Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 243 Without this scar, Zhang must be a beautiful woman

Chapter 243 Without this scar, she must be a beautiful woman

She is not stupid, how could she not know what this concubine concubine wants to express, and the clothes of this concubine are not like ordinary fairy clothes, and when the empress was healing a few days ago, there was so much spiritual water, but It is not something that ordinary immortals can come up with.But the two of them are the ones His Royal Highness ordered to serve her.Everything is respected by His Highness the Prince.Even if you have objections in your heart, you dare not show them.It is even more impossible to help this concubine concubine do anything.

"Xiaoyi, I brought it back! Hurry up and heal your mother." Xiaoru strode in with a basket of elixir.

"Why are there so many?" Xiao Yi looked at the basket of elixir and was startled.

"It's not that Fairy Tong received such a large pile of them for me when he heard that they were used by our empress in Zixiao Palace." Xiao Ru said with some pride.Although she and Xiaoyi were also Xian'e of Zixiao Palace in the past, they were ordinary Xian'e in the past, just responsible for cleaning the Zixiao Palace. Now the two of them have become maidservants of the concubine concubine, and there are many people who go out to curry favor up.After all, no matter how concubine concubine is in Zixiao Palace, in the eyes of outsiders, concubine concubine is the only mistress in Zixiao palace.Fairy Linglong and Princess Bairuo don't know how many years it will take to marry into Zixiao Palace.Then the current concubine is the master of the entire heaven except Tianjun, Tianfei, and His Royal Highness.Some gods naturally wanted to please Bai Ruo's three masters and servants, but Bai Ruo, a concubine, never came out of the inner hall of Zixiao Palace, so they could only please Xiao Ru and Xiao Yi if they wanted to please.

Xiaoyi looked at Xiaoru's happy appearance, but didn't say anything.He took the elixir and fed several pills for Bai Ruo to swallow.

"You bring the magic weapon of space that your empress used to hold the spiritual water a few days ago. Let's scrub your empress with the spiritual water."

"Okay!" Xiao Ru walked aside and handed over the magic weapon.The two teamed up to scrub all the wounds on Bai Ruo's body.The elixir and spirit water were very effective, and the scars on Bai Ruo's body healed soon.

"Xiaoyi, what's wrong with your mother today?" Xiaoru asked with some doubts.She felt that this empress had something to say to Empress Tianfei, but she just couldn't say it.It looks a little crazy.After the concubine Tian left, the concubine concubine's sad appearance made her feel distressed.

Xiaoyi shook her head. "I don't know, so don't talk too much. We have to shut up about these things, and we must not spread them. Otherwise, His Royal Highness will be angry, and the two of us will not be demoted to the mortal world." Xiaoyi was afraid of Xiaoru Too much curiosity, if His Royal Highness is offended, the consequences will be disastrous.

"I know. I also told you, Xiaoyi, in the palace. How dare you go outside and say it."

Xiao Ru looked at the unconscious Bai Ruo. "If the concubine concubine didn't have this scar on her face, she must be a great beauty. It's a pity..."

"This face should have been burned by mana, otherwise His Royal Highness should have helped the empress restore her face." Xiao Yi also felt that Bai Ruo's appearance was too pity.If he came out of Zixiao Palace with such a face, he still doesn't know how he would be ridiculed by the immortals in the palace.At that time, the empress does not know how sad she will be.

"That's right, our Crown Prince's mana is so powerful, if he can be cured, he must have helped the empress cure it long ago." Xiao Ru felt that Xiao Yi's analysis was quite correct.

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(End of this chapter)

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