Chapter 998
Li Chengqian stopped again at a critical point. Sometimes people feel disgusted by his behavior, but there is nothing they can do.

After all, everyone wants to know, what will he do next?

If he wanted him to tell what happened next, I'm afraid it would have to be Li Shimin and Empress Changsun.

"Gao Ming, what is the most important thing next, let me tell you!"

"Yes! Father."

After that, Li Chengqian walked to the sand table near the east.

"This is Baekje, and its capital is Jubacheng!"

Everyone nodded, but what if they knew the words of the capital?Is Li Chengqian going to use it?
Next, Li Chengqian said: "So, I want to use Jubacheng as a springboard to directly march into Jubacheng and take down its capital. After that, Baekje will definitely be like a loose sand and do nothing. Drive eastward and go directly to Jincheng, the capital of Silla. At that time, the alliance with Jincheng will take Baekje to achieve unification, and then go northward until it approaches Goguryeo, and divides its territory into Silla. At this time, Slowly erode it, and finally, the trip to Silla is over!"

What Li Chengqian said made everyone nod their heads.

Still, some expressed concern.

Especially the eldest grandson empress.

"Gao Ming, if you go like this, will the people of Silla know about it? If they don't know, it may be bad for you!"

She was right, this time, Silla is bound to be inseparable from the enemy.In this case, it would be embarrassing.

There, if there is any mistake, it will be a loss for Datang.

Because he is the prince, he cannot tolerate any harm.

Regarding this point, Li Chengqian said: "Don't worry about the mother, the ministers will fly pigeons to pass the letter first, let them know that my Tang cavalry is going to enter Silla, if they are indistinguishable from each other and encounter obstacles, then they will be eliminated directly. !"

Li Chengqian spoke very firmly.

And very domineering.

At this time, someone asked: "1 people, I am afraid it will be difficult to convince the public. After all, they don't know the power of His Royal Highness, and I am afraid that Silla will be against you!"

This person is right. If there are more than 1 people, if you go there rashly, others may not see it.

Even if Silla is in a crisis now, it is still possible for them to gather 20 people. How can a mere 1 people save them?

Now the number of people is not the only criterion for victory in a war, because when Li Chengqian goes out, he wins more with less, and wins with a large proportion.

But Li Chengqian said: "This king won Tubo with 5 people, and Tubo, which is bigger than Silla, with [-] people. Can't a small Silla take it down?"

The Tubo people are stronger than Silla, and they can't last long in the Tang army. How can a Silla be against them?

Unless they really don't want to live anymore.If you really don't want to live, you can kill it directly without any mercy.

The man dared not dare.

But his heart isn't bad either, he just cares.

Therefore, Li Chengqian did not specifically target him, but went on to say: "Then the next thing is about [-] ships. I want them to go later, so I can directly remove the Zhenguan magic cannon and go into battle lightly. Li Kai!"

"Now, if you don't need Zhenguan magic cannon, shells and other things, how much can the ship carry?"

"A boat can carry at least 1000 people!"

"Okay, if there are 1000 people. Then there are 3 people in [-] ships. I want them to set off in ten days, and then occupy Hanzhou, which is the border with Goguryeo. At that time, we will meet together and go all the way north. , take down Goguryeo, and then kill Mohe! In this way, there will be peace in the east!"

At this time, Li Jing set his sights on a country under Silla.

He said: "Silla's location can be said to be strong! But there is another country below them that is very close to them!"

Follow the direction he pointed.

Li Chengqian saw a country that was annoying.

It is the country of Wa!

At this time, the national strength of the Wa Kingdom was still good, and the emperor who led them was Emperor Shumei.

Du Ruhui said at this time: "Wo Kingdom seems to be very conservative at this time, and I don't think there will be any big waves!"

And Fang Xuanling said.

"Even so, we have to guard against it."

Cheng Yaojin shouted: "Whoever he is, as long as he dares to come, we will make them come and go! The majesty of my Tang cavalry is not comparable to them! If you dare to have a different heart, we will destroy it immediately!" "

This is a kind of confidence in Datang cavalry.

After what Li Jing said, Li Shimin was also a little worried.

"If the four countries unite, then Gao Ming, if you go here and face the enemy, I'm afraid it will be bad! I am very worried."

His concerns were not unfounded.

But Li Chengqian said: "Father, you don't have to worry about this, my son has a plan! Everything comes from actual changes, and I will send back battle reports from time to time to inspire people's hearts!"

Li Chengqian said so, there must be his way.

The so-called soldiers are the generals, and the water comes to cover him. He has never been afraid of anyone.

It's like the country of Wa really came, and let him come and go!

"It's not that I don't want to believe you, it's just that this trip may not be good, or we can take down Goguryeo?"

"Father, I think this is enough, and I am absolutely sure that I can take them down! Even if the Wa Kingdom dares to act recklessly, then I will include them in the territory of my Great Tang!"

Li Chengqian said domineeringly.

In this way, if the Wa Kingdom really dared to do this, Li Chengqian might give up going to Goguryeo first, and maybe turn to kill the Wa Kingdom directly, and then go all the way north, and finally go to Goguryeo.

But how to do it is really hard to say.

After all, wars are ever-changing, and no one knows what will happen next or how the battle will go.

Only by moving forward can we know what will happen next.

"Since this is the case, then everything is up to you, and I will work hard on you again this time! When are you going to leave?"

"I think the sooner the better, why not leave tomorrow!"

Li Chengqian said very anxiously.

Time is running out, so there is no room for him to hesitate.

Li Shimin nodded.

"Alright, go back and have a good talk with Wu Jue. If you don't dare to say it, I'll ask your mother to tell her! Let her be considerate of you!"

Li Shimin said so, which shows that he is still humane.

"Yes! Erchen, go down and get ready!"

"Also, you can use the people in the imperial court as you like. You can let whoever you want to call. Just come to Zhen and talk about it!"

Li Shimin said so.That is completely delegating power, and Li Chengqian will take power and give orders.

Li Chengqian should be, he already had a candidate in his heart, and at this time, it would be better to need someone from his own, so he bid farewell to Li Shimin and left the palace.

After walking a few steps, someone followed.

"His Royal Highness stay!"

(End of this chapter)

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