Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 268 I will definitely ask carefully

Chapter 268 I Will Definitely Ask Carefully
"Exemption! I will come to see the Supreme Lord today. Does the Lord have time to see us?" Qingfeng Shenjun asked the guard with a smile.

"Laojun has already counted how many people will come, and told Xiaoxian to entertain the gods well. But Laojun is still practicing in seclusion. If the gods want to see Laojun, they will have to wait for some time."

"Lao Jun retreated? Why is it so unfortunate?" Feng Yizhe said with a frown after hearing Taishang Laojun retreat.

"Since Laojun came back from the land of Beihua last time, he has been refining those elixir and immortal grass. The time to go out is very little."

Hearing what the guards said, Qingfeng Shenjun and Feng Yizhe didn't say much.Silently followed the guards to the guest hall where they often lived.

"Princess Beiming, your room is opposite." Xian'e said to Beimingyue respectfully. "If you have any orders, tell me anytime."

"Thank you." Bei Mingyue smiled and thanked.

Feng Yizhe waved at Bei Mingyue.Said to Bei Mingyue in a low voice. "From today onwards, you should get close to these celestial beings and ask about things in Zixiao Palace."

"Okay, I will definitely ask carefully." Bei Mingyue immediately promised when she heard Feng Yizhe say this.

Bei Mingyue immediately walked towards Xian'e who received her just now.

"What's the name of this fairy?" Bei Mingyue smiled sweetly at Xian'e who received her just now.

"Princess, you can call me Luoer."

"Luoer, what a good name." Bei Mingyue praised. "This Heavenly Court is very different from our Beiming. It feels like spring all the year round here, and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant. It is very beautiful. Unlike our Beiming land, it is frozen for thousands of miles all year round, and it is a vast expanse of white."

Sure enough, Luoer was raised as a curiosity by Bei Mingyue. "Princess Beiming, is it cold there?"

"It's cold, why isn't it cold. But everyone is a god, and they have the magic power to resist, so they get used to it. Occasionally, it will be warmer for a few months." Bei Mingyue introduced with a smile. "Are you in the Heavenly Palace of Lihen all year round?"

"No, I'm usually here when I'm on duty. Occasionally, I'll be sent to walk around in the heavenly court, or get some supplies." Luo Er replied honestly.

"Is there anything interesting in the heavenly court recently? Or something lively?" Bei Mingyue began to lead the topic quietly.

"It's nothing exciting, but our crown prince has accepted a concubine concubine, and concubine concubine is pregnant now, and she will give birth to a young highness soon." Luo Er looked up and thought for a while, and said.

"His Royal Highness accepted the concubine concubine?" Bei Mingyue raised her voice a little, and immediately reacted, and said with a smile. "I don't know where this concubine concubine is from. If His Highness the Crown Prince takes a fancy to her, she must be very beautiful and have very powerful mana, right?"

Luo Er gave Bei Mingyue a strange look, but she thought Bei Mingyue was curious.I didn't think too much about it. "I don't know where the concubine concubine is from. She has never been out of Zixiao Palace, but I heard that she is very beautiful and has a very good temper."

Bei Mingyue cursed Di Mohan in her heart, that shameless man is so fickle.He still asked with a smile on his face. "I heard that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is in love with that Linglong fairy? How could he suddenly accept the concubine concubine? It's really strange..."

"The status of His Royal Highness is so high, it is not surprising that there is a concubine."

 Say important things three times, there are more than [-] single-chapter comments in the chapter comments, and one more chapter will be added!Don't miss such a good thing!Don't stop commenting in the circle of book friends, and do all the check-in tasks.Please don't ask repeated questions about the questions that the Great God said. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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