Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 270 I Marry You

Chapter 270 I Marry You

Bei Mingyue looked at Xiaoru suspiciously, this Xiaoru's statement was too unconvincing.

"Sister Xiaoru, this is the elixir prepared for the concubine." Luo Er handed the things to Xiaoru.

Xiaoru took the things, thanked her, and left in a panic.I was afraid that Bei Mingyue would open her mouth and want to follow to see the concubine concubine.

"Look at this Xiaoru, it seems that she will be punished for taking a look at the Concubine Concubine, running so fast. I think this Concubine Concubine must be weird, otherwise why would she not come out of Zixiao Palace and not let people see her. "Bei Mingyue said angrily.

"Xiaoxian doesn't understand either." Luo Er smiled and didn't answer.

Bei Mingyue decided that after she got to know her well, she must quietly go to see what was going on with this concubine.

Di Mohan took Yue Linglong back to the Heavenly Court in a leisurely manner.

"Senior brother, I'm afraid!" Yue Linglong arrived at Nantianmen with a look of fear on her face.

"Don't be afraid!" Di Mohan said softly. "You look no different than usual."

"But..." Yue Linglong still hesitated to speak.

"I'll take you directly to Zixiao Palace, and then make it clear to my father, monarch, mother and concubine. From now on, you will be my side concubine."

"Senior brother!" Yue Linglong looked at Di Mohan with surprise on her face, tears in her eyes. "You said, you want to marry me as a side concubine?"

"Well, you will live in the guest hall of Zixiao Palace first, and I will ask my concubine to choose a date, and I will definitely give you a grand wedding! I will marry you!"

"I'm really happy." Yue Linglong didn't expect her senior brother to make such a decision when she first arrived in Heaven.I wanted to be my brother's concubine for 3000 years.Now it's about to come true.She was indescribably excited.But my heart is more apprehensive.One is the truth 3000 years ago, and I am afraid that everything will be lost if the senior brother knows it.It's the current self, whose face is damaged, and who maintains his appearance by relying on his senior brother's cover-up.She was afraid what would happen if the mana failed?She is always worried that if her magic power fails, her damaged face will appear in front of the immortals.Then what face do you have?
It's all that bitch like Princess Bai Ruo, if she hadn't slapped me, how could I have fallen into a sea of ​​swords and flames.How could he suffer these eight months of suffering?She still remembers the heart-rending pain day and night, and every time she hopes that all this is not true, and that when she wakes up, she can return to normal.

"See His Royal Highness the Prince!" When the two arrived at Zixiao Palace, the guards guarding the gate saluted one after another.

"I'm tired from the journey, you should take a rest first, I'll go and talk to my father, mother and concubine now." Di Mohan comforted Yue Linglong.

"Well, I'll listen to senior brother." Yue Linglong gave Di Mohan a shy look, and nodded slightly in agreement.

Di Mohan turned around and walked out.

Xiaoyi congratulated Yue Linglong with joy on her face. "Congratulations to Fairy Linglong, your wishes come true."

"Heh, what good intentions do you want? I look like this now, what if my mana suddenly fails?" Yue Linglong gently touched her smooth and delicate cheeks with her hands.This touch is very real, unlike the potholes of the previous days.

"His Royal Highness is a god, how could his mana fail, Fairy Linglong, you are too worried. You, just relax and wait to be your bride beautifully."

"Even so, I'm still very scared..." Yue Linglong didn't know why, but she always felt uneasy.

 The holiday is over, add another chapter. . . .Also for that millennium flower blooming just waiting for you to add more.Write so many words. .thank you!Everyone, go to the book friend circle and leave a message below my top comment to support!Thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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