Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 231 As long as you kill her, you will be a concubine!

Chapter 231 As long as you kill her, you will be a concubine!

Yue Linglong's eyes suddenly turned red.This is because the mind has been invaded by demon energy.

"If you want, go forward and kill Princess Bairuo! Your brother will always be yours!"

"If you want, go forward and kill Princess Bairuo! Your brother will always be yours!"

"If you want, go forward and kill Princess Bairuo! Your brother will always be yours!"

Mo Liran's voice kept ringing in Yue Linglong's ears.

"As long as you kill her, you will become a concubine! No one will know what happened 3000 years ago!"

Seeing Yue Linglong's eyes suddenly turned red and her whole body surrounded by black air, Bai Ruo immediately became wary.Holding the sword, Yue Linglong walked straight towards Bai Ruo.

"Yue Linglong, what do you want to do?" Bai Ruo shouted loudly.

"What do you want to do? Of course I want to kill you and become the only woman of His Royal Highness!" Mo Liran said with a big laugh.

"Yue Linglong, don't be fooled by him. He lied to you." Bai Ruo didn't see that Mo Liran would bewitch Yue Linglong with devilish energy, and wanted her to kill him.

Yue Linglong couldn't listen to anything at this moment, and started to fight Bai Ruo.

Bai Ruo had no choice but to accept the offer.Although Yue Linglong is only an immortal, she has been given a lot of celestial herbs and elixir by Emperor Mohan over the past 3000 years, and her mana for refining elixir has also increased a lot.It's about to break through now.Although Bai Ruo was a god, but now he was seriously injured.It was a bit overwhelming when fighting with Yue Linglong.

Soon, Yue Linglong stabbed him a few times.Bai Ruo was extremely angry, and directly used a handful of elixir.The mana quickly recovered a little.

"Hurry up and stop." Bai Ruo took out the demon-clearing pill, intending to control Yue Linglong and eat it for her.Get her back to her senses.

Unexpectedly, Yue Linglong didn't listen to her at all, and kept killing Bai Ruo.Bai Ruo had no choice but to fight back.Yue Linglong soon had many wounds on her body.

"I didn't expect that I could see such a scene, it's really a pleasure!" Mo Liran said with a big laugh.

Bai Ruo was furious, avoided Yue Linglong and directly mobilized her original power to attack Mo Liran.

Mo Liran sneered. "Overreach!"

"Puchi!" The sound of the sword piercing into the body made Bai Ruo turn her head in disbelief, but Yue Linglong looked at her with clear eyes, with a trace of happiness in her eyes.

Seeing Bai Ruo saw her, she immediately let go of her sword in fright.

Bai Ruo was extremely angry, and with all his strength, he slapped Yue Linglong with his palm.Yue Linglong was beaten and flew straight out.

But when Di Mohan arrived, what he saw was Bai Ruo using [-]% of his mana to swing a palm at Yue Linglong, who fell straight into the abyss like a rag.

"No!" Di Mohan flew over at top speed and jumped off the abyss to catch Yue Linglong.

In the abyss of the extremely cold place, there will be mountains of swords and seas of fire below. Once the gods are injured and fall, there will be basically no bones left.

"Your eyes will get better!"

"Don't be sad, I will take you out!"

"Eat these elixir soon."

Di Mohan's mind is full of her companionship in the cave in the land of the abyss, and her grievances over the past 3000 years.

"Brother, you will marry me, right?"

"Brother, after I recover from my injury, take me to see the sea of ​​flowers!"

"Brother, it doesn't matter if Tianjun doesn't like me, as long as you care about me."

"Brother, the few months in the land of the abyss are my happiest days."

"Brother, I will definitely respect the princess, and I can't make things difficult for you!"

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(End of this chapter)

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