Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 237 You're Unworthy

Chapter 237 You're Unworthy

Bai Ruo raised her head to look at Di Mohan, and laughed heartily.I don't know whether to laugh at my current situation or my stupid blindness.

Maybe she is really blind, since the first time they met in Zixiao Palace, she had a good impression of him from the bottom of her heart, and envied him for being kind to Yue Linglong.They even thought about persuading their mother and they agreed to dissolve the marriage, wanting to fulfill them.

It's just that he didn't expect to torture himself so much just because he saw him slap Yue Linglong.But what did she do wrong?Thinking of her majestic Yaochi princess, if she didn't have a good impression of him, why would she want to help him save Yue Linglong?

I don't expect him to be grateful, but just seeing that scene, can he think it's her fault without listening to the explanation?
Could it be that he couldn't fight back when he was about to be killed by Yue Linglong?

Seeing that Bai Ruo didn't admit his mistake, Di Mohan laughed mockingly, his eyes turned red immediately, and with a wave of his wide sleeve, he sent the person flying into the wall, and then fell down again.

Falling into the broken wood of the seat, Bai Ruo only felt a rush of blood welling up in his throat, and before he could swallow it, he spat out a mouthful of blood: "Pfft..."

The lips that were originally beautiful and rosy are now pale, and a few streaks of blood spread from the corners of the mouth.

"Cough, cough, cough!" At this moment, Bai Ruo felt pain all over his body, and propped himself up halfway up, coughing and clutching his chest.The clothes on one side of the shoulders have been torn, and they hang messily on half of the shoulders, revealing round shoulders and a light-colored tube top.The appearance of this spring color stunned Di Mohan's eyes for a second, and soon he turned his head away, looking away in disdain.

Looking down at the blood spurting out not far in front of her, the smile on Bai Ruo's face deepened, and sadness flashed across her face.From the corner of the eye, he saw Di Mohan's expression, his expression changed, and the hand covering his chest changed immediately, and he hurriedly pulled up the clothes on his shoulders.

Bai Ruo shrank back slightly, trying to hide her embarrassment and avoid Di Mohan's sight.But the broken clothes can't cover anything, her actions are so ridiculous in Di Mohan's eyes.

"Heh... there's nothing to hide." Di Mohan sneered: "You want to use a beauty trick to make me let you go? Are you worthy? You are not worthy!"

"What are you going to do?" Bai Ruo felt that something was wrong right now, holding on to the clothes tightly with her hands, enduring the pain in her chest, she shrank her body and backed away, looking at Di Mohan vigilantly and warily. .

Originally, Di Mohan threw Bai Ruo casually, but he didn't want to do anything to Bai Ruo.

But seeing her acting like this now, Di Mohan hated Bai Ruo even more.

"You want to be my woman that much? Do you want to marry me so much?" Di Mohan's eyes flashed coldly, and his voice seemed to be tinged with indescribable weirdness.

Di Mohan stared at Bai Ruo, and approached step by step.

"What are you going to do?" Bai Ruo felt something was wrong at the moment, clutching the clothes tightly with her hands, she looked warily at Di Mohan who had a weird smile on his face.

Di Mohan looked at Bai Ruo with contempt on his face, "Since you want to marry me so much, then I will grant you!" At this moment, Di Mohan was already dazzled by anger.Thoughts of torturing Bai Ruo filled his mind.

"No." Seeing that Di Mohan really had this plan, Bai Ruo was frightened. "You can't do this, I'm innocent. Let me go! I don't want to be your woman!" Bai Ruo immediately stood up from the bed, staggering and trying to run out of the hall.

He ran to the door, but was bounced back by the barrier.

"I want to run now, it's too late!" Di Mohan smiled and walked closer.

 The great god said that everyone should not repeat the question when asking questions, and the recommendation ticket can be sent to me every day!

(End of this chapter)

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