Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 273 What do you want to do?

Chapter 273 What do you want to do?
"My son..." Di Mohan didn't know what to say, "Mother and concubine don't worry, my son will not be manipulated by anyone."

After the concubine Tianfei listened.sighed. "Tell me, what do you want to do?"

"I want to marry Linglong as my side concubine and have a banquet in the Heavenly Court. Please choose a good day for my mother and concubine." Di Mohan said with an apologetic smile. "Mother and concubine, please forgive me."

Concubine Tian didn't speak for a while, and after a while, she spoke. "I agree to this matter, but I have to choose the time carefully. You must not make up your own mind. Otherwise, I don't care what your father will do."

"Thank you, Concubine Mother!" Di Mohan didn't expect to be able to set the time right away.But as long as the concubine mother agrees, this matter will definitely happen.

"Hurry back and see your concubine concubine. With Yue Linglong, you have to be careful. She is only allowed to live in the guest hall. If something happens before the marriage, don't blame me for taking care of her." The concubine Tian said angrily. .

"I obey!" Di Mohan nodded in agreement. "Mother and concubine, thank you for your hard work, and my son will leave!"

"Go!" Empress Tianfei waved her hand.

Di Mohan returned to Zixiao Palace.

"See Your Highness the Crown Prince!" Xiaorou greeted him gently.

"Where is the concubine concubine?" Di Mo said coldly.

"Your Majesty is meditating inside."

"What?" When Di Mohan heard this, his anger was ignited.They are all pregnant for more than eight months, with a big belly, and they are still thinking about practicing to restore their divine body.

Di Mohan strode in.He looked at Bai Ruo angrily. "Do you really want to leave here? Yes, you can leave after giving birth to a child."

Bai Ruo ignored Di Mohan and continued to practice.She feels that her body has recovered a lot recently.Although it is not strong enough to lift the imprisonment of Zixiao Palace, it can open the magic weapon of space.Bai Ruo quietly took out a lot of the elixir from the magic weapon of space and ate it.On the surface, he still maintains a weak appearance.

"Heh, no matter how much you practice, it's useless. The imprisonment and enchantment I set up by myself, it's impossible for you, a god, to open it." Di Mo looked at Bai Ruo with a cold smile.

"You have been in this palace for several months, today I will take you to have a good tour of Zixiao Palace, do you see how it is different from your fairyland?"

Bai Ruo still ignored Di Mohan.The atmosphere froze for a while.

Yue Linglong heard Xiaoyi say that Emperor Mohan returned to Zixiao Palace from Tianfei Palace, and immediately walked out of the inner hall of the guest hall eagerly.

"Xiaoyi, do you think the Concubine Tian has agreed? I am very worried. What if the Concubine Tian does not agree?" Yue Linglong walked in place.

"Miss, you are so kind, how could the Empress Tianfei not agree. You don't have to worry. Why don't you walk around Zixiao Palace to relax? Don't think so much." Xiaoyi suggested.

"Alright." Yue Linglong nodded in agreement.Brother just came back.He must have gone to the inner hall to see the concubine concubine.It's not easy for me to break in directly. If I walk around the entrance of the hall, pretending to see it accidentally, and then go in, it will not be so conspicuous.Yue Linglong made up her mind to see what that concubine concubine really looked like.Where is the fairy.

Along the way, all the immortals and guards saluted Yue Linglong.

"I've seen Fairy Linglong!"

"I've seen Fairy Linglong!"

"I've seen Fairy Linglong!"

"Everyone is free!" Yue Linglong looked at the fairies and guards with a decent smile on her face.

 Spoiler for Zhuxiantai: In the Antarctic, you saved my life.Now I will pay you two lives!May we never see each other forever!Xianxiawen finally jumped to Zhuxiantai! . . . .The same thing applies to reality.What I owe you has been paid off before you know it.May life after life never see you again!

(End of this chapter)

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