Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 253 Why She Doesn't Want to Stay

Chapter 253 Why She Doesn't Want to Stay
With a wave of Di Mohan's hand, Bai Ruo's speech ban was immediately lifted.

When Bai Ruo saw Di Mohan, his eyes were full of hatred.A word came out of his mouth. "roll!"

"Get lost? This is my Purple Night Palace? Where do you want me to get lost?" Di Mo smiled coldly. "I didn't expect you to be pregnant with my child. Hahaha!" Di Mohan laughed loudly.

"I won't want this child, I won't give birth to him! If you have the ability, lock me up for the rest of your life. Otherwise, one day I will kill you!" Bai Ruo shouted angrily.She was spellcast by Rou'er, and she was trapped in bed for several days.

"What a coincidence, I don't want this child either." Di Mohan smiled, "But seeing you like this, I decided to keep this child."

"I won't stay, you delusional!" Bai Ruo's eyes were red.

"Hmph, if I say you stay, you must stay." Di Mohan said with a sneer, "You owe Linglong your life. If the child is born, if I can find Linglong, I will marry her. If I can't find her, he will be Linglong. child. You are not worthy to be his mother and concubine!"

"You're delusional!" Bai Ruo shouted hysterically when she heard Di Mohan's words. "I'll kill him with my own hands, and I'll be blind for the rest of my life to see you."

Listening to Bai Ruo's words, Di Mohan waved his hand again.Bai Ruo's voice was restrained again.

"Your voice makes me sick. If you want to be free, give birth to the baby. Otherwise you stay here forever."

"How long can you lock me up?" Bai Ruo had a mocking smile on her face. "I practiced together with you. You returned to the palace, but I disappeared. My queen mother and master will definitely find me."

"I can't imprison you for a long time, but I can wash away your memory. When you give birth to a child, you can go back to your fairyland." Di Mohan said with a smile. "One life for one life! Very suitable!"

Bai Ruo never expected that Di Mohan would have such an idea.Suddenly angry.Teeth were also gritted.

"Be angry, the more angry you are, the better. You can still be here properly, and Linglong is not even a sign. You owe her this." After finishing speaking, Di Mohan stood up, "This Zixiao Palace, I made an enchantment, even the Queen Mother and Emperor Qinghua can't detect your traces. So you give up!"

Bai Ruo clenched her hands into fists, blood was already flowing from her palms.

"See father and mother!" Di Mohan arrived at Tianfei Palace.

"Get up!" Tianjun glanced at Di Mohan. "What's the matter with your concubine?"

"If you go back to my father, it's a fairy that I met during the calamity. The scar on her face was caused to save my son, so I accepted her." Di Mohan had already thought out his words.

"So that's how it is." After Tianjun heard this, he had a much better impression of this concubine.

After hearing this, the Concubine Tian also felt that she had gone too far with the concubine concubine. It turned out that she had always thought that the concubine concubine had played some tricks to confuse her son for a while and let him accept her.Unexpectedly, the wound on her face was caused by her own son.I felt a little guilty.

"This child's son intends to let her stay. She doesn't want to stay in Heaven. After she gives birth, I will send her back to her original place."

"Why doesn't she want to stay?" The concubine Tian didn't expect this concubine to be unwilling to stay in the heavenly court.

"Or I feel that my face is damaged, and I have aphasia. So I can't get used to it." Di Mohan said with a reason.

(End of this chapter)

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