Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 249 Your Majesty Has Been Vomiting Nonstop Today

Chapter 249 Empress has been throwing up non-stop today

Xiaoru immediately agreed, and ran to the fairy doctor's mansion to drag a fairy doctor over.

"Fairy doctor, come with me!" Xiao Ru used her mana to quickly fly to the fairy doctor's mansion, saw the familiar Simu fairy doctor, and immediately dragged him to Zixiao Palace.

"Hey, Xiaoru, what are you doing? If you have something to say, please say it!" Immortal doctor Simu hadn't recovered, and was dragged by Xiaoru to Zixiao Palace.

Xiao Ru didn't stop until she reached the gate of Purple Night Palace.

"Who happened and what happened?" Immortal doctor Simu also panted a little after running.

"It's the concubine concubine. She just kept throwing up. I don't know if she ate something. Go in and help me."

"The concubine concubine vomited?" Immortal doctor Simu didn't expect Xiaoru to find him like this.

"His Highness the Crown Prince has confessed that no one is allowed to enter!" The guards at the door blocked Immortal Doctor Simu.

"Rufeng, what are you doing? The concubine concubine is not feeling well, so I'll take Immortal Physician Simu to show her." Xiaoru looked at the Rufeng guard who was talking very unhappy.

"We dare not disobey the order of His Royal Highness! Immortal Doctor Simu, please come back!" Rufeng continued to say with a cold face.

"You..." Xiaoru didn't expect Rufeng to be so stubborn.

"Get out of the way!" Xiaoru looked at Rufeng angrily.

"His Royal Highness's order, we must obey!" Rufeng still blocked the door with another guard.

"You..." Xiaoru pointed at Rufeng angrily.

Immortal doctor Simu hurriedly pulled Xiaoru. "Forget it, since it doesn't work, I won't go in either!"

"No! Your Majesty looks very bad. You have to go in and have a look." Xiaoru turned around and looked at Rufeng and said. "Since you are worried, follow Immortal Physician Simu. He just goes in to have a look and then comes out immediately. Otherwise, I will report to Empress Tianfei. I don't believe that Empress Concubine Shu is not allowed to call Immortal Doctor to see a doctor when she is sick. "

Rufeng thought for a while and agreed.His Royal Highness only ordered that outsiders are not allowed to enter or leave, but it should not matter to the immortal doctor.Although they don't know whether the concubine or concubine of Zixiao Palace will be favored or not, they should still have some status in His Royal Highness's heart to be named concubine concubine.If His Highness the Crown Prince came back to know the news, and the Concubine concubine told her about herself, then the gain would outweigh the loss.

Seeing that Rufeng agreed, Xiaoru snorted triumphantly.He took Immortal Physician Simu into Zixiao Palace.

"Your Majesty, the immortal doctor is here, please show him quickly." Xiao Ru said loudly to the inner hall after entering the hall.

Xiao Yi helped Bai Ruo out of the inner hall.Bai Ruo's current body is as weak as a mortal.

"Fairy doctor Simu sees the concubine concubine!" Simu bowed his head and saluted.

Bai Ruo looked at Si Mu who was dressed in gray, and felt very excited.But he saw the guard behind Simu.The excitement in her heart calmed down again.

"Your Majesty has a vocal cord problem, so I can't speak for now. Your Majesty has been throwing up non-stop today, please ask Simu Immortal Physician to check your Majesty." Xiao Yi said.

Immortal doctor Simu raised his head and found that the concubine concubine in front of him was actually wearing a veil.Only two eyes and forehead are exposed in the whole face.

"Yes!" Immortal doctor Simu took a look, then immediately lowered his head and walked towards Bai Ruo.

"Young lady, stretch out your hand, and I'll feel your pulse."

Bai Ruo stretched out her hand to ask Immortal Doctor Simu to feel her pulse.

Immortal Simu put his hands on Bai Ruo's for a while, when his expression changed.

(End of this chapter)

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