Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 254 Ancient Kunlun Mirror

Chapter 254 Ancient Kunlun Mirror

"You decide these things yourself, but there is one thing, you must make it clear to Princess Bairuo. Otherwise, the princess will be in trouble if she gets angry." Tianjun warned.

"Yes!" Di Mohan didn't make any excuses, he had already made up his mind.

After Tianjun left, Tianfei said.

"It seems that I misunderstood her. I will ask someone to pack up some elixir and peaches for the concubine, so that she can make up for it. When the time comes, give me a white and fat grandson." Son is very guilty.I plan to make up for the concubine concubine.

"It's better for the mother and concubine to have less contact with her. She is stubborn. After giving birth, I will let her go." Di Mohan didn't speak to his mother and concubine like he did to his father.

"Okay, listen to you. Since you are back, go and accompany her well. She became like this because of you." Tianfei Empress said with a smile.

"My son retire!"

Emperor Mohan returned to Zixiao Palace.Xiao Rou immediately greeted her with a smile all over her face.

"See Your Highness the Crown Prince!"

"How is Concubine Shu?" Di Mohan asked.

"The concubine concubine has been lying on the couch silently. She still doesn't eat or drink." Xiaorou was a little surprised when he saw that Emperor Mohan asked about concubine concubine, but she still answered as usual.

"If she doesn't eat, don't worry about her, nothing will happen anyway. You usually take good care of her, and don't let her hurt herself again!"

"Xiaoxian obeys!" Xiaorou was overjoyed when she heard Di Mohan's order.She originally thought that after His Royal Highness returned to the palace, she would be driven back to Tianfei Palace, but she didn't expect that His Royal Highness would actually keep her here.So close to His Royal Highness, after that. . . . .The more Xiaorou thought about it, the more excited she became.She felt that things were one step closer to what she had imagined.

Di Mohan turned around and entered the inner hall.Xiaorou wants to follow.Xiaoyi immediately grabbed her and shook her head.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has always disliked people entering the inner hall. If he was there, we would all serve outside." Xiaoyi saw Xiaorou glaring at her, and immediately explained.

"Oh." When Xiaorou heard what Xiaoyi said, her complexion immediately recovered, and there was a smile on her face. "Thank you, Xiaoyi. I am also a concubine who told me to pay more attention to the situation of concubine concubine, so I was a little anxious." .I hope Xiaoyi will remind you more in the future. "Xiao Rou said with a smile.

"En." Seeing Xiaorou's appearance, Xiaoyi didn't say much.After all, she was sent by the concubine Tian, ​​and she was of a higher rank than herself and Xiaoru.

When Di Mohan walked into the inner hall, Bai Ruo noticed it, but still didn't give him a look, and silently looked at the curtain above his head.

"If you are like this, you can do whatever you want. The things I have decided cannot be changed. If Linglong can come back alive, you will suffer less crimes. If you can't, hmph, you will never have a better life in this life!" Di Mo was cold and cold Said.

Bai Ruo didn't even want to get angry at this moment, and he couldn't get along with Di Mohan at all.looked up at him.

Seeing that Bai Ruo was about to speak, Di Mohan lifted her gag order.

"Yaochi has an ancient Kunlun mirror, which can see everything in the past thousands of years. I didn't kill Yue Linglong. It was because she wanted to kill me, so I fought back and fell into the abyss. If you don't believe me, take me back to Yaochi, and I will bring her back to Yaochi. You watch the whole thing. See who's lying."

The ancient Kunlun mirror is said to be able to see the past thousands of years, but it costs a lot of money to see it once.

(End of this chapter)

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