Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 234 Can't Say, Can't Write

Chapter 234 Can't Say, Can't Write

"Niangniang, do you have anything else to order?" Xiaoyi asked respectfully beside her.

Bai Ruo looked around and found paper and pens on the desk, her eyes lit up, she immediately ran over without wiping her hair.Going to pick up the pen and write.But after writing, none of the words on it are displayed.Bai Ruo became a little anxious, and tried to write with ink again, but found that she still couldn't write a single word.

Bai Ruo threw away the pen, and directly scribbled ink on the paper with her hands, but it was blank. Her anxious hands were covered with ink, but she still couldn't reveal a single word.

Bai Ruo was so angry that he smashed the inkstone on the ground, and the ink dripped everywhere.

Seeing this situation, Xiaoru and Xiaoyi were also terrified.

"Your Majesty, please calm down." The two knelt down and bowed their heads.

Bai Ruo originally planned to ask the two of them to invite the concubine to come over, or report to the emperor.Released her imprisonment.She wants to go back to Yaochi.But I didn't expect Di Mohan to imprison this pen and ink, and it's useless to write anything by himself.Can't speak, can't write, how should she deliver the message?Bai Ruo sat on the ground a little uncomfortable.

After Di Mohan gave his orders, he walked in and saw a mess, Bai Ruo sitting on the ground, Xiao Ru and Xiao Yi kneeling on the ground.

He sneered. "You two go out, I didn't tell you not to come in!"

"Yes!" Feeling Di Mohan's anger, Xiaoru and Xiaoyi immediately scrambled and walked out.

Di Mohan squatted down and pinched Bai Ruo's face with his hands. "You want to write, you can write now! You can write as much as you want!" After saying that, Di Mohan waved his hand, and Bai Ruo was thrown to the ground.

Bai Ruo looked at Di Mohan bitterly.Expressing her emotions in her eyes, she kept shaking her head.talking in his mouth. "I didn't kill her, she wanted to kill me, so I fought back." But when I said it, there was no sound at all.

"You are the princess of Yaochi, I can't kill you to pay for her life, but I can still torture you. You better pray that Linglong is still alive, otherwise I will make you miserable in this life." Di Mo looked at Bai coldly. If one glance.

Bai Ruo stared at him bitterly, if it wasn't for saving Yue Linglong, would she have been injured?Now he still thinks that he intends to kill Yue Linglong on purpose. "You untie my voice." Bai Ruo said, pointing to her throat.

"If you don't find Linglong for a day, you don't want to talk for a day." Di Mohan smiled.She should be thankful that she is injured now, otherwise he would have thrown her to the handyman's workshop in Heaven.

Bai Ruo was so angry that she stood up and stared at him bitterly.

Di Mohan saw that she still had no repentance at all.I became even more angry.His mind is full of the scene where she knocked Yue Linglong down into the abyss.Di Mohan grabbed Bai Ruo's neck and lifted her up.

Bai Ruo struggled vigorously, kicking her arms and legs.It wasn't until Bai Ruo was almost out of breath that Di Mohan threw Bai Ruo down and strode out.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Bai Ruo coughed forcefully, breathing heavily.But no matter how badly he coughed, he still couldn't make a sound.

When Di Mohan walked to the door, he met the concubine Tian who hurried over.

"My son has seen my mother and concubine."

"Han'er, I heard from the guard that you brought a woman back?" Tianfei asked with a frown.

"Yes, Erchen brought a woman back, she is an ordinary fairy." Di Mohan replied.

 Sometimes I feel that time passes quickly, and when I am free or in Calvin, I feel that time passes slowly.Tell yourself not to think about sad things, but you can't help but think about them.The emperor Mo Han and Bai Ruo in the book are at least together, but Mo + Han and Bai + Ruo in the king are strangers from now on.Whose fault is it? If I hadn't been so self-willed at the beginning, I wouldn't have come to where I am today.This has led to all of today's events.

(End of this chapter)

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