Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 236 Her pain is more painful than yours

Chapter 236 Her pain is more painful than yours

Di Mohan set off again with his personal guards to the extremely cold place.It took a month to thoroughly search for the mountains of knives and seas of fire under the extremely cold ground.There was still no trace of Yue Linglong.

"Report to His Royal Highness, the subordinates have searched the entire Sword Mountain, but they have not found the whereabouts of Fairy Linglong."

"Report to His Royal Highness, the subordinates have searched the entire sea of ​​fire, but they have not found Fairy Linglong's whereabouts."

"Report to His Royal Highness, the subordinates have searched the entire Dreamland Valley, but they have not found Fairy Linglong's whereabouts."

Di Mohan stood blankly at the place where Yue Linglong fell for a day and a night before turning back to the heaven.

"Niang Niang, I didn't expect you to know so many things." Xiao Yi and Xiao Ru looked at Bai Ruo adoringly.When the two of them were refining the elixir today, something went wrong with the elixir.Bai Ruo stepped forward to help them.

Bai Ruo smiled and waved her hands.

Di Mohan didn't expect Bai Ruoneng to smile so happily when he was so sad.If it wasn't for her, how could he lose Linglong.Di Mohan thought of many ways to find Yue Linglong's whereabouts, whether it was divination, celestial eyes, or the sun and moon realm.There was no trace of Yue Linglong at all.Tracking Xian'e did not find any traces.

"Get out!" Di Mo coldly said to Xiao Yi and Xiao Ru.

Xiaoyi and Xiaoru immediately ran and retreated.

"She can't be found, are you happy?" Di Mohan said while tugging on Bai Ruo's arm.

"Let go of me!" Bai Ruo said silently. "I said I didn't do it on purpose. She wanted to kill me, so I fought back." Bai Ruo has been slowly recovering her divine body over the past month. Although her mana hasn't recovered, the scars on her body have completely recovered.Although there is still pain in the chest from time to time, it is much better than a month ago.

"If I let you go, who will let Linglong go? These days, she has been telling me that she will respect you in the future and let me treat you well. In the end, you treated her like this, leaving her dead." Emperor Mo Han threw Bai Ruo to the ground.

"Are you sure she is sincere?" Bai Ruo sneered silently.When Ruo Gang was hit by the sword, she felt that Yue Linglong had been poisoned by the devil's energy to kill herself, but when she finally looked at her, she had a look of rejoicing in her eyes, glad that she was stabbed by her.Maybe she thought at the time that after she was stabbed with a sword, she would definitely fall to the ground.Maybe he will be killed by the demon prince.But he didn't expect that his reaction was so fast, and he used his original strength to knock her away.Thinking of Yue Linglong's disbelief when she was beaten into the air.Bai Ruo felt her chest hurt again.

"She isn't sincere? Are you sincere? Your sincerity is to kill her while I'm not around?" Di Mohan was furious, and gave Bai Ruo another slap.

Bai Ruo was slammed against the wall and fell to the ground again.

Bai Ruo's painful body trembled. Although Di Mohan didn't use much mana, for her now, no matter how weak her mana was, she couldn't bear it.

Di Mo coldly looked at Bai Ruo in pain, "Now you know how painful the pain is, right? Linglong was thrown into an extremely cold place by you, and her pain was more painful than yours. Ordinary immortals would not dare to go there easily. Go through mountains of swords and seas of fire, her mana is so much different from yours. Tell me, can she come back alive?"

 I want to go to XZ Linzhi to watch the Peach Blossom Festival, but unfortunately I don’t have time to go, but even if I have time to go, the companions are gone.There is also the glass bridge in Zhangjiajie. I am afraid of heights. I don’t know whether to go there or not. .Regardless, you should check it out when you have time.Even if no one is with you. . (This chapter adds more,)
(End of this chapter)

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