Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 267 I must understand this matter clearly.

Chapter 267 I must understand this matter clearly.

"Where did you say Master went?" Bei Mingyue asked Qingfeng and Feng Yizhe with a bitter face. "This time when I went to the Heavenly Court, the guards all said that the prince of the Heavenly Clan did not return to the palace. Then where did he go? Where did Master go?"

"Since Junior Sister Bai Ruo didn't go to the Heavenly Court, then she should be still in the extremely cold place. Maybe there is something new." Qingfeng didn't expect to go to the Heavenly Court to ask, but she didn't get any news.

They had no choice but to search elsewhere from heaven.They searched for several months, and searched all the areas around the heaven that belonged to the east.No sign of Bai Ruo was found.They returned to the Heavenly Court, stopped by the Taishang Laojun to help refine the elixir, and waited for Emperor Mohan to return to the palace to ask questions.

As soon as I arrived at the market at the foot of Tianting Mountain, I heard the immortals talking about something.

"His Royal Highness has accepted a concubine. I heard that she is even more beautiful than Princess Bairuo and Fairy Linglong."

"Really? How do you know that she looks better than Princess Bairuo and Fairy Linglong?"

"Think about it, His Highness the Crown Prince and Fairy Linglong have such a good relationship, it's all because Fairy Linglong wants to withdraw from Princess Yaochi's marriage. If it wasn't for the excellent concubine concubine, how could His Highness the Crown Prince accept her as a concubine? Heroes have been sad since ancient times. Beauty off!"

"I heard that the concubine concubine seems to be from the fox clan, with a pair of beautiful eyes. She doesn't leave Zixiao Palace all day long."

"Is there such a thing? It must be very favored by His Royal Highness."

"I also heard that the concubine concubine is pregnant, and the concubine concubine Tian has rewarded the concubine concubine with many elixir supplements."

Bei Mingyue exploded when she heard it. "Did you hear that? My master and the prince of the heavenly clan went out to practice together, but there is no news about my master. The prince of the heavenly clan actually accepted a concubine and was pregnant. This is simply too shameless."

Feng Yizhe was also very unhappy when he heard this, "I never thought Mo Han, the crown prince of the Celestial Clan, would be such a playful person. First there was Fairy Linglong, and now there is a concubine. This is putting the face of Yao Chi and Miao Yan Palace where?"

"Is there some misunderstanding?" Qingfeng felt that his cousin was not a playful person. With such an indifferent personality, how could he meet one and love the other?Moreover, compared to Fairy Linglong, Princess Bairuo has a different identity from the sky to the earth.In appearance, Princess Bairuo is better than Fairy Linglong,

"You are the cousin of the prince of the Tian clan, so of course you speak well of him." Feng Yizhe glared at Qingfeng fiercely. "I must understand this matter clearly. If it is true, I must persuade my junior sister to break off the engagement with him."

"Yes, we must let Master and the Crown Prince of the Heavenly Clan break off the engagement. Master is the queen of Yaochi. Why should she serve a husband with others. And now there is another concubine. It's really disgusting." Bei Mingyue was angry. Said.

"Let's go to Taishang Laojun first, and listen to the news before we talk. We can't just call the door." Qingfeng looked at the angry people and quickly persuaded them.I was afraid that they would go directly to the Zixiao Palace, and that would be a big deal.

"Okay, let's go to Taishang Laojun first. I want to see what's going on." Feng Yizhe flew towards Lihentian, Taishang Laojun's palace in a huff.

Bei Mingyue and the others quickly followed.

"See Qingfeng Shenjun and Feng Yizhe Shenjun!" Li Hentian's guards hurriedly greeted Qingfeng and Feng Yizhe.If there is any god in the world, he will be promoted from a god to a god.Everyone will know.Each denomination will also send a message to inform their disciples.

 If you have finished reading the latest chapter, you can go to read my old sayings ending article.

(End of this chapter)

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