Chapter 248

Another three months passed quickly, during which Di Mohan had been looking for Yue Linglong's trace.But Bai Ruo and Yue Linglong are working hard on their own to recover.

Because of the prohibition in the Zixiao Palace, even though all the gods in the heaven knew that the Crown Prince Mo Han had accepted a concubine.But because Bai Ruo never left the door of Purple Night Palace.Everyone was just rumoring that this concubine concubine must be a great beauty.Otherwise, how could His Royal Highness have a fiancée like Princess Bai Ruo and a beauty like Yue Linglong.A concubine concubine was also employed.

"Have you ever seen that concubine concubine?"

"I heard that she is extremely beautiful, and is very much loved by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

"I haven't seen it, it seems that I have never been out of Zixiao Palace."

"Xiaoru Xiaoyi is serving her now, you can ask if you are curious!"

"Why didn't you ask? The two of them just said they were beautiful and had a good temper. They didn't say anything else."

"I don't know which sect's fairy can make His Highness the Crown Prince concubine. I thought His Highness the Crown Prince would marry Fairy Linglong!"

"Maybe there are other reasons. In a few days, it will be the birthday party of the concubine Tian, ​​and the concubine concubine should attend."

"It should be. I want to see what kind of fairy is it that can confuse His Highness the Crown Prince and accept her as a concubine."

Bai Ruo in Zixiao Palace has almost recovered from the wounds in her body under the nursing of Lingshui.But no matter if she cultivates her mana, it is still very little.

After another attempt, Bai Ruo sat on the ground in frustration.His expression was very depressed.Why is it that she has recovered from her internal injuries, but she can't condense her mana at all. In addition to summoning the Kunlun Sword, her space magic weapon can also pour out spiritual water.Nothing else can be taken out.Could it be that Di Mohan cast some spell on himself?
Yes, it must be him.Otherwise, depending on one's own aptitude, no matter how severely injured one is, it's impossible not to recover a bit of mana.

Bai Ruo sat silently, weeping.She didn't understand that she had been missing for several months, why didn't her mother and master look for her?Although her whereabouts were unknown for several months in the past, she didn't believe that the queen mother and master would not be aware of it.What the hell is going on with all this?

All of a sudden, Bai Ruo felt that his stomach was unbearable, and his throat was sour. "Wow..." Bai Ruo ran to the spittoon and vomited violently.

"Your Majesty, what's the matter with you?" Seeing Bai Ruo's appearance, Xiao Ru immediately became worried.After getting along for four or five months, they felt that Bai Ruo, a concubine, was difficult to approach at the beginning, but now they gradually felt that she was a cold-faced and soft-hearted person.In the next two months or so, the two of them seldom served the concubine or concubine to do anything.She's all hands on.Never beat or scold them.Always cultivating silently by herself, there seems to be inexhaustible spiritual water in the space magic weapon of the concubine empress.The two of them also used a lot of spiritual water, and they both feel that their mana has increased a lot recently.

"Wow..." Bai Ruo continued to vomit, she felt that her chest was tight.Very uncomfortable.Just as I was about to speak, I bent down and spit it out.

Xiaoru and Xiaoyi couldn't hear Bai Ruo's voice, but they knew that she was suffering from the way she looked.Immediately, both of them were in a hurry.

"Xiao Ru, why don't you go and invite an immortal doctor over here. Let them show the empress what's going on."

(End of this chapter)

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