Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 244 To escape from Zixiao Palace

Chapter 244 To escape from Zixiao Palace

When Bai Ruo woke up, her whole body was in pain.He raised his hand to see that there was no trace of the scar on his hand.But the wounds in her body made her so painful that she couldn't help shedding tears.

The scenes that happened yesterday flashed through my mind.Bai Ruo couldn't help screaming.But there was no scream at all.

Bai Ruo beat it with his hands until it became limp.

"Niang Niang, you're awake!" Xiaoyi trotted in after hearing the movement. "Don't hurt yourself like this." Xiao Yi hurriedly persuaded Bai Ruo.

Bai Ruo looked at Xiao Yi angrily, "Get out!" She was extremely angry now, but she didn't know how to vent it. There was only one thought in her mind, and that was to kill Di Mohan.Although she knew it was impossible now.How can I kill him when I have almost no mana.

"Woooooo..." Bai Ruo broke down and burst into tears.What should she do?How can she escape from here?He couldn't even get out of the main hall, and finally saw the concubine Tian, ​​but didn't even say a word.

"Niang Niang, your scars have healed, and your internal injuries are not easy to heal. This is the elixir that Xiaoru got back from the pharmacy of Taishang Laojun. You take it, and it will help your immortal body recover. Yes." Xiaoyi handed over those pills.

Bai Ruo was going to wave away all the pills, but stopped when he heard Taishang Laojun's words.

Of the gods in the heavenly court, Bai Ruo only knew a few of them. The more noble ones, such as Emperor Donghua and Emperor Ziwei, rarely came out in their respective mansions. It was impossible for Tianjun to meet him, and now the concubine Tian misunderstood her. It is even more impossible to take care of yourself.Others can only be familiar with Taishang Laojun.She must find a chance to go to Taishang Laojun.Laojun is the elder of the Heavenly Court, so he must be able to see at a glance that something is wrong with him.That way, you can get out of the sea of ​​suffering.

"Your Majesty, don't be sad. Your body is yours. You have recovered. Everything will be fine." The little opinion made Bai Ruo feel moved, and continued to coax Bai Ruo in a low voice.

Bai Ruo reached out to take the elixir, poured the spirit water, and ate the elixir.She wants to recover some mana as soon as possible.Only then can the enchantment of this hall be untied, and only then can we escape from this Purple Night Palace.

"Your Majesty, I will ask Xiaoru to quietly fetch some elixir. Then you can recover faster."

Bai Ruo nodded.After taking the elixir, she began to meditate. She must get better as soon as possible.

Concubine Tian went back to Concubine Tian's palace in a rage.

"How could Han'er fall in love with such a woman? It's simply unsightly." Concubine Tian trembled with anger and smashed some tea sets on the table.

"Your Majesty, calm down!" Rou'er gently persuaded. "Perhaps His Highness the Crown Prince has some difficulties. If he doesn't tell you clearly, it must be because of his thoughts."

"Difficulties? He is a prince of the heavenly clan, what kind of fairy does he want to marry? Want to find such an ugly and speechless person?" The imperial concubine still feels angry. "Look at her dancing, even a mortal is better than her. If this goes out of the gate of Zixiao Palace, anyone who sees it will laugh at her."

"Your Majesty, let's not let her go out of the gate of Zixiao Palace. For her face, put a veil on her so that she can't take it off. In that case, even if someone sees it, nothing will happen. "Rou'er said with an idea.

"You have a good idea. Now you go to Zhinu to ask for a veil, and you take it over and have someone wear it for her."

(End of this chapter)

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