Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 235 Why?

Chapter 235 Why?

"Which sect does she belong to? How do you know each other?" Tianfei asked with concern.

"Mother Concubine, don't ask so many questions. From today on, she will be my concubine concubine. She can't speak and looks a little ugly. I won't come out to see Mother Concubine." Di Mo said coldly.

"What?" The Concubine Tian was shocked when she heard it. "Can't speak? How could it be possible that she can't speak?" It was the first time that the concubine Tian heard that there are still immortals who can't speak. "If you say this, I will see her even more." The concubine Tian didn't understand why her son would find such a concubine.Didn't he always like Yue Linglong?

"It's inconvenient for her to come out to meet people now. She has suffered from the demonic energy of the demon clan. My son is healing her wounds. Let's meet mother and concubine after she is done." Di Mohan still refused.

"Well, you have to have a score in your heart. You can't do it willfully." Empress Tianfei told Di Mohan, she felt that her son felt very wrong after returning this time.The breath of the whole person became even colder and biting.

After the imperial concubine left, Di Mohan said to Xiaoru and Xiaoyi. "Except for that temple, she is not allowed to go in or out. She is not allowed to see anyone. Otherwise, you two can go down to earth."

"Xiaoxian obeys! You must not let the empress go out to see anyone!" Xiaoru and Xiaoyi suddenly trembled in fright.

The two waited for Di Mohan to leave before standing up tremblingly.

"Xiaoyi, what are you talking about? Why can't this empress speak? How could His Royal Highness fall in love with her?" Xiaoru asked Xiaoyi with some fear.

"I don't know, let's not ask, otherwise His Royal Highness will be angry, and we will be out of luck." Xiaoyi said in a low voice. "Let's go and see the lady first."

Xiao Yi took Xiao Ru into the inner hall, and saw Bai Ruo lying on the ground coughing silently.There are several red pinch marks on the neck.

"Niangniang, are you alright!" Xiao Yi stepped forward to help Bai Ruo.

Bai Ruo waved her hand. For a moment just now, she was really afraid that he would directly strangle her to death.Having grown up so big, she has never been bullied like this before, Bai Ruo couldn't help crying.What should she do?
"Your Majesty, don't be sad. No matter what, you stay here first, and everything will be fine." She was a little soft-hearted, and suddenly felt a little unbearable when she saw Bai Ruo lowering her head and weeping.Open your mouth to persuade Bai Ruo.She felt that His Highness the Crown Prince did not seem to like this concubine concubine, but treated him like an enemy.

After Xiaoyi and Xiaoru cleaned up the mess in the inner hall, seeing that Bairuo was still sitting on the ground, they didn't dare to disturb her, and retreated quietly.

"Xiao Yi, is there a pinch mark on your mother's neck?" Xiao Ru looked around and asked in a low voice.

"Well, you must keep your mouth shut and don't go out and talk nonsense." Xiaoyi nodded.

"I understand! But why is that?" Xiaoru couldn't understand all this.

"I heard that Fairy Linglong disappeared, or there may be some connection between the two. Let's talk about it in private, and don't spread it." Xiaoyi told Xiaoru, afraid that she would talk nonsense and be demoted. It would be miserable to descend to the mortal world.

Xiao Ru nodded immediately, she was very sympathetic to this concubine concubine who couldn't speak and her face was ruined.When she first found out, she was envious of her becoming the concubine of His Highness the Crown Prince, but what happened afterwards was far beyond her expectations.

 I also want to dance Zhuxiantai. . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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