Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 220 The first time I have doubts about myself

Chapter 220 For the first time, I have doubts about myself

"This formation is the ancient formation of the Demon Race. It is transformed into your own mana through other people's mana. After success, the mana can skyrocket a lot."

"It's disgusting!" Bai Ruo was very angry when she heard it.She has always hated this kind of evil heretics, and now her opinion of Di Mohan is much better.Hearing that he wanted to take him out of this abyss.Also agreed. "These days when you are not good, I can protect you and bring you out of this abyss. There is no need to repay you."

"Thank you Fairy Jiubao'er!" Di Mohan thanked after hearing this.

"Don't keep calling me Fairy Jiubaoer, just call me Jiubaoer from now on."

"Okay! Jiu Bao'er!" Although Di Mohan couldn't see what Jiu Bao'er looked like, but hearing her voice, he felt that she should look pretty good.And his temper is also very straightforward.

"By the way, you are injured like this, what about the demon prince?" Jiu Baoer suddenly remembered that Mo Han was injured like this, where did the demon prince go?
"He was also seriously injured by me and lost his mana for tens of thousands of years. It's a pity that he killed all those fairy families." Di Mohan said sadly.He thought he could save those fairy families, but he didn't expect those people to die in the end.For the first time, Di Mohan had doubts about himself.Birth is the son of God, he was promoted to God at the age of [-], and has never met an opponent for tens of thousands of years.It has been practiced many times and it is perfect.This time it failed, and he tossed himself like this.

"Don't be sad, it's not your fault. Maybe they are reincarnated now, and they will return to the immortal position soon." Jiu Bao'er comforted Di Mohan.

"Impossible, if it is normal to be killed, it is possible to reunite the seven souls and three souls, and come back when the time is right. But the fairy body and the seven souls and three souls have been absorbed away. It is just annihilated and can never come back It's gone!" Di Mohan's deep voice sounded.

Jiu Bao'er didn't know how to comfort Di Mohan.Even the immortal body and the seven souls and three souls are gone, so there is really no possibility of turning back.

"Don't be sad, maybe this is their fate. Cultivate hard these days, and then help them avenge you when you recover." Jiu Bao'er took out a bunch of things from the magic weapon.The decision was given to Di Mohan to let him recover properly.It's time to avenge those fairy families.

Jiu Baoer took Di Mohan to the abyss and it was very hard. On the one hand, he had to take care of Di Mohan, who was handicapped, and on the other hand, he had to fight against the demons and the beasts in the abyss who came out from time to time. .Every time a fairy beast appears, Bai Ruo draws a barrier and puts Di Mohan in the barrier.Go and fight the fairy beast by yourself.

Sometimes Jiu Bao'er was very embarrassed. Although she had high mana, but with such a slow-moving Di Mohan around, she still suffered a lot of injuries.

Although Di Mohan couldn't see every time, his hearing was also very keen.Naturally, he heard the news that Jiu Bao'er was injured.I couldn't help but start to change my mind towards Jiu Bao'er.

"When my mana recovers, you won't have to work so hard." After another battle, Di Mohan said to Jiu Bao'er.

"It's nothing, it's just that these fairy beasts are too strange, why are there so many of them so desperately rushing over." Jiu Bao'er felt very strange.

Di Mohan naturally knew it was because of him, but it was hard to say it at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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