Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 271 Is the concubine concubine going to give birth to His Royal Highness?

Chapter 271 Is the concubine concubine going to give birth to His Royal Highness?

"Xiaorou sees Fairy Linglong!" Xiaorou heard the guards say that Yue Linglong had come to Zixiao Palace, so she immediately went to the guest hall to curry favor with her.

"Sister Xiaorou, why did you come to Zixiao Palace?" Yue Linglong greeted Xiaorou very gently after seeing Xiaorou.

"Back to Fairy Linglong, I have been sent by the concubine Tian to Zixiao Palace for several months to take care of the concubine concubine's body." After Xiao Rou finished speaking, she immediately covered her mouth with an annoyed expression on her face.

Yue Linglong hated it in her heart, but she still said with a smile on her face. "I've heard about senior concubine's concubine for a long time. I wonder where this concubine's concubine is from?" Yue Linglong pretended to be magnanimous.

"Xiaoxian didn't know either. After learning that Fairy Linglong, you have returned to Zixiao Palace, Xiaoxian came to greet you. There is still something to do with the concubine concubine, and the little highness is about to be born. Xiaoxian will leave first." Xiaorou said He ran away in a panic.But she couldn't be more happy in her heart, this Fairy Linglong is back, and the concubine concubine is about to give birth to a little Highness.

It turned out that she thought that this Linglong fairy had disappeared and might never come back, so she kept having fantasies, thinking that after the concubine concubine gave birth, she would find a chance to become the woman of His Highness the Crown Prince.Unexpectedly, Yue Linglong came back.

Yue Linglong was like a bolt from the blue.His face turned pale in an instant. "Xiaoyi, Xiaorou, did she say that the concubine concubine is going to give birth to a young highness?" Yue Linglong stared at Xiaoyi with a fierce expression on her face.

"Miss, you heard it right, that Xiaorou said so." Xiaoyi replied.She has known about this for a long time, but now she cooperates with a surprised and unbelievable expression. "His Royal Highness should have some difficulties. He is so kind to you, so don't be sad. Even if this concubine concubine gave birth to a young highness, she and that little highness can't compare with your position in the high prince's heart. You must Don't get confused by yourself first, and then let them take advantage of it." Xiaoyi comforted Yue Linglong in a low voice.

"Why? Why did this happen..." Yue Linglong said in a daze. She had long regarded senior brother Di Mohan as her own, and she thought that she would definitely be his concubine.But he never expected that there would be such a powerful enemy, Princess Bai Ruo of Yaochi.She couldn't fight Bai Ruo's identity, so she had to beg for mercy and become a side concubine.But unexpectedly, there is actually a concubine here, and what is even more hateful is that the concubine's child is about to be born.This counts the time, because not long after he disappeared, the senior brother was with that concubine.

"Senior brother, why did you treat me like this? I don't believe it! I don't believe it!" Yue Linglong burst into tears. "I'm going to see what that concubine concubine looks like. Where did she come from?"

As Yue Linglong said, she planned to rush out to find the concubine concubine.

Xiaoyi quickly grabbed her. "Miss, please calm down first. This is in Zixiao Palace, and your words and deeds will be seen by others. If you are impulsive, you will be in trouble when the time comes. The matter is already like this, please calm down first, we will think about it carefully." Find a way." Xiaoyi whispered to Yue Linglong. "You are not a side concubine yet, if you rush over like this, what will happen when things get out of hand?"

(End of this chapter)

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