Chapter 232
Di Mohan trapped Bai Ruo in the magic weapon, and searched for three days and three nights on the mountains of knives and seas of fire, but he couldn't find any trace of Yue Linglong.

"Why did you kill her? Why did you do it so viciously!" Di Mohan pinched Bai Ruo's neck with his hand and asked through gritted teeth. "Why can't you tolerate her?"

"I didn't!" Bai Ruo coughed uncomfortably.

"So I thought you were different from other people, but I didn't expect everything to be fake! It's all your pretending! Fortunately, I planned to wrong Linglong and would marry you! I didn't expect you to be so insidious."

"I did it because she wanted to kill me!" Bai Ruo explained.

"You are a god, how can she kill you as an immortal?" Di Mohan's eyes were filled with ice, "You have to be believed even if you lie. I really shouldn't believe you!"

"Believe it or not! I didn't kill her on purpose!" Bai Ruo also lost her temper.Since he didn't listen to the explanation, she didn't have to explain it anymore.

"You killed her, but I can't avenge her. But I can still torture you!" Di Mo looked at Bai Ruo with a cold smile. "The engagement remains as usual, I will take you back to the Heavenly Court right now, and let you be my princess!" Di Mohan grabbed Bai Ruo and flew towards the Heavenly Court at top speed.

"Let me go!" Bai Ruo struggled.There was something wrong with Di Mohan's appearance, and Bai Ruo became a little scared.

"See Your Royal Highness!"

"See Your Royal Highness!"

"See Your Royal Highness!"

The heavenly soldiers from Nantianmen saw Di Mohan flying in with a woman in his arms.All of a sudden they were taken aback.

Di Mohan flew straight back to Zixiao Palace.He threw Bai Ruo forcefully into the hall.

"Since you want to be my woman so much, then I will fulfill you! From today on, you will be my concubine." Di Mohan bit his finger, wrote a spell with blood, and imprisoned Bai Ruo.Changed her appearance and sealed her mana.

"What are you doing to me?" Looking at Di Mohan's appearance, Bai Ruo had a bad intuition.

"Look, do you like your current appearance?" Di Mohan picked up the bronze mirror and faced Bai Ruo.

What met Bai Ruo's eyes was an unfamiliar face.With a melon-seeded face, curved willow eyebrows, a pointed chin, a pair of seductive eyes, and fair skin like snow, anyone would think that this woman is not a good person.The main one is a large red scar on the left side of my face.Looking at the right side of the face, anyone would think she looks good-looking, but looking at the left side, it is difficult to catch the eye.

Bai Ruo couldn't believe her eyes, how did she become like this. "You let me go, I said I didn't do it on purpose. I want to go back to Yaochi!" Bai Ruo stared at Di Mohan fiercely.

"It's late, I won't let you go! Don't even think about going back to Yaochi!" Di Mohan stretched out his hand again to restrain her voice. "I don't want to hear your voice again. From now on, you will be a dumb concubine!"

Di Mo coldly smiled, turned around and went out and told his guards to gather up. He planned to go to the abyss of the extremely cold place to find Yue Linglong.He couldn't believe she would leave him like this.

Bai Ruo opened his mouth, and found that he couldn't speak at all.She never thought that things would turn out like this.

"Your Majesty, we will take care of you to wash up." Two fairies walked in.

"Go away," Bai Ruo wanted them to go away, but couldn't make a sound.

"Ah!" You Xian'e looked up and saw Bai Ruo's left face, she was so frightened that she knocked over the water basin to the ground.

 Don't send blades, don't hit me, I love you. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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