Chapter 997
"Father, I think that I can let my son bring 1 people and [-] warships to Baekje, take Baekje, and then go eastward and directly join forces with Silla to defeat Goguryeo! "

As soon as these words came out, the ministers were at a loss.

Then someone stood up and opposed it.

First is Du Ruhui.

"His Royal Highness, there may be strong winds and waves in the sea area we are going to, not to mention how stable our warship is, but the journey is far away. If there is an accident, it will be a loss for my Tang Dynasty. Therefore, it is better to go by land. For the top!"

Li Chengqian didn't care.

The land is relatively stable, there must be nothing wrong with it!

"If you go by land, then Silla may have perished long ago. You must know that the importance of Silla at this time is equivalent to that of Jieli and Tang Dynasty. From now on, Silla will be the leader in the east, so that they can serve as the leader. We defend the world to the east!"

Land can't work because it takes too much time and Silla doesn't have time to wait.You have to be quick, you can't wait until they are wiped out, it will be too late.

After Li Chengqian said this, Du Ruhui didn't say anything else.

And some people said: "I'm afraid 1 people are not enough? Now they are the three kingdoms united together, and I only have more than 1 people, what should I do? I should bring a hundred thousand troops!"

1 people is still a little less, this is the first reaction in people's minds.

"You don't have to worry about this point. I will specify my battle strategy in a while, and you will know that I am not reckless! 1 people are enough, and I will definitely beat the enemy to pieces in the early stage! "

No matter who it is, try to stop Yu Li Chengqian, or care about Li Chengqian.

None of them could make Li Chengqian change his determination to go to Silla.

And suddenly, Empress Changsun said: "The Crown Princess has just given birth, so if you are asked to go, I am afraid it is not human!"

Yes, Li Chengqian just became a father again, and let him go to war again, which is unreasonable.This is one of the reasons why Li Shimin asked him to come. If he has a better way and doesn't go out by himself, then it will be better.

However, if he doesn't go out, who will go out?

This is a big deal, if he doesn't go out, the others may be wiped out if they go, in that case, it will be too late!

But Li Chengqian said: "The Tang Dynasty is strong, the common people will have a happy future, and as the crown prince, I am also pleased. At the same time, the princess also understands me! And this time is very important! I must go! It is not me No!"

He is very determined, very firm in his heart!

The ministers talked in a hurry, but they couldn't change Li Chengqian's mind.

In the end, everyone had to give up and say nothing more.

Li Shimin called him this time, maybe he also wanted him to go out, but it was hard to say it.And Li Chengqian said it himself, that's good.

In the end, Li Shimin didn't say whether he could let Li Chengqian go, but just asked: "Gao Ming, what do you want to do? I want to hear your battle plan!"

In this way, the meaning is already very obvious.

That is to agree to Li Chengqian's expedition.

He also compromised, and Li Chengqian's expedition became a fact!
Li Chengqian is naturally happy, and next, he may have to bring a newcomer into his arms.

Still a pretty girl.A powerful heroine!The women around him are never weak!
Of course, compared to beauties, he cares more about the expansion of the country.If he marries the princess of Silla, then he will control Silla justifiably.

"Come on, get on the sand table!"

Li Chengqian shouted.


After a while, someone pushed the sand table up.

Now everyone is puzzled.

A huge sand table, very detailed.

Someone said: "This sand table seems to be aimed at countries such as Baekje, Goguryeo, and Mohe?"

"Could it be that His Royal Highness is already ready?"

"Yeah, so detailed, it's just too powerful."

How did they know that all of this was prepared by Li Chengqian in advance, as long as he wanted, he could get everything he wanted.

"Yes, when this king returned from that day, he asked someone to make a sand table for emergencies!"

Li Chengqian admitted it directly.

There is nothing to hide.

Li Shimin couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

"Okay! That's how it should be. You should study hard with Gao Ming. This is called planning for a rainy day. With a sand table, you can be prepared for everything!"

He said so.

Everyone was a little ashamed.

But Li Chengqian said: "It's nothing, as long as you have the heart, everything is fine."

Then, Li Shimin said again: "Okay, let Gao Ming talk about what's on his mind."


Then Li Chengqian walked to the side of the sand table.

And Li Shimin also got off the dragon chair.

Empress Changsun also came over curiously.

Holding a thin stick in his hand, Li Chengqian pointed at Mohe first and said, "This is Mohe, and the next one is Goguryeo. These two countries border the Great Tang."

Everyone nodded to show their understanding.

"At the same time, Goguryeo borders Baekje and Silla. If Baekje loses its allies, Silla will be temporarily safe."

His words won everyone's approval.

But what can be done to make Baekje lose its allies?

There is such a question in everyone's mind.

Li Chengqian's answer made everyone suddenly realize.

"So, we have to start with Mohe and Goguryeo first."

"Then what should we do? Don't you want to go through the navy, Gao Ming? Instead, go by land?"

Li Shimin thought Li Chengqian was going to do this.

But he still thinks too simply.

"No! Father, that's not the case. Now we still have an army outside. At this time, Qin Qiong's army is still between Mohe and Goguryeo, and we only need to let him push the army to the border between the two countries and occupy it. A few cities are enough for them."

After Li Chengqian said this, everyone understood a little bit.

"Gao Ming wants to surround Wei and save Zhao!"

Empress Changsun said so.

Anyone who knows the art of war knows this trick, it's just a question of how to use it.

Li Shimin also nodded.

"It seems to be the case. If our army goes to attack them, their main force will be transferred back to guard the frontier for safety. In this way, there is only one Baekje to deal with Silla and Baekje. In terms of his strength, it is not as good as Baekje. A five-to-five tie is considered normal, and in this way, it can buy us some time."

After what Li Shimin said, everyone finally understood what was going on.

It turned out that Li Chengqian was really hiding something.

Just a simple dispatch of troops can solve the crisis of Silla.

If they thought that Li Chengqian would only do this, then they were all wrong.

Then he said: "The next step is the most important thing!"

People were shocked when they heard that it was so heavy.Is there a second move?
And it's a series of tricks.

Now people are all convinced.

(End of this chapter)

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