, we will go together and train together, and return with the soldiers!"

"I can also testify on this point. Xue Rengui didn't go anywhere, but only trained the navy here! We went back together last night."

The two are still loyal.

Li Lizhi was not happy with their reply.

"Leave the beautiful wife at home alone, but come here to train soldiers. The training of these soldiers can't be done in a day or two. Everything has to be measured. I think it's over. Big brother, you are pretending host!"

She also had a point.

It's just that the temper is a bit grumpy. If it were other people, if they met this kind of woman, no one would want to go back.

She has a lot of temper.

Li Chengqian said with a straight face:

"Enough of the beauty, this husband and wife should respect each other as guests. How can you be so tricky? If I had a wife like you, I wouldn't want to go back at night! A man should put his career first. If he doesn't have a career, he's like a waste." General! Don’t you know? This king has told you more than once, you want to change your bad temper, but you won’t listen!”

Li Chengqian's words were like a basin of cold water, directly waking Li Lizhi awake.

It turned out that the prince didn't help himself, but scolded himself.

"Big brother..."

Xue Rengui gave Li Chengqian a grateful look.

After that, Li Chengqian looked at Xue Rengui and became angry.

He became angry and scolded Xue Rengui together.

"And you, Xue Rengui, you don't even know how to handle family relations as a man! You can't handle it with a woman, and you can't coax it well with a woman! How can this king rest assured that he will hand over the army to you?"

Xue Rengui remained silent, because this time he was also wrong.

At this time, it is even more impossible to escape. For him, not only can it not solve the problem, but it will make the problem even bigger.

So he kept nodding his head.

Li Chengqian was not wrong, and neither was Li Lizhi.Xue Rengui is not wrong.

The positions are different.

But regarding Li Lizhi's character and temper, I still have to change it.

But he still scolded both of them.

After all, doing so is beneficial to both parties, and everyone is at fault, so it seems fairer.

"Pu'er, Liwan, please enlighten her."

In the end, Li Chengqian said that sometimes it would be better to ask a woman to speak.

Wu Zetian and Zheng Liwan should be.

Wu Zetian pulled Li Li over and said, "His Royal Highness is right. Sometimes you are just a little impatient. It would be better if you change it. This man has not committed any mistakes. You will make him feel very embarrassed by doing this." .For him, he will only have some rebellious psychology, which is counterproductive."

"Yeah, men, you have to give them enough tenderness to let them have cognition, instead of relying on anger, anger can't solve the problem. You have to understand this!"

Zheng Liwan said the same thing.

Li Lizhi kept her head down as she spoke.


she whispered.

The two continued to enlighten Li Lizhi.

Finally, Li Chengqian said: "Okay, that's all for today, Xue Rengui, go back and accompany Lizhi well, if you can't do it, this soldier doesn't need you to train, if you can't complete this small task, this king will Consider your combat subordinates!"

This frightened Xue Rengui. If a general doesn't fight, isn't that killing him?

"Yes Yes Yes!"

How dare he not agree.

After finishing, he took the initiative to hold Li Lizhi's hand and said, "Princess, let's go back..."

Li Lizhi nodded shyly.

Before leaving, I did not forget to say:
"Brother, thank you!"

But before they left, they saw Wu Zetian's expression turned very bad.

Her whole body was crumbling.

(End of this chapter)

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