Chapter 266

Although Di Mohan was somewhat grateful for Xiaoyi for saving Yue Linglong, he was still wary of Xiaoyi in his heart.He planned to ask the personal guard to check the origin of this little clothes.After all, in such a dangerous place as the extremely cold place, it is doubtful that an ordinary fairy can live there.

"Xiaoyi is homeless all by herself, I want to repay her, and she will live with me from now on, brother, do you agree?" Yue Linglong looked at Di Mohan expectantly.

"Okay, she is your savior. Since you are homeless, let her follow you," Di Mohan said with a smile.

"Senior brother, I want to go back to the teacher's school, but I am like this now..." Yue Linglong touched the veil with her hand. "I am afraid..."

"Don't go back to the teacher's gate, I will take you back to the Heavenly Court directly. I will return to Beihua Palace after your face recovers." Di Mohan looked at Yue Linglong, who was like a frightened bird, and became even more angry with Bai Ruo in his heart. big.

"But will Tianjun and Tianfei empress hate me?" Yue Linglong asked in fear. "I'm not what I used to be, what I am now..."

"No! After you go to the Heavenly Court, you will directly live in Zixiao Palace." Di Mohan said softly.

"Well, I'll listen to senior brother!" Yue Linglong lowered her head shyly.But in his heart, he felt emotional that every time he went to Heaven, he would live in the palace next to Zixiao Palace, but this time he could live directly in Zixiao Palace.That proves that the senior brother still has feelings for him.It also proves to everyone in the heavenly court that she will be the woman of the prince of the heavenly clan in the future.

Yue Linglong originally wanted to ask about Bai Ruo's situation, but thought the timing was wrong.The words came to his mouth and swallowed again.After returning to the Heavenly Court, I will ask again, and there is also the matter of the concubine. She does not believe that the senior brother will accept a concubine, maybe it was given by the concubine or the emperor.Brother had no choice but to accept it.

Di Mohan thought for a while, and said to Yue Linglong. "I'll use a spell to restore your face first. It looks intact to others, but it's just a cover-up. After the Ancient Huanyan Pill is ready, you won't need this spell."

"Really?" Yue Linglong couldn't believe it. "Others can see that my face is intact?" Yue Linglong didn't expect her senior brother to come up with such a way.

"En." After Di Mohan finished speaking, he began to form an array.After a while, the scars on Yue Linglong's face gradually disappeared.

Yue Linglong felt numbness and itchiness on her face, and watched the scars on her face slowly disappear in the bronze mirror, returning to the appearance before the injury.Yue Linglong couldn't help crying bitterly. "Senior brother, if my face can be restored to the truth now? Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh..."

"Miss, don't feel bad. I believe His Royal Highness will restore your face to its original state." Xiaoyi comforted Yue Linglong.Originally, she thought that Yue Linglong would go to the Heavenly Court with that injured face on her face, and when she was wronged, she would hate Princess Bairuo even more, and then she would provoke her again.What happened next was even more exciting.Unexpectedly, the prince of the Tianzu would come up with such a method.But it doesn't matter, the ancient Huanyan Pill is not so easy to refine, and there are so many rare materials, and it is not easy to find.

"Well, I will definitely get better!" Yue Linglong still couldn't help touching her smooth face.She is in a trance now, feeling that the previous few months were like a dream, and she was not injured at all.

 There are more and more comments recently, very happy!Thank you everyone for your chapter comments and upvotes!Thank you for the reward!In fact, I didn't expect this book to go so far.In the future, the comments on a single chapter will exceed [-], and a new chapter will be added.I will work harder to code words!Thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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