Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 233 Don't let her out of the palace 1 step

Chapter 233 Don't let her step out of the palace

"Xiao Ru, why are you so hairy and yelling?" Xiao Yi reprimanded Xiao Ru.

"She, she,,,," Xiao Ru looked at Bai Ruo with a ghostly expression.

Xiao Yi raised her head and saw Bai Ruo's left face, and couldn't help being startled.However, she was well-informed, so she immediately endured it, lowered her head and continued talking to Bai Ruo. "Niangniang, Xiaoxian Xiaoru, and Xiaoyi will be responsible for serving you from now on. You can tell us anything you want."

They didn't expect that the crown prince would order the two of them to serve the man in front of him as soon as he came back.

"The woman I brought back will be my concubine from now on. You two will serve her personally from now on, and don't let her go out of the palace."

After Bai Ruo was sad for a while, she didn't continue to be sad.Standing up and walking in front of Xiaoru, she picked up the handkerchief and wiped her face.

"Ma'am, I'll take you to the bathroom to wash up." Xiao Yi saw that Bai Ruo's body was very dirty, and there was still a lot of blood on it that had dried and turned brown.

Bai Ruo nodded.Followed Xiaoyi to the bathroom to wash up.

"Mother, this is the clothes I found for you. I have ordered someone to make your palace clothes at Zhinu's. You should wear this first." Xiaoyi put the clothes by the pool and retreated.

Bai Ruo was seriously injured, and he had no chance to heal his injuries on the way back from the extreme cold to the Heavenly Court.Fortunately, she took some pills and recovered some mana, but that little mana was insignificant to her.I can't even open the magic weapon of space, and my whole body hurts too much.

Bai Ruo didn't even think about it now, whether Yue Linglong was sober or not when Yue Linglong stabbed herself.If he was not sober, when he saw her, his eyes were clear.And it was obvious that when she turned her head to see her, she didn't expect to turn her head back, and her face was also secretly happy.

Enduring the pain and washing up, Bai Ruo cast a spell to clean up her clothes and put them on again.

"Xiaoyi, where do you think this empress came from? Why did His Highness the Crown Prince accept her suddenly? Isn't His Highness the Crown Prince and Fairy Linglong a couple?"

"I don't know." Xiaoyi was also puzzled.

"This empress looks so ugly, Princess Bairuo and Fairy Linglong are so beautiful. It's so strange." Xiaoru said curiously. "But if there is no scar on the left side of the face, this empress will look pretty good."

"We are ordered by His Royal Highness to serve this empress, no matter what she is, we cannot criticize her." Xiao Yi reprimanded Xiao Ru. "Be careful what comes out of your mouth, we don't know what's going on now. Be careful!"

"I know, but I'm just curious. His Royal Highness and Fairy Linglong have such a good relationship, how could they suddenly accept a concubine?" Xiaoru said in a low voice.

Xiao Ru was about to gossip, when she saw Bai Ruo walking out.Only then did it quiet down.

After washing, Bai Ruo instantly changed. She looked very embarrassed just now, but now she looks completely new.And the smell looks very unusual.

"Your Majesty, you're done washing up. Let's wipe your hair for you." Xiaoyi stepped forward to help Bai Ruo dry her hair.

Bai Ruo shook her head, and began to brush her hair with her own hands.If it was usual, she would just cast spells to dry her hair in an instant. Now that her mana is too weak, she can use a little less.

Bai Ruo refused the small opinion, so he had to stand by and watch.But they found it very strange that this empress hadn't said a word for so long.

(End of this chapter)

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