Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 219 Encounter

Chapter 219 Encounter
Bai Ruo couldn't dodge in time, and was sucked in by the dream bubble, Bai Ruo's whole body began to groggy.

Bai Ruo found himself in a very strange place, and saw a man in purple clothes unconscious on the ground.She looked at it with magic, and found that this person was undoubtedly a fairy.Only then did he dare to come forward for treatment.

Bai Ruo realized that his injuries were quite serious, so he immediately took out a lot of spiritual water from the magic weapon of space and gave him a drink.He fed several recovery pills.After doing everything, Bai Ruo put him on the ground and began to heal his injuries with magic power.

After several hours of healing, Di Mohan finally woke up.But he found that his own eyes could not see.

"Who are you? Why are you lying here?" Bai Ruo asked when she heard the movement and realized that it was Di Mohan who had woken up.

"My name is Mo Han. Thank you Fairy for saving me." Di Mohan was not sure whether the person in front of him was a good guy or a bad guy.He only said that his name was Mo Han.

"My name is Jiu Bao'er." Bai Ruo thought for a while, and realized that she had never heard of this name, and she was hiding her identity, only saying that her name was Jiu Bao'er.

"Thank you, Miss Jiubaoer, for saving your life." Di Mohan thanked him.

"It's easy to do. I just came here to look for fairy grass. I met you here who were seriously injured. I'm also from the fairy family. I should save you."

"I was attacked by the demons, and I was seriously injured. My eyes were also burned. Now I can't see!" Di Mohan didn't expect such a day to come.

"I see." Bai Ruo didn't say much either.She came here to practice, but she didn't expect to enter such a place by mistake, because she couldn't find a way out, so she kept wandering in it.In the end, he met this man named Mo Han.

"This is the junction of the Demon Race and the Celestial Race. It is called the land of the abyss. It is very dangerous inside. I am blind now, and it is not very convenient to move around. Can Fairy Jiubaoer take me out of here together? Wait for me to raise her." I will definitely repay you after I get hurt." Although Di Mohan didn't know who Jiu Baoer was in front of him, he felt that she didn't have any malicious intentions.That's why this request was made.

"There's no need to repay it, and I can't find a way out. It's okay to take you with me. You are unable to move now, so I will lend you my crane." After finishing speaking, Bai Ruo recruited a crane to let Di Mohan Sit on the crane.

"Fairy Bao'er's mount is really unique." When Di Mohan heard that her mount was a crane, he immediately praised her.

"I got these by chance. I've kept them for a long time, and I really use them when I go out." Bai Ruo returned to Yao Chi when he was [-] years old, and saw these cranes on the back mountain of Yao Chi, so he sent them away. Subdued.Since then, it has become his own mount.

Now Di Mohan didn't understand Bai Ruo's identity even more. He said his status was low, and he had a crane as his mount. He said he had a high status, but he had never heard of the name.

"Why did you suffer such serious injuries?" Bai Ruo was curious.

"I followed the Prince of the Demon Race. He is refining a very powerful formation. He has captured many immortals and absorbed their mana to increase the power of his formation." Di Mohan explained to Bai Ruo.

"What!" Bai Ruo was shocked when he heard this. "He actually captured the Xian family to absorb their mana?" Bai Ruo was very angry when he heard that.How difficult it is for the immortal family to cultivate, mana is everything to them.If the mana is lost, what's the use of having a fairy body?

 Well, my mood has recovered a lot today, and I will continue to add more in the future. I hope that everyone's recommendation tickets will be sent to me as soon as possible every day.Don't ask several questions by one person, and don't repeat the question.I would say no.Thanks!I wish you all a happy day!

(End of this chapter)

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